my sister liked your book discipline and will read your next.
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one cannot be a priestess and remain free. or like or care about anything or breathe
a little meme i came up with for laughs... cheers

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its national write a friarfuck / alter-boi erotic travelogue month
"The nobility is the most corrupted and evil of all classes because it wants to have a king who has no force, no authority, no power, no rights: a mere puppet, so that they may be grand...they are true vipers. The worst of all classes, the pits. The young men who study to become soldiers are equally corrupt. The people can be trusted, but those who work for the nobles are under their influence."

From a April 1795 letter of Queen Maria Carolina to Marquis di Gallo

From Naples and Napoleon: Southern Italy and the European Revolutions 1780-1860

Maria Carolina is interesting because she was, like her brother Joseph II, and unlike her sister, Marie Antoinette, committed to the ideal of enlightened absolutism. Which meant that she was in some ways more reform minded than the gentry who saw in the Revolution a means to regain their "traditional" "liberties" (privileges). She even instructed Cardinal Ruffo, commander of the White armies, to issue a decree to abolish Feudalism so that "we may in this way win the support of the people", which he declined to do out of fear of alienating the land owners (Since the queen ended up violently punishing the wealthy for their republicanism after retaking Naples, the royalists ended up alienating everyone anyway)

But this meant that, lacking any instruments of her own of organizing the popular classes, the Revolutionary forces pushed her to rely on more and more on this same unreliable noble caste (including the ecclesiastical princes); on transient irregular rural armies of bandits and fanatics;and on the Turks, the Russians, and above all the British.

Thus demonstrating why the Grande Revolution had to occur-because the elements of reforming the ancien regime could not ultimately make a dent against the far more robust reactionary forces that they relied on, in times of crisis, to stay in power. The French state broke the back of the old order at home and humiliated it abroad precisely because it created effective sources of authority and power that did not require the old order of property to be effective or legitimate.
friar fuck
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Reading The Revolt of the Cockroach People. Ok well I just got it but its supposed to be good, if not really my general style.
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xipe posted:


That makes me want to look into what the MIC has been up to again maybe when I have more time

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i don't know that i like this plan where our ambassadors to other worlds are the bodies of celebrity pedophiles and Ray Kelly. maybe put a sign on the spaceships saying "FROM JUPITER 1565 A.D." or something.
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could someone who's friends with sam on social media ask him where his book is, and call him cokie roberts, like "Where's your book, cokie roberts? lol" i just thought that up and i want to get it in before he calls himself that and ruins it.
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i'm going to buy mobutu sese seko/"jeb lund" an account. could someone please pastebin the hamas deposit number again?
it's 420
it looks like henrykrinkle might have deleted his twitter account.

goodbye stranger.
and im cheezed off!
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discipline posted:

I'm reading super sad true love story on the recommendation of gavin mueller who sent it to me via email

cool. if you like it i will read it next (i own it)

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Finally read The Wages of Destruction. It's pretty infuriating that totalitarianism is an accepted concept when it doesn't even describe the NAZI political and economic system, let alone the USSR let alone have any theoretical coherence.

Dont worry, homonationalism is still on my desk.
i've never read anything about 'totalitarianism' but it's usually used just as an antonym to liberal-pluralism. like people act like it's got a lot of content to the word but whenever they use it they seem to just mean "doesn't care about treasuring individuality". there were a lot of weird theories that became popular in the 1950s which talked about how like revolutionaries wanted to be christ figures that annihilated society or whatever, i put it in that section really. there were still a lot of things that were shitty about living in the soviet union, especially during the 1930s, but like... not sure you learn much about that with these sorts of theories.
a priest i know wrote an article once explaining how gay marriage was totalitarian because marriage was part of civil society and reaching down into civil society to change an institution was attempting to control every aspect of society. that guy voluntarily doesn't have sex though so you know he's a retard.
By the way, there are two reasons that the Christ-figure motif always fits. One is that it is a crude approximation of the dynamics of the Oedipal family which structures our civilization. The other is that Jesus is real.
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