TLO roll call

tpaine posted:

lemme guess, left to right: trump, stein, clinton

It's actually Stein, Clinton, Trump


tpaine posted:

sorry, i learned from the election that white people like trump, weird wicca ladies like goatstein, and black people like hilary clinton

clinton lost 5% of the black vote compared to the democrat in 2012 while trump gained <1% of it compared to romney in 2012. per CNN the remaining 4% was devoured by lavos.

both the democrats and the republicans declined in their respective share of the white vote for president compared to 2012 which would be the real story if both soppy liberals and the "alt right" actually cared at all about any of their class-blind discussion of that vote during the campaign. cnn wrote a front page story where they used the adverb "surprisingly" to describe it in the fifteenth paragraph down and then leapt over the topic like a gazelle seeking the fields of eternal fail.

overfire posted:

feeling so blessed i've got a political situation such that i've never had to even pretend to tolerate white people with dreads

this forum is 99% white people's dreads

shriekingviolet posted:

overfire posted:

feeling so blessed i've got a political situation such that i've never had to even pretend to tolerate white people with dreads

"I'm not like those other white people. Honest!"

[account deactivated]
maybe conquest could be spelled conkkkuest... minor nitpick & u may disagree but wanted to put it out there. Happy Klan Day (woke term for thanksgiving)
[account deactivated]
Police report: Some troublemakers started moving towards the white nationalist citizens, taking an aggressive hug-like stance, possibly to crush them to death. The white nationalists responded with proportional force with batons. Officer Gunt and I arrested the troublemakers for assault and provided Burger King for the white nationalists.

pogfan1996 posted:

reminds me of this classic Socialist Worker's Party logo

[account deactivated]

parabolart posted:

[account deactivated]
Is Putin taking Teller's spot?
i checked and i'm fairly sure this is legit

What's cool is that there is an Islam student group as well as plenty of resources on campus. There might not be "Prayer rooms" but I'm sure the school would have had very little issue in helping to accommodate his needs. It is one of the largest institutions in the country with many various buildings.
Are you saying that this man didn't need to ram people with his car and then go on a stabbing spree? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying. Just making sure before I totally unload on you.

me when i read goat's posts
rest in pieces, @PissPigGranddad
The Last Clown in Aleppo
[account deactivated]

shriekingviolet posted:

rest in pieces, @PissPigGranddad

RIP last clowm of aleppo, you're up eating the last apples with the last gardener in the Great Last Hospital in the sky right now

altho according to cuban exiles cubans have never even seen apples before so count your blessings!


[account deactivated]
Liberals ROCK
I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!
Hate Liberals? Bite ME!
*quotes holocaust denialist material to show that trump is worse than hitler* Wake up, America!
thids one hits close to home


colddays posted:

Once you know the black guy voted for Trump the other two reveal themselves easily. WitchDiva clearly went Hillary and the white dude is a Bernie Bro who in his infinite privilege protest voted Jill Stein.


ilmdge posted:

the white dude is a Bernie Bro who in his infinite privilege protest voted Jill Stein.

So what was it like smoking weed with the other two?

someone photoshop rhizzone.net on the screen thanks

ur wish is 3 minutes of my time