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austerity is pretty win
it doesnt matter how many hours they work, the greeks' feckless, workshy nature is pure and inchoate, a kind of original sin that can only be cleansed by total prostration before the temple of the market
pomo slavery ftw
meh, i hardly think this is slavery *watches as little ants progressively take a piece of food back to their sandhill*
Oh no, a biblical work week.
greece has been going downhill since alexander died. film at 11.
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Six days... a month? Ha ha, those guys sure don't like working
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Alyosha posted:

Oh no, a biblical work week.

The Bible says slavery is ok and you should beat your wife... pretty messed up text overall

The Bible doesn't say to beat your wife, you're thinking of the Quran.
The bible does tell you to beat your sons though.

Transient_Grace posted:

greece has been going downhill since alexander died. film at 11.

alexander the great was a fucktard whose greatest "contribution" to greek "civilization" was the introduction of absolute monarchism. woo.


Cycloneboy posted:

Transient_Grace posted:

greece has been going downhill since alexander died. film at 11.

alexander the great was a fucktard whose greatest "contribution" to greek "civilization" was the introduction of absolute monarchism. woo.


most people want to work more so they can earn more. if you ask the average worker if they want to work more hours or less, something like 90% will say more. that's why so many middle-upper americans bank huge amounts of overtime. socialists have the idea that the work week should be less so people can do other stuff, as if work is somehow making everyone idiots, but americans watch 20+ hours of tv a week on average. and most of those people work at jobs where they stack pants or file insurance forms so the idea that they are exhausted after a day of backbreaking labour is a bit silly.

getfiscal posted:

most people want to work more so they can earn more. if you ask the average worker if they want to work more hours or less, something like 90% will say more. that's why so many middle-upper americans bank huge amounts of overtime. socialists have the idea that the work week should be less so people can do other stuff, as if work is somehow making everyone idiots, but americans watch 20+ hours of tv a week on average. and most of those people work at jobs where they stack pants or file insurance forms so the idea that they are exhausted after a day of backbreaking labour is a bit silly.

Interesting... what is your personal experience in the field of work?

i have worked for a bank and a few community organizations and political campaigns, i have an in-demand skill set and i synergize
hehe yea 8 hour work days r not exhausting
If you find a job you love then its not even work! That's my advice to Greek people, and everyone, do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Like me, ibreak up and demoralize revolutionary cells for the fbi and i love it
if 8 hour work days are exhausting then why wouldn't 7 hour work days, which is what the big socialist reform was in france that liberated workers from misery. why did workers pay people to read to them while they worked back in the 19th century but now they are all fat and consider public participation to be voting on american idol. face it, americans are shitheads.

getfiscal posted:

if 8 hour work days are exhausting then why wouldn't 7 hour work days, which is what the big socialist reform was in france that liberated workers from misery. why did workers pay people to read to them while they worked back in the 19th century but now they are all fat and consider public participation to be voting on american idol. face it, americans are shitheads.

it's pretty clear that you've never worked for an extended period, bro? a 7 hour work day is much better than an 8 hour. a 5 hour work day is much better than that, 4 hour better, and so on.

lol why would i work are you trolling me bro
if you dont work at all it causes depression and excessive masturbation. but if you work 80 hrs a week you'll get tired. perhaps the answer, as it so often seems to be, lies between the two.

Keven posted:

if you dont work at all it causes depression and excessive masturbation. but if you work 80 hrs a week you'll get tired. perhaps the answer, as it so often seems to be, lies between the two.

keven you're a good man. gonna netflix some south park episodes and get a job.

I'd recommend working as many hours as possible for 4-6 months and then sitting around the house in between "performing" "comedy" for "people" . Just 1 way to do it. Another way would be to work just under whatever the # of hours would get you benefits at your local grocery store or fast food restaurant. A third option would be having autism. There's a lot more ways to "skin a cat" than ppl know about and that the greeks aren't exploring some of these options simply points out why they got into this mess in the first place. Hard words from a hard man.
Tell ppl not to ddos this site b/c i enjoy making unrelated jokes and then not responding 2 anything a lot more when theres a little # that goes up instead of vainly hoping for empty quotes

getfiscal posted:

most people want to work more so they can earn more. if you ask the average worker if they want to work more hours or less, something like 90% will say more. that's why so many middle-upper americans bank huge amounts of overtime. socialists have the idea that the work week should be less so people can do other stuff, as if work is somehow making everyone idiots, but americans watch 20+ hours of tv a week on average. and most of those people work at jobs where they stack pants or file insurance forms so the idea that they are exhausted after a day of backbreaking labour is a bit silly.

why are you so fat and gay and smell like frying oil

i want to work more hours at my dehumanizing minimum wage job so i can pay off the creditors that call 8 times a day because i value the credit system in capitalism
fat, autistic trustfundee explains why blue collar workers love spending the majority of their waking life working grueling hours
ive worked 10 hour days 6 days a week in a factory before and it sucks but everyone wanted as many hours as possible because it meant more money, even though they were cheating us on overtime. people want more money because they dont have any, thats the moral of the cisstory
i already perform comedy to people by telling internet jokes that apparently only i understand, which, in itself, is probably a misunderstanding, given they aren't really "jokes" at all. as i said to my dad, i'm sort of a comedian, but instead of telling a few jokes to a thousand people, i tell a thousand jokes to a few people.

Cycloneboy posted:

Transient_Grace posted:

greece has been going downhill since alexander died. film at 11.

alexander the great was a fucktard whose greatest "contribution" to greek "civilization" was the introduction of absolute monarchism. woo.

Uh excuse me alexander contributed in many ways, such as burning persepolis. when was the last time you burnt persepolis? Also alexander wandered around with his company of gentlemen and then when he died he bequethed his kingdom to the strongest. truly he was a randian objectivist superman.

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that video hurts
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