
babyfinland posted:

Themselves posted:

id like to see any of you guys explain marxian thought to somebody that has no fucking idea about political economy without sounding like a mouthbreather

with that said i probably could have just gotten up and bought some coffee but i actually get some kind of perverse joy out of asking people if they have studied the things they criticize (dick move, right?)

i explain that shit to children and ppl who barely speak english regularly dude step ur game up

im not gonna lie, when somebody posted yesterday about marx's law of surplus value/labor theory of value as lifting weights but 60% of your gains go to somebody that doesn't have good nutrition or even lift, i both took it seriously as potential agitprop yet couldnt take it serious at the same time

how hard is it to say "lazy rich assholes get their money off of our hard work"

dank_xiaopeng posted:

how hard is it to say "lazy rich assholes get their money off of our hard work"

when you have a severe speech impediment its hard to say anything with that many syllables


dank_xiaopeng posted:

how hard is it to say "lazy rich assholes get their money off of our hard work"

That's not a structural analysis though, that implies that we can just have different leaders, or that the whole problem is indissoluble, no?

Isn't this why we look at things structurally? Because even if I was magically in the spot of one of those rich guys, the only way for me to maintain my class status would be a systemic exploitative arrangement which I can claim I have no moral influence in, it just "is"?

at the point where a marxian analogy involving weightlifting captures more of a structural analysis than "the rich steal the products of the labor we produce/provide", properly orienting revolutionaries seems more problematic than "goons are autistic and that's why revolution cant happen"

i thought you were talking about convincing your peers about this stuff? just use easy to digest agitprop stuff man, if they actually seem interested/convinced you can bust out your dusty tome of Capital and your spreadsheets. if you start spergin about Corn Prices right off the bat their eyes will immediately glaze over and they will forever associate socialism with that spluttering weirdo at the debate meeting
the main pitfall ive seen Internet Leftists fall into when they talk marxizm with normies is that online debate is naturally combative and prickish and ironic and they come off that way reflexively irl and that turns people off. you just have to be commonsensical and relaxed, the chill edgy radical with Radical ideas *puts on shades, does a kickflip off a giant stack of Surplus-Value, skates off into Communist Heaven*
im talking parliamentary debate, there's kids that run long-winded Zizek arguments in that shit, but only at the high levels. I wanted to introduce some of these kids (east bay area) to arguments that are run in the urban debate leagues.

so of course i want to get the little community college kids up to date on some anti-capitalist shit but they're just getting used to argumentation structure or other bourgeois (the formal structure of debate/information presentation) concerns

im pretty sure Tim Wise called this style of debate a "bastion of white supremacy/privilege" (paraphrasing) and it really is an activity most people get into to pad their transcripts or help with a career in X or Y. the kind of arguments that win in these debates would make rules lawyers cream their pants. on the other hand, you have equal time with your opponent to get what you want across, so its an amazing opportunity to air criticism and speak publicly to an audience that presumably has been indoctrinated to let the logic speak for itself.

my first Big Boy books were Manufacturing Consent, Necessary Illusions, A People's History, and Killing Hope Not necessarily revisionist, but not necessarily Marxist or even anti-capitalist either.
Lol is babyfinland being asked abt some hs debate club
just show em this and watch a thousand flowers bloom broe

im very curious about the recent growth of the "libertarian movement" and i worry how many of them would agree that "lazy rich assholes get their money off of our hard work", and would just say, "yeah that Government" gets the money off our hard work.

is this where directionless agitation against one thing is remade as agitation for its opposite?
the libertarian movement is probably as coherent, powerful, articulate and well subscribed as socialism was a hundred years ago
so doesn't that mean its even more important to not let them coopt anti-capitalist feelings into bootstraps?

babyfinland posted:

Lol is babyfinland being asked abt some hs debate club

college debate is pretty intense brah u ever seen a round? by intense i mean brain melting

Lol no I haven't hahahha
I'm not trying to be rude sorry. I just don't care of E Oakland debate team is Marxist or not

Themselves posted:

so doesn't that mean its even more important to not let them coopt anti-capitalist feelings into bootstraps?

undoubtedly - i dunno to what extent college debates are really going to help matters. i mistakenly exaggerated about how many warm bodies are in the libertarian movement. those who really buy into its economic policies are invariably frustrated petty bourgeois. so it doesn't matter that they're probably lost to any kind of socialist persuasion. yet they're loud. they're really hella loud. they push the discourse into directions even the capitalists don't want it to go, (though it helps them on the whole). at the same time we don't have walmart workers and mcdonalds servers marching under the red flag, despite that they have they clearly have the will and the organization to march as the last couple of years has proven

"socialism is a vicious envy of hardworking families" on one side and "socialism is a fairer deal for hardworking families" on the other. both wrong
just note the necessity and particularities of growth under capitalism and that they're not making more land. you'll force your liberal opponents into sounding like space nerds, which they invariably are, and nobody likes nerds

babyfinland posted:

I'm not trying to be rude sorry. I just don't care of E Oakland debate team is Marxist or not

the funny thing is i decided the same thing, it was a waste of my time to try and agitate kids that had future dreams of college in their eyes

yet when i hear bhpn or others talking about doing what you can wherever it is that you live to push a Maoist/strong marxist line or whatever, that shit seems inspiring to me in the context of living in an ocean of right wing radio, endless strip malls and paycheck advance centers.


