[account deactivated]
I said you're gaining too much weight, Chris, you're gonna die.

Noice posted:

I said you're gaining too much weight, Chris, you're gonna die.

Yeah, I heard that internet addiction aided weight loss but that person may have been wrong.

Edited by Clock_of_Depression ()

mods plz gas / ban op
fat man folks
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
as a public figure on youtube he should be more concerned about the impression he's leaving for children. lose weight, chubby
now i can get the drink out... now i can get the drink out. chardonnay folks
[account deactivated]
Are you fucking kidding me chardonnay on the rocks for fucks sake kill yourself prole
"A little wood never hurt anybody" *dies as cork after cork is rammed down his throat with a butter knife* seal in the freshness bitches

libelous_slander posted:

"A little wood never hurt anybody" *dies as cork after cork is rammed down his throat with a butter knife* seal in the freshness bitches


He has no respect for the agency of that wine bottle
i want to fuck fatman

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

i want to fuck fatman

Uhuhuhuhjjuh a lil wood never hurt anybody (except cylontween)


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

i want to fuck fatman

* hyena laugh*
[account deactivated]
Urgh how does a person wind up like that.
it's only a matter of time before he uploads the diabetic gangrenous scabs video
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:


where is that accent even from? are these people canadian?

[account deactivated]
the heart of midwest darknesswhiteness

animedad posted:

the heart of midwest darknesswhiteness

Traveling upstream into unmapped territories, searching for colonel fartz

Mid-west is like Zangief mixed with Guile okay, not an alcoholic E Honda. get it together rhizzonauts
fatman actually lives in southern vermont
maybe his dad's originally a masshole or a minnesotan. i cant decide
[account deactivated]
lol this video of him is age blocked because hes rubbing chicken grease all over his breasts: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3DjfoFXStQC64%26feature%3Drelmfu
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