glad to see i dont have thread monitor anymore so that we can have some badas conversations about Eugenics, the Freedom of the Ukrainian Nation, and the looming Russian threat

fleights posted:

Fascists in Ukraine are pro-European, though only because of the anti-Russian nature of Ukrainian nationalist sediment. No on is arguing for a support of European interests, merely the absolute necessity of recognizing the reactionary nature of the Russian state and it's pawns in Europe. The difference between the two imperialist blocs (Western Europe and the U.S., Russia, China Iran and Syria) is that the possibility of class consciousness is dwarfed by the sheer ideological power of the latter (almost comparable to 20th century Fascism) who unlike the current legitimate global capitalist order (I.e. U.S. hegemony) have offered a false solution to existing conditions, an alternative to American Imperialism and European liberal technocracy, in all it's 'weakness'. They posit themselves as opponents of the existing order of things while at the same time, in their very opposition sustain the global imperialist order.

wow, two imperialist blocs! That's amazing, what sort of organizations and mutual investments are they making?? Care to cite any sources or fact or are we just going to 'feels' this one out?


Superabound posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

removing flaws is what "perfecting" means...

the fact that "perfection" is an unobtainable—the objet petit a—doesn't preclude from it being the impetus for praxis. which is problematic because "perfection" is a subjective ideal and under capitalism that means the implementation of eugenics will occur within the framework of liberal idealistic pathos, attempts at removing sickle cell anemia from africans will occur concomitant experiments to induce docility, effectively lobotomies at the hereditary level

that is very reductionist and frankly, wildly inaccurate. Perfection is not simply about the eradication of flaws. Flaws are infirming, destructive, negative deviations from the baseline. The eradication of flaws results in nothing more than Adequacy and Fitness. There are many Adequate or Fit options within a non- or minimally-flawed system. Pefection requires taking what is Adequate and propelling it, through a hierarchical, limiting process of elimination to a singular Omega Point. Perfection requires the eradication of both flaws AND the entire continuum of non-flawed but sub-optimal diversity.

For example, the forced sterilization of all European Jews would of course remove a glaring and infinitely destructive set of both genetic and memetic flaws from both the Human pool and global society. But would the world be "Perfect" afterwards? Of course not. We would still have many other issues to contend with, such as Capitalism*, fiat money, and the other lasting, destructive results of the Jewish menace. But would we be, objectively, better off as a species? Absolutely.

*considered by many to be "flawed", but is, in fact, working exactly as designed and intended

vbut anyways, it's semantics. the point is that regardless of any good intentions behinds eugenics, it will get warped and twisted into something monstrous like all forms of technologies or ideas if there isn't resistance to the capitalists appropriating it (like all technological advances) to be used as a more efficient mode of oppression

im glad ronnie posts here nao
[account deactivated]
What the fuck is that new avatar tuppins. Jesus christ,
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

vbut anyways, it's semantics. the point is that regardless of any good intentions behinds eugenics, it will get warped and twisted into something monstrous like all forms of technologies or ideas if there isn't resistance to the capitalists appropriating it (like all technological advances) to be used as a more efficient mode of oppression

true, but this can be said of all sexhaving. but i would still prefer that an environmentally considerate, personally-managed, and humane system of eugenics be openly promoted in society, rather than the currently existing system of Capitalist dysgenics, where sociopathy and destructive resource hoarding are sexually preferentialized instead of being grounds for immediate forced sterilization

Everyone please stop advocating eugenics. It's making me crazy.
[account deactivated]
so apparently that law criminalizing homosexuality was disinfo

