"NBA player Jason Collins announces he's gay"

once upon a time, people looked up to sports players as model americans. now i guess bourgeois decadence has reached such a low that even muscular men who spend a lot of time sweaty in locker rooms are gay.
theres an NBA?
i hope this dude horks all kinds of monster dong if that makes him happey

Goethestein posted:

i hope this dude horks all kinds of monster dong if that makes him happey

the wilt chamberlain of gas station bathrooms

i hope he combats liberalism
i hope he fights for all-day breakfast at mcdonalds
realtalk and ima check my privilege but lets get it on the table: mcdonalds breakfast is hella gross
congrats Tom. Job Well Done. Cheers.


gyrofry posted:

realtalk and ima check my privilege but lets get it on the table: mcdonalds breakfast is hella gross

id probably be really shocked by this if i knew who Jason Collins was or ever watched basketball or knew what "gay" meant
jason collins is cool, good for him and his impending deal with whatever the gayest bball shoe company is

animedad posted:

jason collins is cool, good for him and his impending deal with whatever the gayest bball shoe company is

all day i dream about sodomy.

rip starbury and his shoe line
bojangles is the best fast food breakfast but it's pricey

animedad posted:

good for him


animedad posted:

jason collins is cool, good for him and his impending deal with whatever the gayest bball shoe company is

Nike, the Greek goddess of Victory


HenryKrinkle posted:

animedad posted:

good for him


gyrofry posted:

realtalk and ima check my privilege but lets get it on the table: mcdonalds breakfast is hella gross

don't troll

like 5+ years ago there were all these stories that there was a gay player on the new jersey nets and everyone just assumed it was richard jefferson
[account deactivated]
chris broussard an espn journalist said it was an "open rebellion against god" and said collins couldn't call himself a christian if he engaged in homosexual relations

he also runs a foundation for christian black men and writes really good things (for a guy that's on espn) like this and this

i bet he's being vilified to shit on gawker atm
also it's gonna be pretty funny when no team signs him next year and people cry homophobia without noticing that jason collins is old and terrible

he's also an identical twin so i guess lol
he's already playing for the wizards, what's the worst that could happen? the bobcats sign him?

getfiscal posted:

i hope he fights for all-day breakfast at mcdonalds

i was thinking just now about how michael douglas is really good in this, maybe best performance of the 90s except denzel in malcolm x... but it must be the wardrobe because they are both dressed the same.

Edited by KilledInADuel ()

e: whoa, i can post now! idk why i picked this thread tho

e2: i need more trazodone

Edited by laika ()


laika posted:

e: whoa, i can post now! idk why i picked this thread tho

Congrats, you did it!


laika posted:

e: whoa, i can post now! idk why i picked this thread tho

e2: i need more trazodone



KilledInADuel posted:

i was thinking just now about how michael douglas is really good in this, maybe best performance of the 90s except denzel in malcolm x... but it must be the wardrobe because they are both dressed the same.

thats always been one of my favorite movies, a fact which will most likely end up in my arrest report/obituary

[account deactivated]
who gonna join my WNBA fantasy league this year

you know my minnesota lynx gonna go deep this year with that guard outta nebraska

my first pick in the fantasy league is prolly gonna be brittney griner ya dig

tpaine posted:

falling down rules

look man, we're not in elementary school (i think), you dont need to rationalize the bullying you get on the playground by the kids.

[account deactivated]
heh from 2001-2009 jason collins had a girlfriend who then became his fiancee. that's something. from when he was 23 to when he was 31. sux to be her

ilmdge posted:

heh from 2001-2009 jason collins had a girlfriend who then became his fiancee. that's something. from when he was 23 to when he was 31. sux to be her

she claims she had "no idea" he was gay, so i cant imagine it was much worse than any of her relationships with hetero men. in fact it was probably significantly better, seeing as how it lasted 8 whole years despite their fundamental sexual incompatibility

It wasted 8 years of her life. She thought she had a life partner and she didn't. Believe me, I know what this is like, except for more than 8 years.
[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

It wasted 8 years of her life. She thought she had a life partner and she didn't. Believe me, I know what this is like, except for more than 8 years.

how was her life anymore "wasted" than if she had dated a heterosexual man for 8 years and then broke up? if you truly loved someone, then you never consider the time you spent with them "wasted", even when its over. the real victim in this situation was Jason Collins, who lived every day of those 8 years in turmoil, living a lie, doing everything he could to try to fit his life into some illusory American Ideal or face ridicule, assault, unemployment, etc.

imagine how horrifying it must feel to be constantly pressured into sexual congress with a gender you are not attracted to. Society has basically raped him with his own desire for normalcy and stability

Y eah, being deceitful because of fear is torment, especially the way you have to hurt the people close to you with your lies
why don't you just go and get another job, supera-jobless
[account deactivated]