Let he without sin cast the first stone.
What are you a Republican?? Fucking the mouth isn't fucking

Panopticon posted:

but more seriously david cameron fucked a dead pig

What really disgusts me about this is that it would have been socially acceptable for xher to lube up with au jus and fuck a pastrami sandwich.

i've seen conservatives make those points as real hot take comments trying to save the leader.

swampman posted:

Panopticon posted:

but more seriously david cameron fucked a dead pig

What really disgusts me about this is that it would have been socially acceptable for xher to lube up with au jus and fuck a pastrami sandwich.

It is the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats.

jeremy corbyn made black mirror real

swampman posted:

Panopticon posted:

but more seriously david cameron fucked a dead pig

What really disgusts me about this is that it would have been socially acceptable for xher to lube up with au jus and fuck a pastrami sandwich.

Uhhhh friction alone much


Panopticon posted:

it's not known if corbyn and him are in league together but at least now we can answer the perennial question, what is trotskyism?

imagine four pig heads at the edge of a lap...

Brush away the surface vitriol directed at Corbyn and much of the opposition stems from outrage at his temerity in challenging perhaps the most important edict in the neoliberal canon, the automatic superiority of the private over the public. This is especially true when it comes to the ownership of capital. In this credo, public ownership must always be less efficient than private ownership. But even a cursory glance at the record (contemporary and historical) shows that the army of hacks parroting this line haven’t the faintest idea what they’re talking about. In the words of Richard Pryke, whose massive Public Enterprise in Practice pioneered the disinterested survey of the economics of the nationalised industries, the belief that they underperformed “is a dogma which arose during the first and most difficult years of public ownership, and has lived on to become a serious obstacle to rational inquiry and rational conviction.” (Pryke, 1971, 443-44)

yo redmaistro I dig your posts but that italic shit makes my eyes bleed. one man's opinion, feedback is a gift
[account deactivated]
yeah. use blockquotes plz.
also i'd be way more willing to click on your links if i could see the url before having to mouse all the way over to hover over that one tiny word at the end

you don't have to change it, do what you gotta do and i'll keep reading your posts regardless, but i almost never want to click the damn things that way.
Hey could you please blockquote AND italicize the text from now on? some of us are suffering from Superior Oblique Myokymia. thanks
the descent of the posting police
placeholder for when corbyn inevitably lets down the left
I didn't (ever cease to) expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
"Everything must be costed. Whatever a Corbyn-led Labour Party proposes will be exposed to the most merciless and unrelenting scrutiny. Whatever it proposes, then, should be costed to within an inch of its life point: using conservative (small c) assumptions, bolting every tax proposal and every spending commitment into place. The credibility needs to form an iron carapace around the core programme; there is no space for weak spots, particularly on more radical proposals. Given the commitment made by John McDonnell here, the pace of government deficit reduction would be reduced to the kind of minimum level compatible with securing a sustainable, fair recovery. This would be entirely in line with what a recent IMF report would be “optimal” policy for the UK: that a mad rush to close the government deficit, as we are now going to attempt, will do more harm than good for most.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. And there’s no sense in claiming, or even looking like claiming, that there is. It fools no-one. The great advantage of a serious costing is that it allows you to say, with some precision, who will win and who will lose. It has to be clear that this programme will work to the advantage of the great majority, and the disadvantage of a tiny minority. This is the essence of populism. It can be turned into policy. Corbyn’s campaign is fortunate to have well-known tax specialists on its side. Establishing a commission to investigate radically reforming the tax system in a sustainable and socially just manner could be a useful initial exercise, challenging some of the orthodoxies in 2011’s Mirrlees Review in a credible and systematic fashion.

Don’t let the right claim the future. We do not need to counterpose social justice to the desire to create a genuinely innovative and dynamic economy. What we have, at present, is an economy drifting, aimlessly, into a low-productivity, low-investment default setting. The consequences of that, when combined with its “flexible” labour markets, are rising inequality in the labour market and the production of bullshit jobs on a grand scale. Breaking with this will require both a macroeconomic framework that could, realistically, sustain a broadly-based and socially just recovery, and, at the same time, a willingness to think and act radically against the entrenched special interests, old-school attitudes and institutional failings that cripple the economy."

in ontario the conservative opposition's platform was clearly written by rando staffers who didn't understand what the consultants had told them. so the main slogan was that they would create one million jobs. and all their campaign materials said one million jobs. they also said they would cut about 100,000 or so public sector jobs. however those were 100,000 permanent ongoing positions. the math for their million jobs was based on one year of full-time work equivalent, not over the next 10 years or whatever. so the number of permanent ongoing jobs created would be a small fraction of that. they still won 31% of the vote though.

getfiscal posted:

in ontario the conservative opposition's platform was clearly written by rando staffers who didn't understand what the consultants had told them. so the main slogan was that they would create one million jobs. and all their campaign materials said one million jobs. they also said they would cut about 100,000 or so public sector jobs. however those were 100,000 permanent ongoing positions. the math for their million jobs was based on one year of full-time work equivalent, not over the next 10 years or whatever. so the number of permanent ongoing jobs created would be a small fraction of that. they still won 31% of the vote though.

wow thats incredibly boring

sorry, if i had something in my pocket that was sure to be funnier, i would definitely post it, because that's what friends do. perhaps, say, half-steampunk wedding photos, or something like that.

aerdil posted:

placeholder for when corbyn inevitably lets down the left

placeholder for when an Living Anime makes you fuckin eat this post!!!

hey dudes: there's complicated stuff happening in a place you're not in which doesn't matter. here are a lot of words; and also, numbers
If you can't trust an English politician alone with a six year old child, how can you trust them with the commanding heights?
Not sure about this at all...

"In an interview with vegan magazine Viva!life, she said: "I really believe that meat should be treated in exactly the same way as tobacco, with public campaigns to stop people eating it.

"Progress on animal welfare is being made at EU level … but in the end it comes down to not eating meat or dairy."

Muckraking in the bourgeois press oh noes
yeah that sellout will probably be huffing down mcribs & eating bacon chedder potato wedges in no time
remember when deadken went to the cereal restaurant and wrote abt it? guess what, it went viral


Panopticon posted:


bicycle-riding old men are the future

They really are keen on tripping Jeremy up over his relationship to Irish Republicanism, aren't they.




Would be curious to know how much traction such fear-mongering from that angle has outside NI though.
Corbyn catching the Bern syndrome?

honeymoon's over i guess
into the discount Corbyn
in britain you can just say "byn", it means the trash cayn
*trash cayrn
i live in a trash cairn and i don't give a fuck!!!
tony "la tene" benn

shriekingviolet posted:

i live in a trash cairn and i don't give a fuck!!!



Tony Blair asked me to 'help invade Zimbabwe', says Thabo Mbeki