buddy this is all the Theory you need right here! stupid fucks are everywhere and this movie (...documentary???? o_o) kindly points out the only way to save the earth is to stop letting stupid morons bone eachother and spit out crotch goblins

i am Not Sure about the future of this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i for one continue to welcome our moron overlords
mike judge made an entire show that portrayed a suburban petty bourgeois Texan in a sympathetic light
mike judge was overheard to say "..well you see the Jews in those camps actually died of typhoid.."
mike judge has probably had sex
mike judge ate, eats and will continue to be eating Ass and a made a eugenics movie in 2007 lol
silicon valley is pretty accurate tho
except of course people who work in start ups these days are no longer autistic nerds but privileged bros who went to elite universities and do coke on the weekends and since their parents pay the rent they can afford to work for future equity rather than a wage. so he's a bit behind the curve on that.

piss posted:

buddy this is all the Theory you need right here! stupid fucks are everywhere and this movie (...documentary???? o_o) kindly points out the only way to save the earth is to stop letting stupid morons bone eachother and spit out crotch goblins

settle down beavis

that boy aint right lol
bwahhhah!!! - me reading a getfical post
I liked this movie. We need to do everything we can to limit the influence of Catholics on our government and media, otherwise this might be our future.

swirlsofhistory posted:

I liked this movie. We need to do everything we can to limit the influence of Catholics on our government and media, otherwise this might be our future.

lord of the rings thread is thataway holmes

anti natalism is good. It just goes wrong when everyone thinks it's those other people. No. its you
the nerd fascination with eugenics is deeply disturbing when you think about it

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the nerd fascination with eugenics is deeply disturbing when you think about it

I hope scientists find the gene responsible for behind the ear tattoos and female bisexuality so that we can prevent it in utero.

good lord when will they breed you out

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the nerd fascination with eugenics is deeply disturbing when you think about it

Very true...can you imagine a future in which your only options are to have sex with a steampunk nerd??

capitalism will collapse once we breed out the normie gene and are left with a world of people who hate their parents and everything else
biased bc im from austin but mike judge is the shit and idiocracy rules

notciaNOTjew posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the nerd fascination with eugenics is deeply disturbing when you think about it

Very true...can you imagine a future in which your only options are to have sex with a steampunk nerd??

sounds hot, OP.

[account deactivated]

RBC posted:

bwahhhah!!! - me reading a getfical post

idgaf about idiocracy's "theory" terry crews is funny af

tpaine posted:

's that all you got?
feel the heat
feel the heat
's that all you got?
feel the heat

slate star codex man is possibly the stupidest human being on the planet. its basic stupidity to hold dumb free market beliefs, but something altogether stunning to do so after yourself proving the insurmountable problems with unregulated multipolar actors
stupid people are good -me, a stupid person, 1998

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

slate star codex man is possibly the stupidest human being on the planet. its basic stupidity to hold dumb free market beliefs, but something altogether stunning to do so after yourself proving the insurmountable problems with unregulated multipolar actors

i asked in a comment on one of his posts what possible utility documentation of differences in racial IQ could have in light of the clear negative consequences and he replied that it could help in AI research


notciaNOTjew posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the nerd fascination with eugenics is deeply disturbing when you think about it

Very true...can you imagine a future in which your only options are to have sex with a steampunk nerd??

the future.... is now.

This FBI-created movie “Idiocracy” (and by “FBI-created” I mean that the FBI planted ideas and dialogue into Mike Judge’s mind using radio wave/halo-based technology) is what the FBI thinks of Americans and the leaders in America and as a whole, represents the state of society that the FBI created using radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology and controlled mass media in order to dumb down the American (as well as European) population. Notice the pizza on the table in the attached clip – this is part of the FBI’s brainwashed mantra to “red” “halo-ed” disciples that all people need is “pizza” and mindless “group love” to be happy. Also, notice the reference to “watering crops” – yet another of the FBI’s sociopathic, self-aggrandizing allusions to the human race as “plants” and “crops” that the FBI must “water” and “cultivate” and a mocking and condescending allusion to the FBI’s purposeful dumbing-down of human beings. Also note the use of the word “electrolytes” in conjunction with “plants” and “crops” – this is a reference to radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling “electricity” being used on the “plants” (people) and “crops” (generations of people).
“Idiocracy” also contains strong anti-capitalist, anti-corporate themes throughout the movie – the most prevalent one being that the fictional corporation Brawndo has brainwashed people and strong-armed the government into replacing water with a sports drink – the underlying message being that people are too stupid to make “correct” personal consumption and stock purchasing decisions and that the government should highly regulate (and ultimately replace, as it currently has done in reality using radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology) all economic decisions in society. Anti-masculine, anti-womanly, anti-military, anti-US, anti-capitalist, pro-communist, pro-centralized government-decision-making messages pervade the movie – essentially implying that a “smart” cabal such as the FBI should take control of and run society.

