discuss the implications of this
i have a feeling that in at least certain of the cases in the title religion is a mere coincidence
it's indisputable fact that atheists control the media and are overrepresented in law, academia, finance and government
most jews are egomaniacs and their ego is going to get a pretty big hit when people forget about them. there are like 5 million people who speak hebrew. there are 10 million that speak the bantu language shona. once their fail country israel becomes just another west asian country and new york becomes a backwater over the next few hundred years once the locus of power moves to the global south, do you think anyone is going to care about what a few million jews think. maybe a few will still write for the new york times praising their nigerian overlords or something.

stanhope says that during the iraq war soldiers started getting all the hero pussy so firefighters had to go around bars with pictures of the twin towers to convince dumb drunk girls to sleep with them. it'll be like that in a few hundred years with jews. they'll be like... hey gong li, check it out, millions died! no, i know it's less than the great leap famine in china. no, look, this matters.
despite being about 2% of the population, jews make up 10% of the class at princeton, 21% at harvard and 29% at yale http://www.observer.com/node/41543

jews are the wealthiest religious group in america
it is an article of unchallenged piety amongst the left that men, as a result of their economic and social power, exert undue influence on power beyond what they deserve, and cloud both the news and the media with implicit biases and unconscious message control. most also believe this to be true of whites and the rich. but this exact same concept is considered the most repulsive insanity, when applied to jews
hot doggie . just what the rhizzone was missing. thank god and "fringus" that goatstein is allowed to post again and that his chin or w/e is normal sized

corey posted:

hot doggie . just what the rhizzone was missing. thank god and "fringus" that goatstein is allowed to post again and that his chin or w/e is normal sized

you a jew dude?

From what I can tell, Jews seek positions whereby they have social and economic power which they wield to erode cultural and moral systems to the end that they, as a small minority, flourish better in a fractured and discombobulated society

corey posted:

hot doggie . just what the rhizzone was missing. thank god and "fringus" that goatstein is allowed to post again and that his chin or w/e is normal sized

freedom isn't free.


The author Paul Berman, himself a Jewish veteran of Columbia SDS, in his excellent book, “A Tale of Two Utopias,” gives the following data from reliable sources: two-thirds of the white Freedom Riders who traveled to Mississippi were Jewish; a majority of the steering committee of the 1964 Berkeley Free Speech Movement were Jewish; the SDS chapters at Columbia and the University of Michigan were more than half Jewish; at Kent State in Ohio, where only 5 percent of the student body was Jewish, Jews constituted 19 percent of the chapter. I might add a strange statistic which I became aware of in the course of two trips to Kent State to commemorate the events of May, 1970: three of the four students shot by the National Guard at Kent State were Jewish. This, of course, defies all odds.


corey posted:

hot doggie . just what the rhizzone was missing. thank god and "fringus" that goatstein is allowed to post again and that his chin or w/e is normal sized

Heres the thing tho: he's right

[account deactivated]
what do you get when you squeeze a jew
im mad as F because i could have been an awesome jew if i wasnt saddled with celtic/norse lineage instead of pure, sweet judeblut
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

who cares

would you respond with "who cares" to the fact that men disproportionately occupy positions of power? of course not.

men, 50% of the population, constitute 80% of the US Senate. jews, 2% of the population, constitute 11% of the senate. they are the only minority group to be overrepresented in not only the house and senate but also the supreme court and cabinet
Jews get alotta flack, but what of the Kookoo klan? Though they make up 0.01% of presently working fringus theorists, they make up 98% of my shelf space. Will someone think of all the young Groybi Beans that don't even get a chance to be name dropped at International Riggus 2013. Jesus
I literally can't think of another group I'd rather have be disproportionately represented. American Jews have a pretty decent track record and outside of Israel the same thing is true of the iNtErNaTiOnAl JeW
my girl saw me reading the rhiz this weekend and happened to notice the goat's avatar. she asked me who that was and i replied that it was a mass shooter or something. when she remarked on the strangeness of that i replied that "well he is a terrible person." oh yeah, why is that, who did he shoot, my better half queried, and i quicklied demurred, "oh, i don't know anything about him. i meant the poster. he's really bad."
that's a true story and i hate you goatstein
what do you call a fucking liberal who lacks even the saving grace of an at least superficial commitment to antibigotry? you call him a fucker because his name is goat

thirdplace posted:

my girl saw me reading the rhiz this weekend and happened to notice the goat's avatar. she asked me who that was and i replied that it was a mass shooter or something. when she remarked on the strangeness of that i replied that "well he is a terrible person." oh yeah, why is that, who did he shoot, my better half queried, and i quicklied demurred, "oh, i don't know anything about him. i meant the poster. he's really bad."

five. but eddie ray routh only shot two people in one sitting. hardly a "mass" shooter.


thirdplace posted:

I literally can't think of another group I'd rather have be disproportionately represented. American Jews have a pretty decent track record and outside of Israel the same thing is true of the iNtErNaTiOnAl JeW

minorities and women also have a good track record on support of social and economic issues without the downsides. american economic and foreign policy since the early 80s is demonstrably guided largely by jews.

what of it?

LaserJew posted:

what of it?

it's time to recognize jewish privilege

We need to exterminate the jews.
I'll make the website.
ok guys youve convinced me how do i become a jew whats the application process like
[account deactivated]
i wish we could get some real euro racism on this forum

discipline posted:

don't compare millennia of systematic abuse to male privilege

i am not comparing the historical oppression the jews have suffered to male privilege, i am comparing their current status as a power class to male privilege.

it is actually more extensive than male privilege, because we can look at general society and see that although there is certainly some benefit to being male, it is less than the benefit of being jewish. the average jew is wealthier than the average man, for example, more likely to be educated, less likely to be in prison, and so on
is jewishness still rooted in the racial nationalisms of the 19th century or can i adopt a 'jewish attitude' akin to 19th century american nationalism, im a neurotic lawyer with an overbearing mother so i basically identify as jewish yet those racist fucks down at the MoI keep telling me i don't have the right credentials. meshuggenah!

Goethestein posted:

it is actually more extensive than male privilege, because we can look at general society and see that although there is certainly some benefit to being male, it is less than the benefit of being jewish. the average jew is wealthier than the average man, for example, more likely to be educated, less likely to be in prison, and so on

Its the opposite of more extensive: it is less extensive

id really like to hear Hitler's opinion on this. Also, is Jodi Dean a Jew?