sorry for posting a really funny post and then leaving for a while. the reason i left is because i was working in a political science graduate science department, and even though it wasnt all bad i hated it for a lot of reasons, and was miserable there, and was having personal problems. i think you can imagine why i would not be very happy at a political science program that is mostly libertarians and liberal democrats. there were some incredibly smart people there and i didnt have any personality conflicts to speak of, it was just a place where i would feel a certain way and not really be able to express it because that's not where the discussion was really at, or i had no idea how to transmit to certain ideas to people who were immediately hostile to the words that describe those ideas. also, it was a two year program full of people who would be immediately hostile if i wore anything that they deemed to be women's clothing around them, or did anything, you know, weird, you know, queer or whatever, and that is kind of a problem for somebody like me.

i kind of did the same thing there that i did here, and only a few weeks later. up until that point we had classes that were based around discussing the reading, i had some internship work that i was getting paid to do, and of course i had the graduate level workload of reading. i enjoyed a lot of that, just because it is always interesting to hear people's opinions, and i got good grades and everything, but i just didnt feel like doing the final. i have a nine page literature review for the paper on afghan opium that i never finished, that was going to be the basis of the poppy thread i haven't written. that bit on the structural adjustment program. tried to pick stuff i thought would be interesting, but in the end i didnt feel like writing any of it, and didnt feel like i could do it right there. so i kind of disappeared and stopped going, then i showed up a few weeks later all apologetic and explanatory. nobody seemed mad, i did a little bit of wrap up work for the professors i had been studying under, and i took what i guess would be my normal winter break and just sort of did whatever i felt like, which was nice, and made my family and friends pretty happy.

i had all these great posts that i was going to write or whatever. and i still like to write a lot, but i didnt feel like writing just then, which i think is understandable.

now i have made the transition from politics to aesthetics. i am working the front desk at a beauty academy. i am going to drive around a little bit. i am going to go to college for something different besides political science in a few months, which connects with some other stuff that i have studied before and am more interested in. i was going to do this funny post about a genderqueer holiday, but i never got around to writing that, and that was going to be a great pretext to sparking a discussion about... some stuff. and i still dont feel like doing that yet. this is why i am not a good moderator, but i dont think anybody super cares.

dont say someone has killed themselves unless youre really sure!! are you guys Nuts?!
I endores this message
but how can we be sure you aren't a ghost trying to trick us
[account deactivated]
i think we all know the feeling of ideas piling up, demanding to be written, until it becomes an inescapable chore to write them all. glad you were able to hit the reset button in a relatively non-destructive way.

AmericanNazbro posted:

but how can we be sure you aren't a ghost trying to trick us

im assuming this but also i wrote a big long response to that post u made before boncles, u might like to check it out.

what do u mean when you say they would get hostile at the words used to express certain ideas
it was an "A+" paper. but on the concluding theres a big oval with an arrow sticking into it. next to the arrow is the word, "Tone"

i would still really like to post a thread about opium in afghanistan. i will revise the lit review and turn it into a cool thread.

i would also like to post in the mali thread soon. since the worst possible thing seems to happening there we should talk about that.

please make sure to circle a section of my post and write "Tone" so i become a better writer
[account deactivated]

bonclay posted:

please make sure to circle a section of my post and write "Tone" so i become a better writer

Post a picture of your abs

cycloneboy is mad about tone

khamsek you couldnt avoid being an argueteen in a freaking grad school paper lol
ive been a gost ever since my gf and i broke up. im not alive

im a deeply sad and fucked up person lol
Welcome back. Lets all do the principled sort of dropout boogie.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
you wanna do what you wanna do what, ok thats fine, we care about you and respect your choices.
hi bonclay

swampman posted:


good use of negative space

also, welcome back bonclay
we love you bonclay
McRib, Bonclay Status: Back
[account deactivated]
rest in peace? not me. im bonclay, and im alive. welcome back
[account deactivated]
it really bothers goat when people act like they actually believe in they things they believe in. which makes sense
[account deactivated]
what is it
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

ok if tom appears and starts posting again i'm going to read the bible

not the quran?

i think i could really get into islam. it would be awesome to think that it was really important to walk around a giant cube. life would be so much more straightforward. it seems so vulgar that there are pictures of the cube. way to spoil the secret internet

i dunno whagt that is tpaine? i dunno!?

[account deactivated]
dam nigga u aint dead?
i dont really know u but im glad you're not dead (because you'd go to hell)
vile rat is dead and bonclay is alive
ratt still broken up as well right?

animedad posted:

vile rat is dead and bonclay is alive

Bad news about that - bon clay committed suicide a few minutes ago.