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sometimes a cigarette is just a cigarette

and sometimes theres dust in it and it gets you FUCKED up
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cigarettes are bad for you, and if you smoke them long enough, they will kill you.... a liberal-interventionist desire to keep that from happening is i think part of it, but i think a far larger part is an incredulity at why people keep on smoking despite this fact, an aufklärer outrage at the irrationality of it, born out of a lack of understanding for the aesthetic..... with obesity it's different, we need food to stay alive, it's a matter of excess rather than superfluity, but its precisely the superfluity of smoking that makes it important
binge drinking isn't totally condoned by society, come on. okay, maybe in the uk it is
anti-smoker bigotry is consistent with the trends of "poilitically correct" liberalism in the christian west, however i think that the current trend of anti smoker legislation is just a result of the new age health crowd becoming a significant enough demographic for the capital class to prefer catering to their wants, they've been frowning at our smoking breaks for a while now and they can still smoke in their private offices.
I think part of it is just that smoking is an easier target than those other things. There's at least a perception, accurate or not, that the cause and effect links between smoking and disease are much stronger than those of binge drinking, overeating cellphone use, etc. There's also the perception that the second-hand effects of smoking are worse than those of the other things - again, that might not even be true, but imo it predominates because the explanation of the second-hand effects of cigarettes tends to be less nuanced.

edit: plus it's easier to stigmatize smoking of any degree than to stigmatize things that are commonly regarded as necessities and are at worst innocuous and at best vital when consumed/done in moderation. people need to eat and they often need to use cellphones, but no one needs to smoke.

Edited by LandBeluga ()

plus they make people stink
when you're binge drinking you dont vomit up vapours that intoxicate everyone around you

shennong posted:

when you're binge drinking you dont vomit up vapours that intoxicate everyone around you

you do wrap your car around a family walking down the sidewalk though which is why MADD exists etc.

yeah the point is that harming others isn't actually built into the route of administration. you could chew skoal or use snus or snuff or a patch or any of a dozen other ways of dosing yourself with nicotine but most smokers won't even consider it which speaks to how out of control their nafs is

getfiscal posted:

shennong posted:

when you're binge drinking you dont vomit up vapours that intoxicate everyone around you

you do wrap your car around a family walking down the sidewalk though which is why MADD exists etc.

i guess that is actually pretty easy to wrap one's head around (check that pun)

in ny chainsmoking is more expensive than smoking weed all day~~~
my whole house switched from packs to tube filters w/ rolling tobacco and we're saving almost $1000 a month yeaaa
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discipline posted:

shennong posted:

yeah the point is that harming others isn't actually built into the route of administration. you could chew skoal or use snus or snuff or a patch or any of a dozen other ways of dosing yourself with nicotine but most smokers won't even consider it which speaks to how out of control their nafs is

that's not true. besides, snus has been practically outlawed by the tobacco lobby in the usa. I used to use it when it was less than $3 but then the price shot up to like $12 a pack.

it is true, environmental tobacco smoke is responsible for thousands of cancers, alveolar diseases, immune diseases, etc on a yearly basis, particularly among children and the poor, all of which could be avoided simply by chosing a mode of administration that doesn't subject others to the consequences of your addiction. the legal status of snus is irrelevant, chewing tobacco and the patch are widely available in the US

It smells awful and is toxic. If a dude is getting himself fat, that doesn't kill me, unlike your cigarettes, where I get to know I'm inhaling a lungful of carcinogens every time I smell it.
bad at posting

shennong posted:

discipline posted:

shennong posted:

yeah the point is that harming others isn't actually built into the route of administration. you could chew skoal or use snus or snuff or a patch or any of a dozen other ways of dosing yourself with nicotine but most smokers won't even consider it which speaks to how out of control their nafs is

that's not true. besides, snus has been practically outlawed by the tobacco lobby in the usa. I used to use it when it was less than $3 but then the price shot up to like $12 a pack.

