
Into The Deep
The Drexciyan Mythocracy
The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
You will not be able to stay home, comrade.
The Pro-Cop March on Washington
The men abusing women have names and badge numbers
the lego movie is a perfect representation of neoliberal ideology
Into the effort at the inoculation of radical ideas come mass cultural products like the Lego Movie.
what organizations are worth joining?
Clown Fucka Boyz : Applications are now closed for the season.
Lets all join organizations now lol
Stop hiding behind really good and excellent music threads and Some badas but sarcastic flamewars
God Exists
With Lent almost upon us and the day of the Lord's resurrection only slightly further ahead, I think it's a fitting time to discuss liberation theology.
Two Captives: The Self-Defense Case for Socialism
Bound and gagged, a young man has been left to starve in the basement of his kidnapper. Though weakened from a lack of food and water, he manages to untie himself, and, arming himself with a nearby plank of wood, he lies in wait.
Knowing your audience? Django Unchained
Quentin Tarantino finally made a version of Inglorious Basterds for me.
how to wake up from a reoccuring nightmare: a response
we are prohibited from investigating the future, but every second holds the potential for messianic emergence.
how to wake up from a reoccuring nightmare
garbage swirls throughout our oceans and festers all over the land.
Proof of Atlantis to be released in Quest to End world Tyranny
Spiritual warfare is being fought every day under the veneer of a sane human everyday existence.
Fuck The New Inquiry, And Other Tales
Leftwing intellectualism and the bourgeois cult of words.
the united states is a sham construct used to keep the people down
the answer is creating a shadow state that delivers community services and then kicking out the state legislatures and seceding from the union, or at least renegotiating the terms of being a part of it.
voting for president is ridiculous in the united states
the status quo is what currently matters in the united states. maintaining the trajectory at all costs is what matters.
The Necessity Of Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon stands as a Jewish Messiah, dying for the sins of gentiles and their forefathers. Come, impale Atzmon with a lance upon the cross!
A Broem
"Plenty of Communists do drugs!" you whine with dismay.
How to Combat Liberalism
I am resolutely opposed to liberalism, am very good at sniffing out a liberal when I sense one, and also efficient in identifying and attacking the offending liberal positions, tendencies and character deficiencies that lend the liberal to his rightist deviance.
what will be done? the state of the (swedish) left and the way forward
Europe today is a continent pockmarked by conflict. From Bristol to Barcelona one can see the outlines of struggle being waged by political parties and labor unions as the noose of austerity mercilessly draws tighter. What is then to be said of Sweden, and of the swedish Left party?
Bahrain: The Revolution Forgotten
I went to a speech about the "Arab Spring" at the LSE last year and stood up to ask why Bahrain was never talked about. Why is it that Bahrain is unworthy of mention? I think this is why it's important to accept that on one hand, yes, the Arab Spring is legitimate and comes from people's desires to shrug off the yoke of oppression. On the other hand, it is a media narrative that has been utilized to push neoliberal policies in the region. This media narrative is subject to power interests. This explains very well why Bahrain has been "forgotten".
Actions and Writings by the Young Lords
lately i've been interested in the idea that the lumpenproletariat (or the unemployables as huey p newton called them) should be the focus of radical organizing. this week, i'm going to post different actions, programs, and writings of the young lords and other organizations that took this analysis.
The “1% vs 99%” analysis is not a class analysis
Many first world communist parties have attached themselves to the "1% vs 99%" analysis of capitalist society. However, they have done so uncritically. A 99% v 1% analysis is fundamentally too vague to be useful as an analytical tool when looking at how policy is formulated and carried out in any political system. This is reflected by occupy's focus on campaign financing and relatively inconsequential legal fictions like corporate personhood.
Sovereignty, Subsistence, and Revolt (pt. I)
We have arrived, as a species, at a peculiar juncture in the development of our shared world-system. An interdigitating set of political-economic and ecological crises looms large, threatening centuries of deprivation for our descendants, if not outright extinction. An absurdly unjust system of global capitalism, benefitting a tiny minority of kleptocrats and criminals, staggers mindlessly toward oblivion. As unrest grows and these crises intensify, it has become painfully obvious that no reform of this revolutionary state-capitalist machine is possible. It will destroy itself, and us with it, plunging us into debt-serf neofeudalism or worse, if we do not stop it.
Postmodern Racism and OWS: The myth of non-hierarchy
Notions of broad American populism are popular on the white “left”, but nearly all the gains from broad American populism go to a privileged strata of white people. When radicals divorce the 99% rhetoric from the history of American populism, they are ignoring how that broad rhetoric has been used to exclude the needs of the disenfranchised. Without a POC-centered strategy, nothing is stopping the ruling class from using the same tools to reduce class tensions.
On Nationalism
the working class is under attack worldwide and will not gather around one flag because the one flag concept is what is attacking them. leftist protesters in the united states have the wherewithal to wave flags. they don't mind. they understand the forces at work against them are flagless, and we count on footage of pigs trampling the flag while they beat your ass to stir that kernal of patriotism still embedded deep in every american thanks to years of pledging the damn thing in grade school. it's a smart move and very practical at this juncture. globalization depends on a fake front of dissolution of nation states to get by.
Commentary on Pinkwashing, 2008-2011: Obituary for a Hasbara strategy
I'm a straight cisgendered white male so I speak from a position of privilege on basically all issues of gender and sexuality but I find it extremely problematic that the liberal gay rights movement bases its position on a sort of sexual-essentialism, that gays are "born this way" and "cant help it". It is about as scientific and coherent as race science. Sexuality is behavior, and obviously can be controlled and channeled in many, many different ways. This is clear from history and comparative anthropology. There is no such thing as a "gay" person, nor a "straight" person. These are boundaries peculiar to a given culture, and the antagonisms between them are disciplined by the prime socioeconomic forces of the day: i.e. capitalism.
The Moral and Legal Case for Sabotage
A worker at a munitions factory, wondering about the morality of creating weapons, inquires about the proportion of civilian and military deaths caused by any particular bomb he has created. His superior reveals that in Iraq, casualties are roughly 44% women and 39% children; at least 85% of those killed are thus highly likely to be civilians. This realization would require at the very least the worker's conscientious objection and immediate refusal to continue work on the bombs. But the bomb-maker is in a unique position to go farther...