'Toe jobs' become popular among stiletto wearers

Sky-high stilettos may be on trend, but the pain they can cause is off the charts.

Bunions, ingrown toenails and severely disfigured feet are but a few of the risks chronic heel-wearers face, according to researchers -- and some women have had enough.

They're not modifying their shoe wardrobes, hoever. They're modifying their feet.

Research shows that the number of cosmetic procedures performed on feet have doubled in the last year.

The Daily Mail reports that requests for collagen injections into the toe pads, heels and balls of the feet in particular soared 21 per cent last year in the UK alone.

The procedure, which is painless, is said to create "a pillow effect on the foot." This alleviates some of the discomfort that can stem from wearing high heels.

One clinic in the UK charges approximately $500 for the procedure, which they say lasts up to 6 months.

What's your take on cosmetic foot surgery? Would you get a toe job before giving up heels?


Alternate idea: Foot binding?
[account deactivated]
no no no no no no
ohhh noo nooo mohhh nooo nooo nooo nooo nooohn
[account deactivated]
oh those silly chinamen and their women. foot binding, what a riot!

o. wait.
sup tpain
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
clearly these people are trans, except w/ regard to the shape of their feet, rather than their genitals. this is who they are + we should respect that

tpaine posted:

this dude's hair owns

[account deactivated]
People trying to be fashionable or present themselves as physically attractive? Oh no, how horrible.

No offence to you Donald, but between this kind of article and khamsek’s complaints about smartphones, this place is rapidly tuning in to the sentiments of elderly reactionary conservatives.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
People trying to be fashionable or present themselves as physically attractive? Oh no, how horrible.

No offence to you Donald, but between this kind of article and khamsek’s complaints about smartphones, this place is rapidly tuning in to the sentiments of elderly reactionary conservatives.

i apologize, ironing board criminal. just havin' a larf.

oh my god
hey this is Ironicwarcriminal on my other account. i believe the opposite of what you guys believe. laters!
So this isn't a thread about kink-shaming foot fetishists?
Poo Powered Wifi Encourages Dog Owners to Stop and Scoop


LandBeluga posted:
So this isn't a thread about kink-shaming foot fetishists?

oh it can be that too

just fyi, getfiscal kinkshames me every chance he gets

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
People trying to be fashionable or present themselves as physically attractive? Oh no, how horrible.

No offence to you Donald, but between this kind of article and khamsek’s complaints about smartphones, this place is rapidly tuning in to the sentiments of elderly reactionary conservatives.


fashion? more like tools of the patriarchy.

extreme example sexy chinese feet

NOT mind safe, fuck the orient
It's hilarious how you guys can get all upset about a practice of those inscrutable orientals and yet turn a blind eye to the routine and endemic mutilation of boys penises that occurs thousands of times a day in your own society.
my circumcised penis has caused me no end of grief and hardship, let me tell you. huhuhuh. i said "hard".
Like, you know that America is a pretty sick society when uncut natural penises, perfected by millennia of evolution, are seen as strange or abnormal.
your analogy doesn't stand up. male babies dont choose to get mutilated. however women choose to put on heeled shoes.
yeah. that's how you can tell. you can't tell from all the homeless schizophrenics dying in the gutter but you can tell from the Hebraic foreskin removal ritual
Does any contemporary woman wear high heels except as a once-in-a-while "getting dressed up" sorta thing? Unless they are personally fascinated by fashion, of course, in which case it is not a sacrifice.

commodiusvicus posted:
yeah. that's how you can tell. you can't tell from all the homeless schizophrenics dying in the gutter but you can tell from the Hebraic foreskin removal ritual

Obviously homelessness is more visible about the normalization of sexual dysfunction and bodily vandalism that’s been going on for generations seems like something too widespread to be dismissed

i wonder how much of this stuff about fucking with womens feet is to make it harder for them to run away
Here's a cool video game which criticizes medieval Korean marriage customs from a feminist perspective. http://ahatestory.com/
[account deactivated]
its bogus to demonize surgery with loaded rhetoric like "cutting up your body." body modification predates written history and is a cherished tradition in many cultures
another brilliant expropriation joint initiative by the fashion industry and medical establishment

GoldenLionTamarin posted:
just fyi, getfiscal kinkshames me every chance he gets

you deserve it


girdles_gone_wild posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:
just fyi, getfiscal kinkshames me every chance he gets

you deserve it

That doesn't seem entirely fair. It's a monkey's nature to be kinky.

what's your most outrageous kink. let's build a democracy around difference and dissent
anime dad