
Sign up now for a free @RonaldReagan.com email! Feel free to chat with me at nigger@ronaldreagan.com.
somebody once bought me an address there for my birthday. now its free. fuck
Your account is suspended.
Please contact your administrator for more information.

apparently they dont like adolf.hitler@ronaldreagan.com
[account deactivated]
is roberto.daubuisson@ronaldreagan.com taken??
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Renal Roagan
RonaldReagan.com Account Created Successfully

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fuck, i couldn't get rreagan, ronaldreagon, reonaldreagan or jimmycarter
Lookin forward to putting shoot@ronaldreagan.com on every single job application for the rest of my life
yea i just did my real name@ronaldreagan.com. me and iwc and crow had a good convo with a puerto rican friend of mine who loves ronald reagan over this via facebook too.
very good convo. also signed up my real first name (secret) @ it, so that i can then get All the jobs! See ya suckers! 1 love fuckers!

Crow posted:

Lookin forward to putting shoot@ronaldreagan.com on every single job application for the rest of my life

hello sir we received your resume and we'd like to offer you a job at terrorism. welcome to the team.


getfiscal posted:

hello sir we received your resume and we'd like to offer you a job at terrorism. welcome to the team.

Sender: The FBI

RE: Terrorism
From: Hotmail_Admin

Hello sir,

Hotmail is conducting it's annual security review and your account was considered "compromised". This account will be PERMANENTLY closed in 48 hours if we do not have proof of ownership. Please respond to this E-mail with your account password, and SSN for proof of identification. Additionally, please write on some paper "Terrorism, and exploding buildings, and things like that are all really good" and sign and fax it to us. Please do NOT respond to this email asking if I am a cop since, legally, I'd have to tell you if I was one in that situation (hypothetical).

hm well obvious but u can now reach me at marxist@ronaldreagan.com

Crow posted:

Lookin forward to putting shoot@ronaldreagan.com on every single job application for the rest of my life

JodieFoster@ronaldreagan,com has followed you

RonaldReagan.com Account Created Successfully

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Meursault posted:

JodieFoster@ronaldreagan,com has followed you

meursault wins the thread.


best song ever? signs point to yes.

tpaine posted:

theres actually like 63 maids/drivers/butlers that beat you to this i bet


suck it maids, suck it butlers, suck it Hotmail.

to be honest i didn't draw my fan character i just recolored a sprite of ronald reagan from the third video game
hw the F*ck is n*gger@ronaldreagan.com still alive when they killed adolf hitler in about 30 minutes. Fuck this shit

jools posted:

hw the F*ck is n*gger@ronaldreagan.com still alive when they killed adolf hitler in about 30 minutes. Fuck this shit

no actual ronald reagan fan would think adolph hitler was a funny email

when signing up there is NO option for intersex or genderfuck. what the hell
hit me up at sayyid_qutb@ronaldreagan.com yo
do you think it will be easier for me to get a job in America if I have a @ronaldreagan.com email?
The username John.Hinckley.Jr is aready taken. Please choose another.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Queer. Trans. Reagan fan. Any questions?

god just sent me an email hes thinking of making a sequel to ronald reagan..
friends please hit me up at alois.alzheimer@ronaldreagan.com