
The biggest obstacle, I think, is the general public’s reflexive, unreasoning hostility to politicians and the process of politics. Neurotic hatred of the political class is the country’s last universally acceptable form of bigotry. Because that problem is mental, not mechanical, it really is hard to remedy.
Neurotic hatred of the political class is the country’s last universally acceptable form of bigotry.
Odio neurótico de la clase política es la última forma universalmente aceptable del país de la intolerancia.

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i bet the person who wrote that is going to start complaining about twitter harassment instead of just immediately drinking the nearest bottle of cleaning supplies
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Our intricate, informal system of political intermediation, which took many decades to build, did not commit suicide or die of old age; we reformed it to death. For decades, well-meaning political reformers have attacked intermediaries as corrupt, undemocratic, unnecessary, or (usually) all of the above. Americans have been busy demonizing and disempowering political professionals and parties, which is like spending decades abusing and attacking your own immune system. Eventually, you will get sick.
Greetings mustang, this is your father speaking

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

That's deadken after another year of amphetamines and cuckoldry

neurotic hatred.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

behold the non neurotic man

[account deactivated]
Classicide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of a social class through persecution and violence. The term "classicide" was termed by sociologist Michael Mann as a term that is similar but distinct from the term genocide. An example includes Joseph Stalin's mass killing of the affluent middle-class peasant Kulaks who were identified as "class enemies" by the Soviet Union. Similar classicide has been was committed by China during the Great Leap Forward, by North Vietnam as part of Land reform and by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.

^ Martin Shaw. What Is Genocide? Cambridge, England, UK; Malden, Massachusetts, USA: Polity Press, 2007. Pp. 72.
^ Jacques Semelin, Stanley (INT) Hoffman. Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide. New York, New York, USA: Columbia University Press, 2007. Pp. 37.
^ Martin Shaw. What Is Genocide? Cambridge, England, UK; Malden, Massachusetts, USA: Polity Press, 2007. Pp. 72.
^ Jacques Semelin, Stanley (INT) Hoffman. Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide. New York, New York, USA: Columbia University Press, 2007. Pp. 37.
^ Martin Shaw. What Is Genocide? Cambridge, England, UK; Malden, Massachusetts, USA: Polity Press, 2007. Pp. 72.
Varsity Football Team Great Guys Once You Get To Know Them, Claims Balding Nerd With Glasses
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swirlsofhistory posted:


Uhhh no peg

carl diggler retweeted me. OH yeah. THe Big time. I've hit it. THis is it.

i barely use twitter for the same reason i have never played an MMO: i know in a week i would be homeless with shit and leaves in my hair
[account deactivated]
The model of the right wing propaganda is right out of Mein Kampf in the use of co-opting slogans and themes from the socialist parties, to attract crowds of workers to rallies, but proposing totally different content.

What the Germans did was to solve class conflict with a new model that was essentially a single class, a national class. Of course with every totality is the implied exception so the space appears for the scapegoat, "the Jew". They deny the existence of class conflict, promote a mass delusion of unified patriotism, and when things inevitably go wrong they have someone to punish for it.

Contemporary Modern right wing propagandists use a similar logical structure. Right wing radio and television perpetuate a narrative that appeals to working class victims of late capitalism. They tell a similar tale of class struggle, but the classical narrative of labor vs capitalists is recuperated into a struggle between"private citizens" and "government"

It's not easy for billionaires to convince working class folk to support their chicanery outright, but they capture the feelings of a disposed working man being exploited and controlled and dominated by forces and interests far bigger than himself. Then all Americans can unite, so radio personalities making 8 figure incomes sounds just like one of us regular joes trying being kicked around by the man. the filthy "Man". Always in our business . He's the problem so we all kill the man and that man is Moses and we're ashamed of our sin boom goes the dynamite
It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses
The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.

The_Boourns_Identity posted:

The model of the right wing propaganda is right out of Mein Kampf in the use of co-opting slogans and themes from the socialist parties, to attract crowds of workers to rallies, but proposing totally different content.

What the Germans did was to solve class conflict with a new model that was essentially a single class, a national class. Of course with every totality is the implied exception so the space appears for the scapegoat, "the Jew". They deny the existence of class conflict, promote a mass delusion of unified patriotism, and when things inevitably go wrong they have someone to punish for it.

Contemporary Modern right wing propagandists use a similar logical structure. Right wing radio and television perpetuate a narrative that appeals to working class victims of late capitalism. They tell a similar tale of class struggle, but the classical narrative of labor vs capitalists is recuperated into a struggle between"private citizens" and "government"

It's not easy for billionaires to convince working class folk to support their chicanery outright, but they capture the feelings of a disposed working man being exploited and controlled and dominated by forces and interests far bigger than himself. Then all Americans can unite, so radio personalities making 8 figure incomes sounds just like one of us regular joes trying being kicked around by the man. the filthy "Man". Always in our business . He's the problem so we all kill the man and that man is Moses and we're ashamed of our sin boom goes the dynamite

one of the essential flaws of the left is this desire to be objectively correct and scientifically valid. for example we can't even claim that brexit was a victory for the working class, according to blinkandwheeze, because the statistics aren't ironclad about it and it's possible that that isn't completely true

discourse structures consensus reality, so as we cede the ground on things tying ourselves up trying to be Absolutely Correct (ideologically, mathematically, scientifically, dialectically, whatever you want to say), the ground is shaped by the opponents

this is still a relevant concept 12 years later:


Some fascist posted:

We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

lol, the concept is only relevant in showing the supreme arrogance of the agents of empire.

drwhat posted:

one of the essential flaws of the left is this desire to be objectively correct and scientifically valid.

I think you have it backwards. The flaws of the left emerge precisely from ignoring the need for this. We cede ground by compromising with imperial discourse.

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Gssh posted:

I think you have it backwards. The flaws of the left emerge precisely from ignoring the need for this. We cede ground by compromising with imperial discourse.

tpaine posted:

yeah wtf dr. cat

i'm not saying whole-cloth throw out the need for accuracy and truth and rigour, just maybe sometimes it would be more expedient and get better results to just call some things "good enough" or "close enough"

also i am sick atm so maybe i am just cranky

i sincerely believe that these hot takers give one motherfuck if immigrants are treated well and are not solely motivated by some combination of spite and international capital-humping
[account deactivated]
About time that the neolib media accepted the supeiority of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

glomper_stomper posted:

can someone remind me if there's been such a paroxysm of sniveling misanthropy over "democracy" as a concept like this since, i don't know, bush?

i feel like all the thought leaders are going to start some sort of pathetic PR campaign to end universal suffrage or whatever.

Please do not sully the good name of misanthropy by associating it it with these fishfaced tardos

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