[account deactivated]

thirdplace posted:

Keven posted:
Liberal 1: George W Bush was actually pretty good

Liberal 2: we can't risk Putin Having the white houses ear

Liberal 1: rape is sometimes justified

Thirdplace: hell I mean say what you want but at least none of that was at all sexist.
i never thought or intended to say that that you were being sexist (in what fucking world do I say "90% of americans think like this" and you assume i'm including the three dozen weirdo irony stalinists of the rhiZzone, this isn't fucking occupy) but after watching you salt out about it for 2+ weeks i actually kind of do

Respect Keven, the Churd Champ, please.


glomper_stomper posted:

after that article and keven's twisted mastermind trolls, i've finally decided to join the catholic church and serve faithfully under the anti-christ, the great beast, and his unholy senatorium


IMO this should be a Satan free forum because God Exists
[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

e: clarence is lurking. bring him back

Free him


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


To sum up, I think Bill Clinton could very well have raped Juanita Broaddrick; that it doesn’t make him an evil man, or irredeemable (I’m Catholic; we’re all forgiven, if we’re sorry, and Broaddrick says Bill Clinton personally called her up to apologize). It doesn’t even necessarily make him a bad feminist — you know, later, once he stops doing that.


I guess it's true that "give a shit" is not necessarily implied in "listen and believe"

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

Whine E. McLiberal
damn this forum is dead. what u nerds do all day
well i cant speak for everyone else but my field office usually assigns agents more than one case load at a time
I'm out there on University Campuses starting the Revolution irl man
Clinton: "Donald Trump speaks about such negativity. And then I watch the Olympics, and it’s exactly the opposite."


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

damn this forum is dead. what u nerds do all day

yeah it's been extra dead the past week or so, idk what's up

i work during the daytime in a little room with a computer. sometimes i am able to go outside and see the sun. then i go to sleep and wake up and do it again. life is beautiful and amazing.

If I ain't lurkin' I'm jerkin'.
Works going crazy I'll tell everyone about it after the season... I don't want any of this falling on my head....
like as in global warming is destroying the arctic and we're all gonna die?

lolol 'human shields'

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Whine E. McLiberal

Snow & Lights

in the house of snow and lights... love that song.
i think we're six months out from any and all possible venues of criticism of establishment democrats being presumptively invalid because they fit under the umbrella of some clumsy neologism, cf. sealioning, gaslighting, whataboutery, etc
watching whataboutery evolve from its origins as the deranged reaching of desperate fringe internet hermits, to its current place of Acceptable Media Discourse Word, has been real disturbing.

it's like watching a cronenberg flick, you know it's gonna grow into a horrific bloated parody of human life but just knowing won't protect you from the feelings of primal revulsion
after it happened with SJW nothing can shock me
ok I know I've said this before but y'all know 'intersectionality' is rooted firmly in marxist theory right? I'm only asking since people here seemed genuinely puzzled as to what 'black bodies' meant but that is also solidly marxist (in origin and a few very important uses, not "I SAW SOME WOKE PERSON SAY THIS ON TWITTER". The basis of the idea came from Panthers and people who worked with them. Twitter is goofy af but that doesn't mean we should discount valid ideas.
body discourse is foucault, critical race theory is literally bourgeois science without incapable of giving an origin story or analysis of how systems are actually interrelated without devolution to the micro. everything socialist 'intersectionalists' propose is cribbed from socialist feminism or earlier frameworks (du bois' 'social wages' comes to mind, as does settlerism as discussed by 70s nat lib movements)
(extremely Jeff Bridges as Obidiah Stane voice) Come on. Intersectionalism, that's a publicity stunt! We built that thing to shut the hippies up!
i dont know why i'm suddenly so into iron man. i havent even seen it recently. i'm sorry. i'm sorry to everyone.
I really hate the "bodies" thing it is just so dehumanizing please call people people and not "bodies"
i'm fairly confident it's there to distinguish violence against bodies from violence against minds, also known as criticism
Lmao dang. That's a sillier origin than i could have imagined.
supposedly 'black bodies' is a term from afropessimism school of thought?

dont know anything about it, just read a disillusioned report a few months back from a scene where this thinking dominated; antiblackness replaced antiracism meaning marches had blacks in the front browns in the middle and whites last :/

also how is intersectionality marxist?
the way its used seems to flatten all thinking (transphobia is placed on the same level as capitalism??) and reduce it to cliched mantras about "the intersection of x y and z"

i guess if it had some way of comparing and understanding these different things coherently that would be good but i have not seen that except from marxists who dont really bother with intersectional 'analysis' much?

i think by bring things in to the discussion but only dealing with them superficially you are actually leaving out most of the substance... and thats if you sincerely want to understand better, which in these narcissistic cointelpro days most people do not

Edited by xipe ()

Lol jesus christ atomizing that hard sounds like a great way to not get anything done. The analysis really goes against the facts too, like theres no real balancing the depredations wrought by imperialism on a scale and saying black people have endured this much while brown people have only endured this much, its not accurate or productive.

Another way i encounter human beings reduced to bodies a lot is people talking their fool heads off about "queer bodies". cant just be a person who is lesbian, gay, bi or trans, gotta be a queer f*ggot tr*nny d*ke. and ofc the most oppressed are always bearded guys who call themselves 'nonbinary'. Wow what is this a discussion forum or realsubtles rant zone. anyway thats my beef.
Maybe it means bodies as in, any body or organization comprised of black people.. does anyone know a black person I could ask?

swampman posted:

Maybe it means bodies as in, any body or organization comprised of black people.. does anyone know a black person I could ask?

have you considered The Audacity of Hope by Barack R.R. Obama

yeah all that stuff is originally marxist but neoliberalism is great at coopting all the Good shit to make it Bad and Profitable didnt anyone read my dang lego movie thinkpiece

aerdil posted:

yeah all that stuff is originally marxist but neoliberalism is great at coopting all the Good shit to make it Bad and Profitable didnt anyone read my dang lego movie thinkpiece

We have the Neo-Liberal weapon of criticism and self-criticism. We can get rid of a good style and keep the bad.


Hillary posted:

The godfather of this global brand of extreme nationalism is Russian President Vladimir Putin.

oh my god yes