This post might belong in /r/conspiracy. And yes it jumps around a lot.... sorry. Its late.

SRS is a creation of the SA forums.

They got sick of reddit stealing their userbase. So they started trolling reddit. Eventually they came up with /r/SRS when /r/shitmydadsays took off.

Essentially they came here because they for whatever reason and don't like reddit. The big joke is that they have managed to recruit other people both internally and externally to work towards their goal of damaging the reddit community. That group could best be described as those people who just want to see the world burn. The more hate they can muster up against something the better, especially when its on the 'morally right' side, or at least partially morally right. That makes their hate machine that much stronger.


Here are more quotes:


Do NOT give these retards your attention. I've been on the Internet a long time, but I've never seen a group of deluded, bootlicking numbskulls as bad as these guys. They sincerely believe that if they find some way to deliver a serious blow to Reddit, they'll become a more attractive place for bored people on the Internet to waste their time - for a small fee, of course.

See, the shitheels over at the Something Awful forums pay 10 bux so they can access all sections of the site, ostensibly free of censorship, but really the people who run the place are so sensitive to criticism that they ban anyone who engages in it. And what else do you get for your money? You get a wonderful opportunity to be used as a testing group by various marketing interests, none of which inform you in advance that they intend to do that. All of the sudden, there's some interesting testimonial by an admin or moderator about some wonderful product that they just stumbled upon and boy isn't it just so great. And the amazing thing is that hundreds of users will actually pee all over themselves to jump at the chance to agree! It's just so sad.

Most of their early user base picked up on this and moved on, and it seems like since 2001 people have been pining for the old days of the forums, because man, those were the days. 11 long years of decay and this is what they're reduced to: a phony moral outrage campaign against Reddit to get attention for themselves.

It's not like they don't know how Reddit works. They know that subreddits are created and maintained by individual users, and there are so many of them that they hardly get reviewed on a regular basis. And if it came down to illegal material being linked on Reddit being done away with, I'm sure none of us would object. No one wants child porn here. But their mission is to link Reddit with child pornography in the eyes of the media, and that's pretty weak. I mean, come on. I was a member of the forums way back in the old days. There are a lot of horrible, sick things I would never have known about if it weren't for them. It's not like I would have gone looking for lemonparty, pain4.jpg, tribute.avi, that BME poo poo, etc. if it weren't openly celebrated there. And let's not forget their anime forum, which quite obviously tolerated some blatant child porn hentai for quite a long time. What was too horrible for that forum instead appeared in their version of /r/circlejerk, for laughs, if you can believe that.

There is no "for the public good" poo poo going on here. It's just horrible, cynical people trying to ruin something which has eclipsed them a long time ago for no other reason than bitterness.

Notably this:

Aren't those subreddits also reported in the redditbomb? I assume they got rid of the child porn stuff because that is clearly illegal, but beating up girls and transsexuals are okay because they are CONSENTING ADULTS

The /r/redditbomb was not the work of 'redditors' - its the work of goons.

Or look here:


in the side bar:

BY ORDER OF SOMETHING AWFUL: This sub has been re-dedicated to calling out the pedophiles and pedo apologists on reddit.

Post in mensrights? Thats nice, benned.

I'm still curious as to why they don't like my subreddit particularly. But whatever


They tend to pay attention to anything the admins say about /r/srs

This quote is important too

Little do they realize that the admins' total disinterest in banning people also protects the people who hate Reddit.

I only posted links to the public SA threads so far. I don't have a paid account there so the private threads, I have no access to... I think some people should get one there and investigate (don't post tho, you'll get banned. Stick to lurking)

Heres more:

Keep fighting the good fight goons. Don't stop until it's ashes and they are scattered to the wind.

"It's' being reddit.


This is their stated goal.

The goon who emailed Cooper originally also said he found an actual child porn subreddit. There's really nothing left to defend about reddit at this point.


Hes right, there is nothing to defend there.... but note that it is a GOON taking credit (goon is their term for SA member)

I am no longer a mod at SRS, but I will pass your kind words on to the new mods


Note ts12's post


the +X scores isn't really used outside of /r/SRS

few outside of /r/srs posts +5 to denote 5 upvotes / 0 downvotes or 6 ups/1 down

Thanks, SRS.


So I decided to google my name and SA.....

Clearly I'm up there on their hitlist though:

I've gone up against him many times, when I still went to reddit, he really is one of the worst on the site, although I'd reserve that slot for violentacrez, and I'm not sure if I'd put pn6 above or below AnnArchist in terms of shittiness

I guess I'm the last one standing from this post. PN6 is no longer active.

Theres also a post about the podcast:

or some reason, someone did a podcast interview with reddit superstars ViolentAcrez, AndrewSmith1986, and Saydrah

This podcast was how Chen voice IDed VA.

I don't have access to it because its archived... but heres a link


Also, they are following the VA issue closely.


Note the date:

This is a quote from the google.com search results:

Sep 27 As others have said, the thing I really just cannot comprehend is the existence of ViolentaCrez. Why hasn't any news outlet done an exposé on .


Reddit Pedopocalypse 3: Redditor/Teacher fired for upskirt photos ... 42 posts - 27 authors - Sep 27 As others have said, the thing I really just cannot comprehend is the existence of ViolentaCrez. Why hasn't any news outlet done an exposé on ...

Looks like SA might have given Chen the idea? Is Chen a goon? Who the fuck knows.

Front page of SA's main forum:


3rd post: Gawker's Adrian Chen outs Michael Brutsch, reddit mod of Jailbait/Creepshot

Honestly, these are all easily googled. But more or less, SA is behind SRS with a stated goal of the destruction of reddit. They don't like reddit and they get lulz from fucking it up.

As you can see, they are succeeding. Most of those posts come from an 'insightful posts from reddit' thread . . . or shitredditsays

he's right
he's really got SA's number.
caught between ar ock and a gay ass website
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

gyrofry posted:


[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I've been on the Internet a long time, but
i assume banning goatstein was part of the conspiracy as he fled to reddit and quickly destroyed it with his posts
didnt read, did he ever get to the conclusion that both web "communities" are equally terrible and full of autistic children?

The Violentacrez clan seems to have walked out of a Todd Solondz movie, and a significant part of Violentacrez's mythos on Reddit comes from the details he's shared about his family. In 2010, Violentacrez hosted a legendary "Ask Me Anything" thread"—the same Q & A feature Barack Obama took part in last month. He was asked what was the creepiest thing he'd done "IRL" and delighted readers with a tale ripped out of Penthouse letters. "That'd be a tough call," Violentacrez wrote, "Perhaps oral sex with my 19-year-old stepdaughter." It was completely consensual, he claimed in the post, and went on to brag about how awesome it had been in graphic detail.

This happened over ten years ago, Violentacrez claimed. When his then-wife, the girl's mother, found out, she "got mad, then got over it," Violentacrez wrote. He says they were married for ten more years.


TG posted:

didnt read, did he ever get to the conclusion that both web "communities" are equally terrible and full of autistic children?


Its 100% true.
[account deactivated]
pop quiz hotshot

tpaine posted:

Well, technically it's impossible to be 100% true, given solipsistic scenarios such as those raised in the 1998 film The Matrix, which I have personally viewed over 500 times and as such can recite any dialogue or plot development from memory.

The peer present is the ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future.In truth, all sensation is already memory.

Whats the name of the cop who says juris-my DICK-tion

tpaine posted:

Well, technically it's impossible to be 100% true, given solipsistic scenarios such as those raised in the 1998 film The Matrix, which I have personally viewed over 500 times and as such can recite any dialogue or plot development from memory.

the matrix was released in 1999.... fail much??

[account deactivated]
In all seriousness I'm sick of goat stein trying to bring down reddit.com, the best damn site on the net. Go back to making fun of troops or whatever, leave my funny faces alone.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Keven posted:

In all seriousness I'm sick of goat stein trying to bring down reddit.com, the best damn site on the net. Go back to making fun of troops or whatever, leave my funny faces alone.

I Ate Gay Jesus

woah beetus is pretty hot actually. the way i imagined them is the opposite of real life. wow. jesus christ.
i assume that's you at 4:53 tpaine
[account deactivated]
it sickens me that, as a consequence of this story getting media attention, reddit users will believe that using reddit affects the world in some way
somebody posted a story about a polio vaccinator being killed in pakistan and the comment were all FUCKING SAVAGES BLARGHR and somebody pointed out that the cia very recently used vaccination as an espionage front in pakistan which was clearly the reason for this and then the responses to this were all some manner of might makes right