
thirdplace posted:

my understanding is that most modern slaves (of whatever sort) work for a nominal wage, while being charged by their employer (and generally indebted) for their room and board. thus, its it pretty easy to define someone who in actuality has no real freedom as an empowered worker if one is so inclined

Yes but those conditions exist within other types of migrant labor (i.e. foreign workers in gulf monarchies). But if you were to say that the solution to human trafficking in domestic work, garment manufacturing, and agriculture would be a de facto ban on those industries and arresting people who buy produce, clothes, or who hire cleaning services or nannies you would be considered a lunatic.

on the other hand nobody needs to have sex

littlegreenpills posted:

on the other hand nobody needs to have sex

no.... don't end up like me................

conec sux

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

conec sux

let's try to cool it with the homophobic and misogynistic comments. ("sucks" = something wrong with sucking dick, which there obviously isn't)

i can finally confirm that sex is gross
sex is just fine but i think its okay to say that as long as one just one woman in the world is victimized and oppressed by her john or her pimp it trumps the right of women who call themselves sex workers and feel A-OK about it to have a job that suits them

littlegreenpills posted:

sex is just fine but i think its okay to say that as long as one just one woman in the world is victimized and oppressed by her john or her pimp it trumps the right of women who call themselves sex workers and feel A-OK about it to have a job that suits them

false consciousness. just like workers who vote conservative, they don't understand their oppression.

[account deactivated]

false consciousness. just like workers who vote conservative, they don't understand their oppression.

"I have a college degree and I'm smarter than the working class" is one of the most neurotic, and most entertaining, parts of leftism.

You'll support teacher and nursing special interests simply because it's an excuse to raise taxes. You don't even care about the regressivity.

C_man, please continue downvoting and other childish behavior.

Edited by 5ywryurtyrt ()


littlegreenpills posted:

on the other hand nobody needs to have sex

I guess somebody did lol


MadMedico posted:

thirdplace posted:
my understanding is that most modern slaves (of whatever sort) work for a nominal wage, while being charged by their employer (and generally indebted) for their room and board. thus, its it pretty easy to define someone who in actuality has no real freedom as an empowered worker if one is so inclined

Yes but those conditions exist within other types of migrant labor (i.e. foreign workers in gulf monarchies). But if you were to say that the solution to human trafficking in domestic work, garment manufacturing, and agriculture would be a de facto ban on those industries and arresting people who buy produce, clothes, or who hire cleaning services or nannies you would be considered a lunatic.

capitalism is bad?? what are you some kind of lunatic?

serious opinions only, please

capitalism is bad?? what are you some kind of lunatic?

I'm autistic but let me try sarcasm.

Yes, slavery and abuse of power only occur under capitalism, and never under socialism.

maybe some people like being slaves, did you ever consider that? check your privilege
As a white male it is in your interest to support socialism; your fellow posters overwhelmingly agree. You don't criticize Social Security for transferring wealth from blacks to whites.
mustang please stop upvoting me/posting in general
My posts do more to combat White supremacism than you ever will. Explain why Social Security is good because it transfers wealth from blacks to whites.
time and time again i try to pull my hands from the keyboard, but my fingers are numb and ignorant, as if called to action by invisible strings. my mind screams out. but my hands continue to post, dancing to a music only they can hear.
Explain how welfare, which literally pays blacks to have children and not work, doesn't entrench White supremacism then.

“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson
master troll "mustang19" learns that he can contort his dick to fit inside his own butthole. more news at 10

innsmouthful posted:

master troll "mustang19" learns that he can contort his dick to fit inside his own butthole. more news at 10

thats pretty good


littlegreenpills posted:

sex is just fine but i think its okay to say that as long as one just one woman in the world is victimized and oppressed by her john or her pimp it trumps the right of women who call themselves sex workers and feel A-OK about it to have a job that suits them

Better a woman to starve than suffer a fate crueler than death, being a professional sexhaver

mustang move out of your moms basement
i think the problem is if legalized and regulated prostitution were introduced into a hypothetical vacuum then things could work out like its advocates rhapsodize about - unions, professionalism, bla bla bla - but coercive structures are already there and the situation in amsterdam just led to existing trafficking cartels massively expanding their operations. a coerced prostitute will always be cheaper and more readily available than a willing one

MadMedico posted:

Yes but those conditions exist within other types of migrant labor (i.e. foreign workers in gulf monarchies). But if you were to say that the solution to human trafficking in domestic work, garment manufacturing, and agriculture would be a de facto ban on those industries and arresting people who buy produce, clothes, or who hire cleaning services or nannies you would be considered a lunatic.

have you ever met a woman who was so nonchalant about sex, so blase, that she had no more attachment to the physical act of love than she would to cleaning a sink or making a shirt? because brother I haven't and I roll with some pretty LiBeRaTeD LaDiEs ~wiggles eyebrows so hard the fuckers pop right off~

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

Sex is always an inherently a selfish act we desire in order to release chemicals in the brain which make us feel better. The notion of a "loving expression within a committed relationship" is a complete absurdity passed down through the eons from those attempting to interpret nature in a way so it complies with their religious doctrines.

it may be "selfish", but at least when people have sex without money changing hands, they're exchanging sexual gratification of equal value


5ywryurtyrt posted:

false consciousness. just like workers who vote conservative, they don't understand their oppression.

about the regressivity.

your habit of labeling something and then linking to a study without doing any work or analysis on your own is getting old. downvoted.

hmm lets see have you thought of this study of the contradictions of capitalism ever mustard?

maybe just read it and get back to me on a point by point level, thanks

your habit of labeling something and then linking to a study without doing any work or analysis on your own is getting old. downvoted.

I can do do that, but people complain when I post too much and link graphs.

The point doesn't require additional analysis, I just pointed out that education funding is regressive in most countries, which is a fact.

hmm lets see have you thought of this study of the contradictions of capitalism ever mustard?

If by contradictions you mean problems with physics and human nature common to all economic systems, then I don't disagree. The USSR basically collapsed for the reasons Marx predicted (falling rate of profit and bureaucratic monopoly).

lets talk about the gay gulag again the makeup thread is getting weir

putting gay men in a prison camp ghetto type situation is probably exactly what they want the freaks they like all that whip and chain stuff u know plus prison is like gay sex central they will have so much gay sex and become too powerful so maybe they should be castrated before put in the gulag thoughts????
can someone update the roster for kustom kolors krew? i can't pitch all this ground breaking content if i don't build formats for the sucker i'm trying to dupe.