I used to get annoyed at people believing in dumb conspiracy theories because they were ‘wrong’ but now I’m more like eh, ‘whatever works for you.’ It seems like a pretty sensible way of interpreting the chaos of an overwhelming planet.
conspiracy theories are cool and fun. of all of them, my favorite one is "capitalism."
my second favorite is the one where the illuminati are sending thinly veiled warnings regarding their plans for the future to the public via pop music videos
I understand the concept of otherization but there is a dissonance that doesn't click for me, lumping every "other" together into on entity just doesn't work! This claims that the aliens, aetheists, and satanists are all against the good protestants. However, aetheists have made the claim that all of organized religion is against them. While "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is an old concept, it's by no means universal. It is a strategy method, not the resting pulse.
[account deactivated]
oh please like you don't shoehorn YOUR cult's symbolism into YOUR youtube videos.

libelous_slander posted:

oh please like you don't shoehorn YOUR cult's symbolism into YOUR youtube videos.

I've been sticking subliminal messages telling people to kill Mike Rowe in my posts for years.

It’s weird how many leftists will tell anyone who listens about America’s crimes and lies and malevolent nature but lose their shit if you suggest the government was involved in 9/11
the problem with conspiracy theorists is simple bad thinking, just like it is with most leftists
Yeah conspiracy theorists aren't radical enough. If you think the world is corrupted by the illuminati and your solution is to smoke a ton of weed or go live in the woods then get a better philosophy.
there is literally a government conspiracy to promote false and bizarre conspiracy theories in order to protect real government conspiracies past and present

babyhueypnewton posted:

Yeah conspiracy theorists aren't radical enough. If you think the world is corrupted by the illuminati and your solution is to smoke a ton of weed or go live in the woods then get a better philosophy.

Not everyone is a rational theory-bot though, myth, legend and conspiracy are a common feature of all humanity and a perfectly acceptable prism through which to view the world and it’s history and ones place in it.

Also ‘radical’ lol, David Icke is far more radical than any prominent Marxist thinkers.

MadMedico posted:

dipshit420 posted:

oh please like you don't shoehorn YOUR cult's symbolism into YOUR youtube videos.

I've been sticking subliminal messages telling people to kill Mike Rowe in my posts for years.

edit: boo i give up

Edited by Squalid ()


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Yeah conspiracy theorists aren't radical enough. If you think the world is corrupted by the illuminati and your solution is to smoke a ton of weed or go live in the woods then get a better philosophy.

Not everyone is a rational theory-bot though, myth, legend and conspiracy are a common feature of all humanity and a perfectly acceptable prism through which to view the world and it’s history and ones place in it.

Really most people don't have enough information to form any sort of conclusion at all regarding most conspiracy theories, someone who believes satan caused the Iraq War to destroy American hegemony is at least putting some thought into the issue, more so than someone just repeating a soundbite they picked up on CNN


Squalid posted:

MadMedico posted:

dipshit420 posted:

oh please like you don't shoehorn YOUR cult's symbolism into YOUR youtube videos.

I've been sticking subliminal messages telling people to kill Mike Rowe in my posts for years.

edit: dangit why isn't this video appearing

https doesnt work in video tags because joey died (rip)

[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Also ‘radical’ lol, David Icke is far more radical than any prominent Marxist thinkers.

don rummie status: still has not denied being a lizard person
I really didn't think much of or doubt the moon landing until several comedians put it into perspective for me.
the only reason i choose to believe the moon landing happened is because, in addition to all our gaey little flags and plaques and whatever, we also left several dozen bags of piss and shit and vomit a little distance away from the other stuff, so that's pretty metal i guess
also because of the us government spending billions on technofetishist hubris while millions of its people rotted in tenement slums. like why would anybody have any difficulty believing that?

i own this book