Alleged anti-Homosexuality law in Donbass exposed as Nazi fraud

And the next fake spread by our pro-Maidan “Activist Perspective” - about the 'law on homosexuality' allegedly adopted in LPR (Luhansk People's Republic).
We managed to find the LPR deputy Khokhlov - to catch him at the border - who is referred as the author of the 'law'. Khokhlov (from Communist party) denies the very fact of such a law or bill. Actually no mentions about the law are available in the websites of LPR. The law or bill on homosexuality was in fact never adopted, debated, voted or even introduced into agenda. The only reference – the words said in FB by Ukrainian pro-Kiev journalist V.Filimonenko (though, of course, everything that may discredit the rebels is willingly caught by our media).
The initial source of the news about fake law – Vsevolod Filimonenko – nationalist journalist who hasn’t been even in Lugansk at that time and wrote from Kiev a post in FB. That’s all. Vsevolod Filimonenko – an activist of Ukrainian far-right Radical Party of O.Lyashko – officially the assistant of O.Lyashko.
LPR officials appeared to be very surprised that they ‘adopted such a law’. No other traces of the law except FB post of Filimonenko are present. Certainly, our society is mostly homophobic (in the East like in the West), but no laws criminalizing homosexuality was adopted or debated in LPR in reality.

rhizzone is currently at the forefront of new research into phrenology

Crow posted:

so apparently that law criminalizing homosexuality was disinfo

so then exactly like the Russian law criminalizing homosexuality


libelous_slander posted:

rhizzone is currently at the forefront of new research into phrenology

my mom constantly phrenologically analyzes the people on TV. she has a theory that people with noses shaped like downwards-pointing arrows are all criminal sociopaths

so Jews then

Superabound posted:

libelous_slander posted:

rhizzone is currently at the forefront of new research into phrenology

my mom constantly phrenologically analyzes the people on TV. she has a theory that people with noses shaped like downwards-pointing arrows are all criminal sociopaths

hahaha that post is completely broken for some reason
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

Superabound posted:

libelous_slander posted:

rhizzone is currently at the forefront of new research into phrenology

my mom constantly phrenologically analyzes the people on TV. she has a theory that people with noses shaped like downwards-pointing arrows are all criminal sociopaths

Don't you dare speak ill of that handsome man.

another victim of superabounds sloppy coding


AmericanNazbro posted:

hahaha that post is completely broken for some reason

its because the fascist mods wont stop ethnically cleansing my image posting rights


libelous_slander posted:

another victim of superabounds sloppy coding

sloppy like a fox!!

give me thread monitor please or give it to crow again
Video of euromaiden coalition rejecting fascism, in a Rejecting Fascism March Against Fascism

Stepan Poltorak, the head behind the ukraine national guard, is the new ukrainian defense minister. This is pretty loaded with words and biased (and in german, again) https://www.jungewelt.de/ansichten/bef%C3%B6rderter-faschist-des-tages-stepan-poltorak but the claims of him being a proponent of purges in Donbass and supposedly keeping the majority of national guardists off public registers to prevent their persecution seem worth looking into
lol ive been watching the press briefings from the state department and matt lee is definitely awesome and usually the highlight of those. like i get the feeling he's not a hard leftist or anything, but has that old timey journalist ideology of exposing the glaring hypocrisy of the ruling structure. there's also an arab journalist named Said Arikat who's pretty good at asking honest questions that piss off israeli media.

Edited by aerdil ()

Matt Lee is the last living practitioner of the ancient, near-extinct journalistic technique of "asking someone a question" and "expecting them to actually answer it"
it's hard to believe but I.F. Stone, who questioned the entire premise of the Korean War, was referred to merely as a "liberal" journalist in his day. today, people try to smear him as an outright Soviet agent.

and while we're on the subject of journalism read this excellent take down of the WaPo's hit piece on Gary Webb:
I barely got a history degree from the university of south florida. Haha he is openly saying, Look dude, I'm not qualified to talk about this stuff, I'm not qualified for this job, I'm just a guy in a room saying sentences at you ok?
Slimy Assault's gonna be playing kilby court next month I cant wait.
i like how the White House woman has to babble over that dud generals shoulder to keep the show going when he breaks down
i have at least five kilograms of medals on my shirt. I know what I'm talking about
house or 2 on my shirt
killa mike and el-p: run the medals and campaign ribbons
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

has that cute russian legal lady done anything recently. she was like, head of the ministry of cute ladies who talk about stuff or uh, something? <3 that lady :3

green eyed lady legal lad-eeee

Gibbonstrength posted:

i have at least five kilograms of medals on my shirt. I know what I'm talking about

at least five kilograms
