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today i went out for dinner with my parents and some of their friends / my former neighbours and man... old people are really boring and unfunny. there was a guy there named danny who kept making jokes about low testosterone, but he meant it in an unironic mean homophobic way. i need more meatfriends.

anyway i'm going to start reading more about planning again because i enjoy that a lot. i bought a used book just now which is 530 pages of essays from economists and state officials from the period 1924 - 1930 in russia about economic strategy.
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NoFreeWill posted:

stegosaurus posted:

.custom223565{}NoFreeWill posted:i don't actually know anything about this but i doubt that bankers private security is that strong.youre right you dont know anything about this.

i mean like their personal security. and im sure they have really good security but like they do go out to restaraunts and broadway shows and stuff? like they live semi-normal lives. its not like rich ppl brazil where if you leave your gated community you get shot and mugged/carjacked.

oh yeah its not like that. idk, i was surprised to hear that they cared that much about inbound packages, since its utah and everyone here is a complete idiot and loves stocks and fucking other people over and shit.

[account deactivated]

conec posted:

It is very hot today about 73° outside

wait, i thought you lived in Florida?

my refrigerator is 73° during the summer


stegosaurus posted:

so this is kinda funny. even though goldman sachs has a big office in salt lake they don't take packages there. to deliver to goldman sachs you take the packages to another city miles away and give it to their special security team which exhaustively screens the packages and then delivers them to the office via an armored car or something. most insane procedure ive ever heard of. police departments and national guard bases are less paranoid.

the goldman sachs tower 200 West Street (a block from Ground Zero) doesnt even do that but i would imagine that it has something to do with having offices in different spots in the same region and simple economics. very few places have the equipment in place to do a real search of all or any incoming packages. it's probably cheaper to have a regional mail security branch in just certain office spaces than to have a security team and the necessary equipment in every office in every major U.S. town


getfiscal posted:

today i went out for dinner with my parents and some of their friends / my former neighbours and man... old people are really boring and unfunny. there was a guy there named danny who kept making jokes about low testosterone, but he meant it in an unironic mean homophobic way. i need more meatfriends.

anyway i'm going to start reading more about planning again because i enjoy that a lot. i bought a used book just now which is 530 pages of essays from economists and state officials from the period 1924 - 1930 in russia about economic strategy.

old people are incredibly gay and the fascination some younger people have about them is fail. disrespect your elders

[account deactivated]
you dont need renters insurance just buy a Gun
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

i cant buy a gun bcos i was 'baker acted' once - . -+

yeah it's probably really hard to get a gun on the black market in america. oh well.

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shouldnt this thread be moved to the faily planet? mods??
uh no
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The Faily Planet
News and Cat Pictures Only

tHE r H i z z o n E nEWs bUreAU

i rest my case
[account deactivated]
good point my bad
ernesto laclau has died. *looks up at sky* peace......
conec use the gun show loophole. pls im begging u
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

nofreewill first off i shudnt own a gun cos im like bipolar or sth n cud anhero im really gothic etc but also what goode would a gun do me if i were burglarized while i wasnt home

you could use it to intervene in neighbourhood watch situations.

[account deactivated]
bipolar won't exist under full communism
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

what about emo nd gothic

good question. the fading away of political questions and the struggle for everyday survival will confront humanity with its mortality in such an unsettling way that the entire population will become goth.


getfiscal posted:

there was a guy there named danny who kept making jokes about low testosterone, but he meant it in an unironic mean homophobic way. i need more meatfriends.

should tell him that gay people have actually have incredible high testosterone, then rape him


conec posted:

nofreewill first off i shudnt own a gun cos im like bipolar or sth n cud anhero im really gothic etc but also what goode would a gun do me if i were burglarized while i wasnt home

because a lot of people are satisfied to just steal a gun rathe than rummage through your inventory


conec posted:

i cant buy a gun bcos i was 'baker acted' once - . -+

fuck, that sucks. really shitty how these goons can just deny you your basic G-d given rights like that

i'm not allowed to buy guns either. or join the military. which frigging sucks because without a people's army the people have nothing.

conec posted:

what about emo nd gothic

god i hope not

the revolution will eliminate exploitation, intolerance, bourgeois culture, nerds, jocks, those guys who cut in lines and that jerk steve from high school
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[account deactivated]
whats a fahrenheit
the F was for ferengis, she was complimenting their cosplay ability.

Merzbow posted: