
apparently some Avakianite (Raymond Lotta) annoyed Zizek enough that they're gonna have a debate next year. It's sure to be hilarious. Feel free to discuss the new synthesis and Lacanian-Marxist interpretations of the matrix and other pop culture itt.
Here's an example of Lotta criticizing Zizek:


there's nothing of interest in this, the only thing worth taking from it is Lotta is really mad and hearing someone ask Zizek why he is a bourgeois apologist for imperialism and anti-communist propaganda is gonna be funny.
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yes feel free to make goodfellas jokes too
zizek wrote a foreword for an avakian book just as he (zizek) became famous and i guess afterwards avakianites have been following him around the world demanding that he debate avakian and i guess this is what came of it

babyhueypnewton posted:

yes feel free to make goodfellas jokes too

"Ever since I can remember I always wanted to be a bankster"

i think raymond lotta is an economist

well, "economist", since he's a maoist, and therefore not a real economist
yeah itll own watching two symbols of the modern left's impotence battle it out to see who's actually more irrelevant

statickinetics posted:

yeah itll own watching two symbols of the modern left's impotence battle it out to see who's actually more irrelevant

exactly, but they're impotent for the opposite reasons. it'll be like watching a bunch of hippies protesting an Adorno lecture for the 21st century.

That Lotta's Nuts!
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a philosopher.

statickinetics posted:

yeah itll own watching two symbols of the modern left's impotence battle it out to see who's actually more irrelevant

which blockbuster sci-fi epic is slated to be the main topic of discussion? not gonna waste my time watching this if its anything other than Prometheus
zizek and all his fans are racists

jools posted:

zizek and all his fans are racists

lol why

have you heard what he says about slovenian roma lmao
"Shometimes, there ish, ah, there ish vegetablesh shtolen from the fields, often...not often, but enough sho you are shcared, their childrren are beaten up by Roma children, and when they complain they are told "oh you are racist, oh you are hateful, shtop, you are at fault" nothing, NOTHING hash been done for theshe people other than culpabilizing them"

jools posted:

zizek and all his fans are racists

yea thats whats ''in'' now, loser

oh cool a philosopher with a passing interest in political economy vs. a maoist who forgot about deng.
"the bitch might not be technically 'workin,' but I treat her like a ho when we sexually twerkin" - BHPN
forgot about deng, feat slim jinping
I'd like to see zizek debate SCSA (Stone Cold Steve Austin) in the squared circle and watch that mewling fat turd pee his lacanite pants but that's just kev's opinion. Hell, we've all got one.
hahahha lotta pulled this shit at the verso thing in ny, too, but he basically got booed out of the room

Keven posted:

I'd like to see zizek debate SCSA (Stone Cold Steve Austin) in the squared circle and watch that mewling fat turd pee his lacanite pants but that's just kev's opinion. Hell, we've all got one.


Crow posted:

reminds me of dyas gone by http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3219453
stone cold steve austin is more awesome than any wddper
raymond lotta is probably more correct than zizek OMG

Who's excited for EGS Trot vs. CPUSA Trot next year?

literally no one, other than to see how long it takes for them to start sucking dixxx

have yall noticed how zizek talks funny? hahahah

When: Monday, April 15, 2013, 6-9 pm

Where: Columbia University, New York City—Altschul Auditorium, International Affairs Building, Rm 417 (enter at Amsterdam & 117th, below the overpass)

The core questions up for debate:

Was the first stage of communist revolution, the Russian and Chinese revolutions, overwhelmingly positive, with real shortcomings—or was it at best a mixed record, or even a failure and disaster?
Does Bob Avakian's new synthesis provide the framework for forging a vibrant socialist society in transition to communism—or not?
Is it presumptuous and preposterous at this stage to pose definitive answers and alternatives to the horrors of the world—or is this in fact what is needed, demanded, and possible at this hour?
Is the RCP strategy for revolution, ultimately aiming for the seizure of state power, what is needed today—or is this outmoded or impractical, requiring a different approach for social change?


i sort of want to go.

My favorite Ray Liotta film is 1994's No Escape featuring Lance Henriksen and Ian McNeice. If you squint really hard I guess it's an allegory about communism.
um no. i'm I the only non-pedophile on this site?! geeez
I'm goin to this right after I get back from moscow. Made my HEGEL 3:16 poster tonight. Gonna get twistid with Twisty sorry wrong forum.
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