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that book Fucking Sucks
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jools posted:

that book Fucking Sucks


getfiscal posted:

jools posted:

that book Fucking Sucks

the title "communist horizon" is a pretty big red flag that the book is going to fucking suck
its just... Nonsense? it has no attachment to history whatever, just appeals to some ideal Party without any real exploration of what that means, no discussion of why current party building efforts in the US might be failing, nothing. not really surprising from someone who's on the board of the Journal of Zizek Studies though lmao
but then what do you expect from a college professor with a house cleaner? revolutionary theory?
i'll write something longer if you like but i really see no worth in these people, they suck
[account deactivated]
i'd be curious first what you're liking about it though
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he was also instrumental in the formation of the first international, your point? jodi dean does nothing irl whatsoever
[account deactivated]
plus her dismissals of some strawman "democracy" are at best misguided
the house cleaner part is just a funny low blow in light of rhetoric that some communists use. In actual fact, support staff are something to be expected and absolutely acceptable; I have secretaries at work, a mother in law at home, stalin mao and everyone else worth mentioning no doubt had a similar setup. If you think lenin pranced around his home with a feather duster in hand then you are insane.

being an american political science college professor is less forgivable, however
looks like this dean

*puts on shades*

got schooled
why you hatin' on all these books and theories? twitters changed you, man. i don't even recognize who this poster is anymore.
this, roughly http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ch04a.htm

These “socialists” or “true socialists”, as they call themselves, regard foreign communist literature not as the expression and the product of a real movement but as purely theoretical writings which have been evolved — in the same way as they imagine the German philosophical systems to have been evolved — by a process of “pure thought”. It never occurs to them that, even when these writings do preach a system, they spring from the practical needs, the conditions of life in their entirety of a particular class in a particular country. They innocently take on trust the illusion, cherished by some of these literary party representatives, that it is a question of the “most reasonable” social order and not the needs of a particular class and a particular time. The German ideology, in the grip of which these “true socialists” remain, prevents them from examining the real state of affairs. Their activity in face of the “unscientific” French and English consists primarily in holding up the superficiality and the “crude” empiricism of these foreigners to the scorn of the German public, in eulogising “German science” and declaring that its mission is to reveal for the first time the truth of communism and socialism, the absolute, true socialism.

sounds like crow lol

Jools is situated directly within history, atop a 11th c Norman castle getting high as hell & sneering into his bubbler, tweeting up a storm at @KeeblerElves_NabiscoTM
meanwhile crow is in texas reading blogs and thinking about Philosophie
Oh no, not that, never any th ing but that, lol
okay but dont fool yourself that it has anything to do with communism or whatever.
Hahahaha well, its true, I'm not communisting it up enough by worrying what people on the other side of the world I never met are doing
agreed, dont talk about me posting my dick again crow
Then stop waving it around
no more communism no more democracy humanity must be regulated by a sworn brotherhood of lawyers with absolute authority; life can continue as normal but lawyers should walk the streets with flaming swords and strike down people who violate ancient moral precepts. this is the only way forward
Why does my dick bother you so much crow

Lykourgos posted:

no more communism no more democracy humanity must be regulated by a sworn brotherhood of lawyers with absolute authority; life can continue as normal but lawyers should walk the streets with flaming swords and strike down people who violate ancient moral precepts. this is the only way forward

Team Rocket

Eh, just another twit tweeting his twittles, doesnt bother me at all, I never shouldve expected more from the degenerate cretins running around LF. Shame on you! Back into the hole you crawled out of!
Please stop sitting and thinking or reading. Get a job.
[account deactivated]
idk why reading books has to mean reading whatever pseud philosopher, history's much more useful
this is some good lazy sunday afternoon posting, friends

jools posted:

idk why reading books has to mean reading whatever pseud philosopher, history's much more useful

no one cares what you think. Go get a job, for once, in your life


AmericanNazbro posted:

Please stop sitting and thinking or reading. Get a job.

This thought could do with some refinement, but it's largely correct.

If you're not of noteworthy birth or otherwise blessed with wealth and good connections, then you need to do something besides read crap poli-sci theory. Study languages or physical science in a serious manner, gain experience in a particular profession or trade, do something to become a worthy man in your own right; all of this is so you can properly appreciate current reality and bring something to the table other than barely-understood, regurgitated nonsense.

If all you do is sit around reading communism all day, you will just degenerate into an american simpleton and be wrong at everything forever.


getfiscal posted:

this is some good lazy sunday afternoon posting, friends

You should be working


Crow posted:

jools posted:

idk why reading books has to mean reading whatever pseud philosopher, history's much more useful

no one cares what you think. Go get a job, for once, in your life

are you going to keep telling me how much your don't care or should i take it as read


discipline posted:

do you think anybody made fun of marx having a house cleaner while he was alive

well, for example, in a letter to marx from engels in 1864:

yo karl. seriously. your house is so dirty that it smells like a dead rat belched up some rotten milk. your housekeeper has never heard of soap. she's so bad at her job that a magistrate followers her around just posting condemned building notices wherever she's cleaning. why you got a maid anyway. workers of the world unite, my giant beard leaves clumps of hair all over my floor, come tidy it up. fuck it i'm out.