
i hope you enjoy some of the selections
[account deactivated]
sorry buddy we use Kik... And im making fun ofyou in the rhizzone kik grouptext as we speak

Skylark posted:

sorry buddy we use Kik... And im making fun ofyou in the rhizzone kik grouptext as we speak

kik is for furries and terrorists, while telegram has a respectable user base including spart-aligned factions and sexual minorities

Just try this: sticker_pack.rar.exe
Normally we post these sorts of threads in the sticker, smiley and emoji subforum.
i appreciate the revleft bordiga memes
the crazy (read: fascist) girl i dated for a few weeks who worked in "private intelligence" said that telegram was the app of choice for The Terrorists. and also for her. so ... i use something else now. hth
i know everyones concerned about operational security, but sending telegrams -(STOP)- is this really nessesary -(STOP)-

getfiscal posted:

Normally we post these sorts of threads in the sticker, smiley and emoji subforum.

what? let me in you FUCK

I checked out telegram and all 2 of the leftist chat rooms on there were full of people who believe that "Fully automated luxury communism", is not only an intelligible ideology, but actually the only acceptable end goal of a socialist revolution
[account deactivated]
I suspect a lot of adherents to FALC don't have much of a connection to related fields beyond following tech blogs. Any faith I had in technology has quickly eroded the more I have had to work with it.
[account deactivated]

fape posted:

I checked out telegram and all 2 of the leftist chat rooms on there were full of people who believe that "Fully automated luxury communism", is not only an intelligible ideology, but actually the only acceptable end goal of a socialist revolution

i always figure people are saying that partly ironically but it still annoys me, same as "space communism" or whatever it is people always say.


fape posted:

I checked out telegram and all 2 of the leftist chat rooms on there were full of people who believe that "Fully automated luxury communism", is not only an intelligible ideology, but actually the only acceptable end goal of a socialist revolution

having robots do all the work and then killing the elitist intellectuals that own them is Extremely My Shit

I'm more interested in Semiautomatic Subsistence Communism at tje moment
why dont we build an economy in aztlan appalacia and the black belt before we worry about improving the living standard of the city-dwelling elite in the imperialist center?
I assume that thirty years from now it will pretty much be cities and their suburbs, and then unbroken wastescape in between, speckled with the occasional trailer, of which fifty percent contain fentanyl-OD corpses and fifty percent retirees surviving by eating pet food.

Even my friends that pursue farming vocationally are priced out by gentrification and fall constantly deeper into debt just by trying to farm kale for farmer's markets. In short, you cannot save the countryside.
[account deactivated]
when did fully automated luxury communism become hotter than dying in a muddy crater communism?
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Yea I can't help but imagine some ridiculous Jetsons shit or like that nanowrimo libertarian utopia where people launch themselves out of cannons or whatever, but rebranded as socialism.
I mean there's no way you could realistically organize an entire society around the idea of automation and making labor obsolete. The second you start to think about any aspect of it in depth you realize how impossible it would be, like, how would you even get the metals you need to build all of the robots doing the work for you? How would things like courts, education, or even like building houses or running restaurants and grocery stores work without even half of the human labor thats currently required to operate them. its totally thoughtless
[account deactivated]
ahem, i think you mean story-driven computer simulation...
[account deactivated]
consolidation of agriculture is very good and bad

fape posted:

Yea I can't help but imagine some ridiculous Jetsons shit or like that nanowrimo libertarian utopia where people launch themselves out of cannons or whatever, but rebranded as socialism.
I mean there's no way you could realistically organize an entire society around the idea of automation and making labor obsolete. The second you start to think about any aspect of it in depth you realize how impossible it would be, like, how would you even get the metals you need to build all of the robots doing the work for you? How would things like courts, education, or even like building houses or running restaurants and grocery stores work without even half of the human labor thats currently required to operate them. its totally thoughtless

otoh it doesn't surprise me that people who are uncomfortable working with others face-to-face to achieve socialism require the re-imagining of socialism to remove humans as an element, or vice versa

I was gonna post about that Amber Frost article with the picture of rich socialites being waited on where she says "does this look unsocialist to you? WRONG FUCKO everyone will have a mansion under socialism and maybe the butler dude wants to be a servant and they'll all take turns being the help, did you ever think of that?" but now I can't find it. Did it get taken down?
one can hope. iirc too they presented it as collectively authored too but a bunch of people assumed Frost wrote it. I haven't read enough of what she writes to know why, i have just read her advice column which is hit or miss like those always are.
[account deactivated]
the whole cluster of NYC demsoc online intellectuals seems desperately, collectively terrified it will be found out as something bad. what exactly beyond their already fully public lives as yuppies, i don't know, but they're prematurely hyper-defensive about it in their public presence in a queasy kind of way. it's like they mix up authenticity and proletarian identity and are suppressing self-loathing, or they think that everyone else mixes up the two and they're the last defenders of the distinction and thus of their own existence under a later socialist system, or something. i don't know really, i have been trying lately not just to assume they are bad faith opportunists.

cars posted:

the whole cluster of NYC demsoc online intellectuals seems desperately, collectively terrified it will be found out as something bad. what exactly beyond their already fully public lives as yuppies, i don't know, but they're prematurely hyper-defensive about it in their public presence in a queasy kind of way. it's like they mix up authenticity and proletarian identity and are suppressing self-loathing, or they think that everyone else mixes up the two and they're the last defenders of the distinction and thus of their own existence under a later socialist system, or something. i don't know really, i have been trying lately not just to assume they are bad faith opportunists.

a lot of that crew have a simultaneous fetish of bougie cosmopolitan life while feeling they are required to criticize the excesses of bougie cosmopolitan life and this mutates into idiots like fuckt heory havinbg meltdowns that there are farmers in the hinterlands who vote.

uyltimately most of those people just want said hinterlanders to die because they have an inconvenient proletarian identity that isn't living in an apartment going to DSA meetings and whose revolutionary attitude is saying bad words at a republican on the subway.

quite wealthy New York dwellers not actually very revolutionary, shocker
my revolutionary praxis is to defund the poor states and give every citizen of Real America (Northern California, NYC ONLY, maybe Chicago) a sufficient housing credit.
[account deactivated]

cars posted:

the whole cluster of NYC demsoc online intellectuals seems desperately, collectively terrified it will be found out as something bad. what exactly beyond their already fully public lives as yuppies, i don't know, but they're prematurely hyper-defensive about it in their public presence in a queasy kind of way. it's like they mix up authenticity and proletarian identity and are suppressing self-loathing, or they think that everyone else mixes up the two and they're the last defenders of the distinction and thus of their own existence under a later socialist system, or something. i don't know really, i have been trying lately not just to assume they are bad faith opportunists.

it's impostor syndrome but for deserving to survive instead of career success


Gssh posted:

I suspect a lot of adherents to FALC don't have much of a connection to related fields beyond following tech blogs. Any faith I had in technology has quickly eroded the more I have had to work with it.

i talked to a couple of people yesterday because i didn't really even understand what the term meant other than robotized utopianism and it turns out that for those two at least it means robotized utopianism as imagined by people who don't understand economies of scale in manufacturing. they were very nice but it was the same vibe as I get from the Kurzweil cult, like they were imagining this steepening curve of Technology with buzzwords like "3D printing" and "open source" arranged along it at arbitrary positions and the x-axis was time and instead of the y-axis being the Singularity it was labeled "?????"