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When you get older you stop thinking some things like nonstop clowncar fatality crashes are funny. But it's important to keep the spirit of youth alive inside of yourself. #YOLO
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tpaine posted:

karphead posted:

i guess what's not funny is that there is probably ten times more footage of fatality videos

no its still funny, life is different for russians.



tpaine posted:

teach us russian swears crow

"pereztroika" means, roughly, "go fuck three perez hiltons"


tpaine posted:

teach us russian swears crow



пердолёт m : Car, rust-bucket. The name implies that farting is the main power of the vehicle, it can sometimes be used for other means of locomotion.
Меня поразила 20-этажная электропарковка посреди низкорослой бедняцкой застройки. Почему, сука, в Москве не могут такую хуйню построить? (Правильный ответ: потому что москвич не может ехать на 13-й этаж за своим пердолетом, ему нужно обязательно парковаться у подъезда.)
(Артемий Лебедев @ ЖЖ, 07/2010)


discipline posted:

communal farms in south dakota

South Dakota has some good hunting. I'd be down.


tpaine posted:

its funny because i bet a lot of those drivers just kept going despite damage to their cars

I like the one where the two guys just get out of their car and walk away leaving it in the intersection

Heres some palm tree fans
Giving it some fresh air, excellent palm tree care technique
Эйс Вентура, Plant detective