
Joke photo on Fox suggests Obama met with pirate

NEW YORK (AP) — Arrrrgh: Fox News Channel used a joke picture of President Barack Obama sitting with a man in full buccaneer regalia to suggest Thursday that the president was more interested in meeting with a pirate than in conducting foreign policy.

The network later tweeted a clarification to the blooper, made three times on the "Fox & Friends" morning show.

The picture depicted Obama sitting in the Oval Office with a man in a colorful pirate outfit, complete with a red hat, eye patch and hook for a right arm. It was taken as a punch line for a joke Obama delivered to the White House Correspondents Association dinner in 2009 about the administration talking to enemies as well as friends.

The picture resurfaced Wednesday when the Obama campaign tweeted it for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The tweet linked to the picture with the message: "Arrr You In?"

Over an on-screen graphic that said "Arrrgh You Kidding?", Fox ran the picture Thursday morning with host Brian Kilmeade saying, "The White House doesn't have the time to meet with the prime minister of Israel, but this pirate got a sit-down in the Oval Office yesterday."

Later, with "yo-ho-ho" music in the background, Fox showed the picture as its "Shot of the Morning," with host Steve Doocy saying, "Here's a quick look at what President Obama is up to, making sure he didn't forget to mark International Talk Like a Pirate Day."

"Fox & Friends" also showed the picture, along with others of the president meeting with Jay-Z and Beyonce and appearing on David Letterman's "Late Show" on Tuesday. The headline was "Too busy for Israel" and Fox also showed twin pictures of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and an empty chair.

"He's getting the Clint Eastwood treatment — the empty chair," Doocy said.

Analyst Peter Johnson Jr., calling the president "Broadway Barack Obama," said that "it seems like foreign policy is taking a back seat."

After the show ended, the "Fox & Friends" Twitter feed noted that the pirate picture was from 2009.

Doocy also tweeted: "By the way, our picture of the president with the pirate was from 2009. How time flies!"

Fox had no additional comment.


Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land!

Let's support our boss!
[account deactivated]
obama did tweet about talk like a pirate day, also he posted on reddit and referenced a meme. election 2012 tactics to get the "youth" vote back. i love the internet
[account deactivated]
Epic. Just Epic Win.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Yea I got one of those before and no matter what I ask or how many times I spin it either it comes up totally blank and a 13 y/o boy's voice repeatedly calls me a N-word F-word (anti gay not the fuck-word) or alternately it somehow fits this 5,000 word deal explaining why the modern world is actually biased against men.
It's not a matter of factionalism, it's just stating reality. I'm saying that from the perspective of someone who once thought exactly the same as those I'm mocking in what you quoted.

No there really aren't any real reasons for people to be disillusioned with Obama not on the left. the only reason one would be disillusioned with Obama is if you are naive enough to think that he could overcome the powerful interests arrayed against those policy failures you are disappointed about through force of will. Sure if politics was an Aaron Sorkin movie Obama would have gotten on a train/bus/plane and toured the country giving awesome speeches that would magically change everyone's minds and turn them against the insurance industry.

Meanwhile back in the real world he was facing multiple crises, an economy that was hanging by a thread and two fucked up wars with a fake super majority in congress and the Senate.

To many on ideological left confuse when it's time to push and when it's time to lift.

Here is a diary I wrote on Dailykos back in 09, I know the arguments of the disillusioned As you can see I've made them my damned self. But at the end of the day if you don't know when it's time to criticize and push your guys versus when it's time to forget about the ideal and concentrate on the real you are causing more harm than good to the cause you are supporting.

Those lefties I'm chastising for letting their butt hurt over what they see as Obama's failings are doing exactly the same thing that the extremists who've taken the GOP over are doing to their side. They're letting their idealism become an impediment to the very cause they are trying to support.

I personally agree far more with those I'm chastising here than I do with the blue dog obstructionists like SilentD and his ilk. But political realism says that the time to fight this shit out is during the primary, when you get to the general election particularly for the President it's time for some nose holding and teeth gritting because losing honorably isn't going to help those real human beings who are going to die untimely deaths if the GOP get to enact Ryans death pact.

Understand the reason I supported Obama originally is because I understood that he was a political realist. I knew full fucking well that he was going to disappoint me and toss us under the buss if the political calculus was right. That's what I like about the guy. I may not agree with all of his decisions but I know he will do what can and needs to be done.

That's politics. When you are dealing with a system that is structured to resist change as strongly as this one is, You are not going to be able to make radical changes over night. It's just not going to fucking happen. To advance an agenda in this system you need; pressure for change aka your ideological movements, intellectuals, media and institutions to push your agenda; a political organization capable of achieving electoral victories; which once in office have the political competence to effectively resist the oppositions agenda while finding places to advance your own.