it is true, environmental tobacco smoke is responsible for thousands of cancers, alveolar diseases, immune diseases, etc on a yearly basis, particularly among children and the poor, all of which could be avoided simply by chosing a mode of administration that doesn't subject others to the consequences of your addiction. the legal status of snus is irrelevant, chewing tobacco and the patch are widely available in the US

seriously though i don't think the "about-face" was that sudden, it took a good 20-30 years of consistent epidemiology before the narrative about smoking was widely accepted and internalised. smoking is a far more tractable public health problem than something like obesity or other issues because it can be done without affecting class relations etc, all that needs to happen is the profits from manufacturing the drug shift from one group of wealthy white people (tobacco) to another (pharma). if you want to deal with obesity or people living next to toxic waste dumps you have to deal with poverty and the organisation of the food system and the individual freehold property regime etc etc so obviously that cant happen
So this is how libertarianism is born. With thunderous applause

shennong posted:

seriously though i don't think the "about-face" was that sudden, it took a good 20-30 years of consistent epidemiology before the narrative about smoking was widely accepted and internalised

that and all the anti-smoking ad campaigns are funded by the cigarette companies as part of the tobacco settlement


Groulxsmith posted:

So this is how libertarianism is born. With thunderous applause

"I like Cigarettes; I like to think of fire held in a man’s hand.
FIRE, a dangerous force, tamed at his finger tips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come out from such hours. When a man thinks there is a spot of
fire alive in his mind – and it is proper that he should have the burning point
of a cigarette as his one expression."
-ayn rand

i like that the argument is apparently that it's wrong to dislike cigarettes because of how much everybody likes obesity
the best thing about smokers is how much they whine about how they, petty, disgusting drug addicts, are being picked on by the general population by it being made impossible for them to create noxious clouds around people with dignity and self-respect
i think it's mostly classism tbh. the most vocal anti-smoking people are usually complaining about smokers themselves instead of the act of smoking being disgusting
watching goatstein and cycloneboy take the same side in an argument is like watching hitler and stalin secure a non-aggression pact
smoking cigarettes is a product of western fascination with the exotic orient and is exactly as bad as dumb college kids wearing keffiyehs for fashion or hippies appropriating native culture
fact: 3 out of the 5 largest tobacco corporations own major porn studios
For me, cigarettes are just a social thing. Like... I would never sit around and smoke a cigarette and smoke it by myself and the only time I ever buy packs of cigarettes are just to pay back friends from whenever we've been out partying and I've bummed a bunch or whatever. Even then, I'll only smoke with certain groups of friends and only if we're out doing some heavy partying and stuff. I still get the nicotine buzz head rush and it owns. Well that's my story.
Tobacco Killed a Cat
Dr. David Paulson, president of the Anti-Cigarette League of America, tells of an experiment he conducted when a student at Bellevue Hospital Medical School, in New York, that impressed upon his mind the fact that nicotine is a deadly poison. A large, healthy cat which made night hideous for everybody in the neighborhood was the victim. Here is the incident in the doctor's own words:

"I soaked enough tobacco to make an ordinary cigarette in water. Then I injected under the cat's skin a hypodermic syringe full of this tobacco juice. In a few minutes the cat began to quiver, then tremble, then it had cramps, and in less than twenty minutes it died in violent convulsions. The poison destroyed the nine lives a cat is popularly supposed to possess.

"I take no pride in relating this experiment, for I knew a shorter as well as a more merciful way of ending that cat's life; but what distresses me now is the fact that thousands of boys are repeating that experiment upon themselves with as certain though less immediate results, and only a few people seem to be concerned over what is taking place right before their eyes."
it's the smoke breathing thing. it's a tolerance thing fyi


smoking cigarettes is a product of western fascination with the exotic orient and is exactly as bad as dumb college kids wearing keffiyehs for fashion or hippies appropriating native culture

imo it had a lot to do with the legal system winning lawsuits and creating giant pools of capital expressly dedicated to anti-smoking propaganda and lobbying
it has become the intrusive demonized Other in our society and therefore,

Edited by methlabretriever ()


discipline posted:

like how many americans are going to die of obesity? did smoking ever lower a nation's life expectancy average like that lol


*in throttled voice* hey man at least your drug is legal *exhales a thick cloud of pot smoke*

thirdplace posted:

discipline posted:

like how many americans are going to die of obesity? did smoking ever lower a nation's life expectancy average like that lol