Notice the two “dinosaurs” towards the end of the attached "Idiocracy" clip – one with a Nazi flag and the other with a United States flag. The socialists and communists of the late nineteenth and early 20th century set their sights on all major industrialized countries - Russia, Europe, including Germany, and the United States before turning to China and then to smaller countries throughout the world, planning World War 1 and World War 2 to manipulate world events and slowly move the world towards a single world communist state. The communists’ biggest obstacles were determined early on to be the historically “masculine” and “warlike” independent-thinking capitalist nations such as Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States - in other words, countries whose governments would not easily fall to communism but would instead be more susceptible to fascism. The Nazis appear more and more to have been a planned step of the world communist intelligentsia in eliminating the resistance of all countries they believed would be a significant threat to their plan for a worldwide communist state. Like America, Germany was originally a democratic, intellectual, masculine, gun-rights advocating nation – qualities the communists and fascists within the FBI (and most likely, the original communists they are heirs to) deem a threat to a centrally-controlled, technological oligarchy with the purported face of "worker's rights" and "equality."

World War I (which led to The League of Nations), World War II (which which led to The United Nations), and the Vietnam War (which led to the The War Powers Resolution) were purposely planned and used as communist world state-building events and generational psychological propaganda intended to undermine democracy, individual rights, individual nations’ rights, and to instill fear of “masculinity” and a fear of independent-thinking Caucasian males (first the Germans, the Italians, and now American Germans, American Italians, American Irish, and other European American ethnicities - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Kiefer Sutherland being propagandized examples of Austrian, Italian, and German white male masculinity to be feared and “bred out” of humanity) and Asian males (particularly the Japanese). Essentially, the message of the communists has always been that masculinity and freedom are racist and “unfair” and should be eliminated – bred out of mankind like wolves being bred into domesticated dogs – and until then, at least controlled and modified in nature using radio wave/halo-based technology by the more “intellectually-evolved” “non-masculine” communist intelligentsia in the FBI and their mind-controlled disciples. The current tactic furthering "communist domestication" has been the orchestration of all mass-shootings and school-shootings by the FBI and their communist mind-controlled disciples in order to enact gun control laws that are meant to make resistance and rebellion to a world-wide communist state difficult to negligible.

The FBI and their communist brethren have been setting up the United States in the minds of the public as the next warlike Nazi Germany to “take over the world” and the last “threat” to a worldwide “communist paradise” which will be ruled by a self-appointed intellectually elite through a technological oligarchy that uses radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology to manipulate political decisions, enact new laws, control economies, engage in selective and forced breeding, and guarantee that it will have absolute power indefinitely – that is, as long as the technological oligarchy secretly maintains and grows their broadcast towers, databases, information monopoly, and hold over human beings – particularly lawmakers, local police, and national military – and abolishes private gun rights or minimizes gun rights to the point of them not being a threat to the fascist technological oligarchy's control.

Not only has the FBI and communist intelligentsia been setting up the United States to be the next Nazi Germany by painting the U.S. as a “masculine” white imperialist nation bent on conquering the world by war and a “threat to world peace” because of its military and nuclear superiority, they have been setting up the next Adolf Hitler to be the “excuse” for the US Presidency to be abolished and the U.S. Constitution to be replaced by a communist one and as an excuse for setting up the United Nations to be the façade of a communist world government to which all nations must be subservient. In reality, the communist, fascist FBI would be controlling and manipulating world events, carefully planning the course of humanity half a century in advance (with longer-term, permanent, communist slavery of humanity – what they have been selling as “paradise” to their disciples – as their ultimate goal using radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology and mass media as their means for control (à la “The Matrix” and “The Adjustment Bureau”)).