I think to many people (on both sides of the political divide) have a romanticized view of history. Most likely reinforced by this silly American notion of the rugged individual who shifts the "arc of history" by force of rhetoric and will, and miss all the dirty painful struggle that led up to those pivotal foci. They think that Rosa parks was just some random black woman who decided that she'd simply had enough, not realizing that she was an activist involved in an organized political resistance and that her famous act of defiance was a planned and staged act of disobedience intended to incite just the reaction it did to justify the response planned by her organization.

They don't realize that a certain black Preacher was tapped to be the head of the movement because the Porters who organized said movement had to work and they needed someone who could be their front man.

They think that the Civil Rights Act was passed out of respect for Kennedy or King's wonderful speech, rather than due to the combination of the implied threat of 2 million pissed off negroes standing in the Washington mall and Lyndon knowing where all the fucking bodies were buried.

Politics is a dirty, messy, struggle consisting of fits, starts, set backs, compromises and Faustian Bargains. Failure to understand that makes one naive and ignorant. Which is why I refer to the "they're all the same" crowd as useful idiots.
why not just be a stalinist in that case

jools posted:

why not just be a stalinist in that case

i am


jools posted:

why not just be a stalinist in that case

"obama [or politician elected] will never be an leftist due to a corrupt political system preventing that reality from occuring - and that's precisely why you need to vote for obama instead of romney"

i thnk i've heard that same argument about 60 - 150? times since 2011
typical obama
why did the secret service allow a man with a hook within slashing distance of the potus. it's absurd. haven't they seen one chinese movie with an attempt on the emperor's life. that pirate guy could have been training for years, insinuating pirate culture in the life of the white house, preparing his black claw strike. just waiting to destroy the president. wtf.

List of 25 Most Evil People

Pope Pius XII

Wlodimir Ledochowski SJ
Fr Joseph Stalin SJ

Heinrich Himmler SJ

St. Vlad Dracula

Pope Alexander VI

Francis Borja SJ
Uthman bin Affan
Pope Damasus I
Francis of Assisi
Pope Sergius III
Pope Innocent III
Pope Boniface VIII
Adolf Hitler
Pope Adrian IV
Christopher Columbus
Dwight D, Eisenhower
Pope Pius IX
Ivan IV of Russia
Oliver Cromwell
Pope Urban II
St. David (Dawi)
St. Lucius of Cyrene
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mao Zedong
im a stalinist jesuit ftw
why is uthman on that list lol
i would've preferred if it were a bracket but im glad that hitler is only two spots above christopher columbus

apparently for being a sneaky jew or something? weird site
Most human beings alive today believe in some sort of supreme deity. Furthermore, most people believe this deity existed prior to the arrival of human beings. Our ancestors shared similar beliefs, with the qualification that it was not just one god- but many gods.

The oldest writings from Sumeria, Egypt and the Greeks parallel one another in the hierarchy of Gods and their existence on the planet Earth before the existence of humanity.

In most cases, these texts talk of the Gods being the creators of the Earth from the primordial waters/kaos. Interestingly, when one considers another interpretation of this translation, the creation of order from disorder also implies the creation of civilization, of fields, of the things we take for granted out of the untamed wilderness that would have been pre-settlement Earth.

But what is striking concerning the earliest wisdom texts of humanity is not just how universal the acknowledgement of the same information, but that these gods were not considered benevolent, but malevolent and downright evil.

The first higher beings on Earth were exiled alien prisoners
When the earliest writings of the Akkadians, the Sumerians and others are investigated concerning the creation stories of the human race, they describe various layers of hierarchy to the Gods pre- existence of humans. There appears to be a supreme leadership followed by

Secondly, there appears to be a number of fallen gods, effectively prisoners to those in power who effectively were the workers- building the facilities and life support systems of 1st settlement.

In the case of ancient text the Enuma Elish (3000BCE) , we see the following key quote, before any mention of humans:

“...Let the fallen gods day after day serve us; and as we enforce your will let no one else usurp our office. Marduk, Tiamat’s conqueror, was glad; the bargain was good; he went on speaking his arrogant words explaining it all to the gods, “They will perform this service, day after day, and you shall enforce my will as law.”

The Gnostic wisdom of Jesus
Yet it is the Gnostic wisdom of Jesus himself in his sacred texts written prior to the writings of Paul of Tarsus and the Sadducee High Priests that provides the greatest insight into the true character of these first gods.

That they were manifestly evil and it is on account of this wickedness that they were exiled to Earth by their civilization.

This understanding, while extremely complex in its imagery within Gnostic insight is nonetheless very powerful. For it provides a context and insight into the mind of the first flesh and blood higher order beings on planet Earth and a motivational context as to the paradox that is the human being and human minds.
gnosticism is such horrible bullshit

babyfinland posted:

gnosticism is such horrible bullshit

same except everything not approved by richard dawkins.


getfiscal posted:

babyfinland posted:

gnosticism is such horrible bullshit

same except everything not approved by richard dawkins.

But they are the same!!!

