[account deactivated]
he just left. with nuts!
i hope they shut down the whole fucking internet
thank god for google and wikipedia, obama may be able to kill and imprison americans without due process but at least i can still pirate nicolas cage movies
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:
did you guys know that gearstine has more words for bacne than the inuit have words for snow? that's a lotta nuts!

i have more pokemoncard damage stones than people can actually do to me damage-wise


Skylark posted:
Does anyone know why Megaupload gets called a "piracy ring" in every article, and talks about the founders being involved in what sounds like organized crime. Obviously the sites had illegal stuff on them but that doesn't make them necessarily accountable, imo,

The indictment evidence shows e-mail logs of the owners offering cash rewards for users who met certain pirated content quotas. One of them was something to the effect of (10usd per 8 dvdrips).

That doesn't change the fact that lots of people had legitimate data backed up there, and blanket-shutting down access to the entire database amounts to prior restraint. Of course who gives a shit anymore about precedent.

Thats it i'm joining Anonymous *leaves house with bindle of clothing tied to a stick*

Skylark posted:
Thats it i'm joining Anonymous *leaves house with bindle of clothing tied to a stick*

everybody's talkin' at me
i don't hear a word they're sayin'
only the echoes of my mind

*stands on streetcorner in guy fawkes mask*