In the attached “Idiocracy” clip, the two Tyrannosaurus rexes attacking each other, one with a United States flag, the other with a Nazi flag, with the audio “tried to take over the world,” represent Germany and America as capitalistic, freedom-loving, independent, masculine “dinosaurs” – democracies that would inevitably turn into imperialistic dictatorships – that needed to be replaced by an “enlightened” communist one-world government – symbolized by the United Nations – that would lead the way to a “peaceful” world where everyone was “happy, but dumb” – and would therefore need to be run by more “highly-evolved” and “more intelligent” feminine men and masculine women – which is what the scene of the dinosaur with the U.N. cap looking at the United Nations building with the audio “but then, an even greater force emerged, the U.N., and the U.N. un-Nazi-ed the world – forever” represents . These scenes (and the movie as a whole) are an example of the FBI and communist intelligentsia using German and American history as simplistic, brainwashed reasons why traditional male-female-child families and independent thought and freewill are an “outdated” concept of the past and must unequivocally be replaced by feminine men and masculine women, homosexuality, “group love,” and the impossibility of independent thought and beliefs taking place that are different from group or “communal” thought and beliefs (in reality, the FBI’s communist, fascist New World Order agenda).

According to the brilliant, more “highly-evolved” minds within the FBI, and the communist intelligentsia as a whole, individuality, male-female love and romance, and family and religious values have been determined to be a threat to society and humanity, and the self-proclaimed “superior” minds within the FBI have decided that no further debate (or thought) on this subject should take place (because any thoughts or beliefs different than those of the FBI are by definition inferior (in addition to being a threat to the FBI's perceived absolute power) – and after all, this is the FBI, and the FBI cannot be wrong because the FBI indisputably has the most brilliant minds, has performed the most extensive research, and possess the most unlimited resources of any other minds). The indisputably brilliant minds within the FBI and world communist intelligentsia have incontrovertibly decided that public “group love,” adult-to-adult and child-to-child homosexuality, and pedophilia (all three of these things currently being implemented and promulgated by way of Internet porn, Hollywood television shows, movies, and comedy, uncontrolled substances such as ecstasy, and radio wave/halo-based thoughts, images, and remotely-induced sexual urges – all secretly orchestrated by the FBI using radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology) should replace individuality, male-female love and romance, and family and religious values.

The 1967 “Summer of Love,” 1969 Woodstock, Internet porn to which children have essentially unrestricted access (a planned FBI strategy and goal), the redefinition of marriage to be between members of the same sex and between more than two people, drug-heavy “rave” parties encouraging dance orgies and homosexuality, and the group orgy scene in “The Matrix Reloaded” and “Avatar” are examples of the FBI’s plan to destroy the definition of marriage, male-female love, romance, the male-female-child family, sexual restraint, and the innocence of children in addition to all traditional concepts of morality in the name of “group love,” “free love,” “world peace,” and “paradise on earth.” Any feigned attempts to defend male-female marriage and male-female romance and traditional family values by the FBI and their remotely-controlled mouthpieces are a lie; individuality, male-female love, and traditional male-female-child family values are the absolute enemy of the FBI’s communist New World Order agenda. In fact, the end of FBI-created “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”, which shows the characters Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood tied at the post in front of a group of Nazis and in front of the ultimate symbol of Judeo-Christian values – the Arc of the Covenant – symbolizes the communist’s/FBI’s association of individuality, male-female love, religion, and masculinity with Nazistic racism and imperialism and therefore being things that “chain” and “harm” humanity and must be “abolished” in order for humanity to achieve true “happiness” and “paradise on earth.”

One must consider, in light of the individual-right and national sovereignty-shrinking effects that the communist revolutions, World Wars, and Cold War conflicts have had on humanity over the last one hundred years, was there another goal for the creation of nuclear weapons besides defeating the Axis forces or was World War II and the invention of nuclear weapons purposely planned for brainwashing humanity into accepting communist slavery and intended to be used in conjunction with the radio wave/halo-based mind-controlling technology to instill such intense fear of humanity’s destruction by nuclear war in individual minds that they would be willing to give up their own freedoms and the sense of basic morality and humanity that has persisted for millennia – since the dawn of civilization? Was George Orwell not only correct in his prediction of the effect of nuclear weapons on freedom and human dignity – was it in fact planned to be this way by Marxists, communists, and genocidal minds of the 19th century? More frightening to consider - was the concept of nuclear weapons a late-19th and early-20th century pre-planned method for wiping out what the intelligentsia of that time considered to be the unintelligent and unworthy - and are the arrogant sociopaths within the FBI mockingly acknowledging this to be the case in the following lines of “Idiocracy”:
“How did the world ever get like this?”

“Do you think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb shits?”
“Yeah…I hadn’t thought of that.”
“Now you know why he built that bomb.”
hm, never seen this movie, is it any good?
no it's bad, not worth watching
It was the CIA, you dummy

NoFreeWill posted:

no it's bad, not worth watching

its not cool to make the reality of govt mind control appear to be ridiculous and fantastic. this is a 12th type of liberalism
the opening montage wil lalways be amusing for me and the movie forever entertaining as something juvenile. no apologies.