thirdplace posted:

just note the necessity and particularities of growth under capitalism and that they're not making more land. you'll force your liberal opponents into sounding like space nerds, which they invariably are, and nobody likes nerds

i was on the debate team two times, most recently as a coach. both times i was on the team we had a techno-fetishist guy that would do research at home and come into debates on poverty with cases about some kind of new food technology that would solve world hunger... talk about space elevators and other bullshit and then lose the round to some smooth talking 22 year old bill kristol clone

these kinds of ideas are looked at as "creative" and "innovative" despite being unfeasible. im worried that people don't laugh these spacenerds out of the room, like youre saying they will.... that on a cultural level we're all just hoping elon musk will save us all

i feel like when you move away from the core contradiction of capitalism: marx's labor theory of value, you move toward the infinite permutations of pro capitalist intellectual degeneracy since you're unable to really nail down where the problem lies (LTV versus the exchange model)


Themselves posted:

babyfinland posted:

I'm not trying to be rude sorry. I just don't care of E Oakland debate team is Marxist or not

the funny thing is i decided the same thing, it was a waste of my time to try and agitate kids that had future dreams of college in their eyes

yet when i hear bhpn or others talking about doing what you can wherever it is that you live to push a Maoist/strong marxist line or whatever, that shit seems inspiring to me in the context of living in an ocean of right wing radio, endless strip malls and paycheck advance centers.

Yes well u better learn how to distinguish that feeling from the truth or someone is going to make u a sucker imo

Edited by babyfinland ()

do you do the kind of debate that was making all the racists mad two weeks ago because the two best teams were all black and the championship debate was about colonialism?

elektrenai posted:

do you do the kind of debate that was making all the racists mad two weeks ago because the two best teams were all black and the championship debate was about colonialism?

that's policy debate which is very similar but not the same. policy debate started in the 70's or something and it uses evidence which is printed out exerpts from Daddy Zizek or Feminist scholars or maybe Ben Stein i dont know. over the years it turned into literally learning to talk like an auctioneer as you stumble through Xeroxed debate notes and spew paragraphs of academese at the judge, only to win or lose at the end based on the number of dropped arguments or whatever

i was doing parliamentary debate which actually requires that no written evidence is allowed, and everything is "common knowledge" so its cool to argue that the Holodomor was bougeois propaganda or the War in Iraq was done in our defense. there's fast talking in that style, but this style was founded to try and get away from policy debate, away from fast talking and written evidence. over time, parli has become like policy, and there's fast talking in both now.

some of the urban debate league type schools began doing stuff like reading their whole case in Navajo or singing a song as their case as some kind of performative criticism on the resolution itself or even on the bourgeois structure of the debate round .... there's a lot being argued in those debates that comes from Judy Butler or other people im not well versed in... and there's plenty of Bad Marxism, Bad Capitalism Criticism (read as: liberal and white as fuck)

Edited by Themselves ()


Themselves posted:

yet when i hear bhpn

first mistake

if people will call bhpn out here of all places that should tell you all you need to know about taking his advice anywhere else.
i appreciate a maoist perspective if only to call me out on my bullshit
[account deactivated]
lol prolly would go over well with a debate team though

c_man posted:

Themselves posted:

yet when i hear bhpn

first mistake

you're imperialist scum hth


Themselves posted:

babyfinland posted:

I'm not trying to be rude sorry. I just don't care of E Oakland debate team is Marxist or not

the funny thing is i decided the same thing, it was a waste of my time to try and agitate kids that had future dreams of college in their eyes

yet when i hear bhpn or others talking about doing what you can wherever it is that you live to push a Maoist/strong marxist line or whatever, that shit seems inspiring to me in the context of living in an ocean of right wing radio, endless strip malls and paycheck advance centers.

even i'll admit that in this context (im in grad school to not have a real job) talking about marx and defending mao/kim il-sung is mostly for myself and the coherence of my argument, as well as most people who are passive listeners and really have no opinions one way or the other about much of anything political. i dont expect to lead a bunch of students into guerrilla warfare even though chairman gonzalo showed it can be done

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

c_man posted:

Themselves posted:

yet when i hear bhpn

first mistake

you're imperialist scum hth

do you really think that showing up anywhere but a place full of other leftists are spouting off about the kim dynasty makes you look anything other than a lunatic?

some queer on my feed posted this:

hurrr hurrrr hurrrrrrr
i really hate nerds
did anyone mention there's no source for that article other than the liberal blogger who outragedly posted it

c_man posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

c_man posted:

Themselves posted:

yet when i hear bhpn

first mistake

you're imperialist scum hth

do you really think that showing up anywhere but a place full of other leftists are spouting off about the kim dynasty makes you look anything other than a lunatic?

the kim dynasty


Crow posted:

c_man posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

c_man posted:

Themselves posted:

yet when i hear bhpn

first mistake

you're imperialist scum hth

do you really think that showing up anywhere but a place full of other leftists are spouting off about the kim dynasty makes you look anything other than a lunatic?

the kim dynasty

you know, like the bushes or the clintons or the kennedys if they hadn't all died

no, i don't know
i luv nerds nerds build our civilization and r the true rulers of the future. except the overwhelming majority of them who are expendable wage slaves with skills whose temporary lucrative scarcity is predicated on them being utterly inhumanly boring and who spend their days producing nothing of value lol