[account deactivated]
what's your favorite color skittle?
Which do you prefer? The Joel episodes or the Mike episodes?
Where he gets his suits tailored, and/or whether he has a personal stylist. Of all the anti-imperialist cartoon villains, Ahmedinejad has the most classic style. Chavez may have his red shirts, or sometimes along with Castro a garish shellsuit, and Kim Jong-Un might share his father's predilection for boxy monochrome suits with Cuban boots, but none can match the sheer existential terror that Ahmedinejad has managed to imbue the relaxed open-collar-shirt-with-suit-jacket look with on the international stage. Sartorial genius.
Bachelor #1. I'm big into religious experiences. if I was a jew, what would you do for my bar mitzvah?
howd it get burned
do you want to frot a lil??
probably something about poo-poo or pee-pee. that's just me, though
how many jewish chicks have you boned?

ggw posted:

how many jewish chicks boys have you boned?

what is trotskyism?
of all your past trolls, which do you consider most epic?
ask him what his opinions on the urban-rural divide in iran are
ask if he shrank during his terms of office in the same way sarkozy did
do you want to do this the easy way

or the fun way
where does he get his snazzy jackets
When shall we strike, master?
"How Many Time Have You Been In Love?"
How'd U Bring That Drone Down, Little Man, Didya Get On A Step LAdder Or What?
I guess columbia's president called him a petty dictator which was translated into persian as 'small dictator' as in short in stature, so all the newspapers in iran condemned columbia's president for taking a cheap shot. which would have been an accurate charge even if they had translated it correctly but whatever
[account deactivated]
to be fair, if someone knows something about petty dictatorships, it'd be an american college president
having someone give a speech and then having someone translate every sentence is my favorite kind of speech because you get two waves of responses. when shirin ebadi came here and gave a speech she said something like "iranians don't like their government but they like the idea of an invasion to replace it even less" and all the persians and advanced persian students cheered, and then all the bureaucrats and university functionaries and regular people who had come by to see Famous PErson Speak in Utah kind of grumbled and clapped a little. it was cool.
that's cool that utah has persian courses. that's my takeaway from that lol. language pickings seem slim in montreal, mostly it seems like private institutes/tutors etc.
my college had yidish AND hebrew
the U is really good with languages, you can even take a summer course in shoshone.
whwere are the steampunk wedding picturs?
mormons gotta proselytise