Francis of Assisi

Adolf Hitler
im an annunaki

shennong posted:

im an annunaki

more like onannookie


ggw posted:

It's not a matter of factionalism, it's just stating reality. I'm saying that from the perspective of someone who once thought exactly the same as those I'm mocking in what you quoted.

No there really aren't any real reasons for people to be disillusioned with Obama not on the left. the only reason one would be disillusioned with Obama is if you are naive enough to think that he could overcome the powerful interests arrayed against those policy failures you are disappointed about through force of will. Sure if politics was an Aaron Sorkin movie Obama would have gotten on a train/bus/plane and toured the country giving awesome speeches that would magically change everyone's minds and turn them against the insurance industry.

Meanwhile back in the real world he was facing multiple crises, an economy that was hanging by a thread and two fucked up wars with a fake super majority in congress and the Senate.

To many on ideological left confuse when it's time to push and when it's time to lift.

Here is a diary I wrote on Dailykos back in 09, I know the arguments of the disillusioned As you can see I've made them my damned self. But at the end of the day if you don't know when it's time to criticize and push your guys versus when it's time to forget about the ideal and concentrate on the real you are causing more harm than good to the cause you are supporting.

Those lefties I'm chastising for letting their butt hurt over what they see as Obama's failings are doing exactly the same thing that the extremists who've taken the GOP over are doing to their side. They're letting their idealism become an impediment to the very cause they are trying to support.

I personally agree far more with those I'm chastising here than I do with the blue dog obstructionists like SilentD and his ilk. But political realism says that the time to fight this shit out is during the primary, when you get to the general election particularly for the President it's time for some nose holding and teeth gritting because losing honorably isn't going to help those real human beings who are going to die untimely deaths if the GOP get to enact Ryans death pact.

Understand the reason I supported Obama originally is because I understood that he was a political realist. I knew full fucking well that he was going to disappoint me and toss us under the buss if the political calculus was right. That's what I like about the guy. I may not agree with all of his decisions but I know he will do what can and needs to be done.

That's politics. When you are dealing with a system that is structured to resist change as strongly as this one is, You are not going to be able to make radical changes over night. It's just not going to fucking happen. To advance an agenda in this system you need; pressure for change aka your ideological movements, intellectuals, media and institutions to push your agenda; a political organization capable of achieving electoral victories; which once in office have the political competence to effectively resist the oppositions agenda while finding places to advance your own.

I think to many people (on both sides of the political divide) have a romanticized view of history. Most likely reinforced by this silly American notion of the rugged individual who shifts the "arc of history" by force of rhetoric and will, and miss all the dirty painful struggle that led up to those pivotal foci. They think that Rosa parks was just some random black woman who decided that she'd simply had enough, not realizing that she was an activist involved in an organized political resistance and that her famous act of defiance was a planned and staged act of disobedience intended to incite just the reaction it did to justify the response planned by her organization.

They don't realize that a certain black Preacher was tapped to be the head of the movement because the Porters who organized said movement had to work and they needed someone who could be their front man.

They think that the Civil Rights Act was passed out of respect for Kennedy or King's wonderful speech, rather than due to the combination of the implied threat of 2 million pissed off negroes standing in the Washington mall and Lyndon knowing where all the fucking bodies were buried.

Politics is a dirty, messy, struggle consisting of fits, starts, set backs, compromises and Faustian Bargains. Failure to understand that makes one naive and ignorant. Which is why I refer to the "they're all the same" crowd as useful idiots.

D&D is really good


babyfinland posted:

shennong posted:

im an annunaki

more like onannookie

*slowly removes hand from pants*


shermanstick posted:

http://one-evil.org/List of 25 Most Evil People

Pope Pius XII

Wlodimir Ledochowski SJ
Fr Joseph Stalin SJ

Heinrich Himmler SJ

St. Vlad Dracula

Pope Alexander VI

Francis Borja SJ
Uthman bin Affan
Pope Damasus I
Francis of Assisi
Pope Sergius III
Pope Innocent III
Pope Boniface VIII
Adolf Hitler
Pope Adrian IV
Christopher Columbus
Dwight D, Eisenhower
Pope Pius IX
Ivan IV of Russia
Oliver Cromwell
Pope Urban II
St. David (Dawi)
St. Lucius of Cyrene
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mao Zedong


[account deactivated]
Here is a diary I wrote on Dailykos back in 09,

babyfinland posted:

gnosticism is such horrible bullshit

uhh did you not see the Matrix?


gyrofry posted:

Here is a diary I wrote on Dailykos back in 09,

*clicks the link with astounding speed and enthusiasm*

so I should donate and win that dinner with hussein?
obama is secretly a russian nesting doll kind of thing, you can break him open and there's a smaller obama inside. at the first debate he'll unleash all of them and they'll go Pick Up Romney and Put Him In The Trash
why are you guys caring if obama wins another term when we all know its gonna be rubio 2016