
Panopticon posted:


oh my god

all human reproduction must cease while i decide what to do about this
that's a (wavy) mirror
[account deactivated]
Thanks for chasing out a new poster with your transphobic nonsense, Goatstein. Couldn't have waited one, maybe two days? Nah. Naaaaaaaaaaah.
[account deactivated]

Cycloneboy posted:

Thanks for chasing out a new poster with your transphobic nonsense, Goatstein. Couldn't have waited one, maybe two days? Nah. Naaaaaaaaaaah.

los hombres no pueden ser violados.


Goethestein posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

Thanks for chasing out a new poster with your transphobic nonsense, Goatstein. Couldn't have waited one, maybe two days? Nah. Naaaaaaaaaaah.

los hombres no pueden ser violados.

En realidad, los hombres pueden ser violados.

when i was in the last year of HS in a new school i went into the bathroom and there were a few girls there, as i didn't find any signs on the door or anything i just assumed it was unisex and was like oh cool. as the weeks passed i noticed only girls went there though they didn't say anything, until a worker yelled something at me about it being girls only and pointed me to the men's bathroom. i wasn't really mortified until a teacher pushed me aside and started talking softly to me about shyness and acceptance and stuff and i was like uh no i'm just a loner and then she was like no i mean you being FtM.

apparently the class had rumours going on about me being a trans man and it didn't help that i didn't talk to anyone for months and sat alone and was sorta androgynous then. it was really way more demeaning to me to be considered a reverse tranny rather than just an emo fag or something. fortunately they were a lot of really liberal rich white people and honorary whites and not even the twinkiest flaming queens were harrassed. i also never met any of them again

anyway this is the source of all my dysfunctional relationship to women and gendered issues generally. i'm ravaged by a deep shame and death drive every time i'm forced to interact with women, feminism or have my maleness questioned by yonic symbols.

Chears, +1 extra cheer for the deeply entrenched patriarchies that shape our being and the masculism of all-consuming capitalist enterprising and its ruling men which is a way more powerful source of the annihilating consequences of profit rather than women's shoes or fancy clothes or whatever.
who is the female in your avatar bro
but do you have a job now?

gyrofry posted:

who is the female in your avatar bro

Ginta Lapina.


does she have a job
even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

Goethestein posted:

even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

Most transgenderism is probably the result of harmless birth defects just like most homosexuality, which is why it is present cross-culturally and not a modern Western mental illness like eating disorders. Like homosexuals in most of the first world today, transgender people in many non-Western cultures worldwide occupy healthy social roles and participate in wider society like anyone else, see e.g. hijras in South Asia, two-spirit people among First Nations, the fa'afafine in Samoa, and the Bugis people in Indonesia who have 5 genders.

It's true that they aren't the same as female women or male men as contemporary political transgederism will have it, but I still think that's a valid political attitude to insert transgender people as valid in a Western context and shed light in their dire statistics of prostitution, suicide, mental illness and such, especially among black trans women. I assure that homosexuals had terrible standards too back then.

I believe in you to rethink your position, Goatstein.




transgender people in many non-Western cultures worldwide occupy healthy social roles and participate in wider society like anyone else, see e.g. hijras in South Asia, two-spirit people among First Nations, the fa'afafine in Samoa, and the Bugis people in Indonesia who have 5 genders.

Yeah, let's use the beliefs of pre Iron Age peoples to gauge the correctness of our human sciences. Five genders, jesus christ.

when was it that panhandling on trains became a healthy social role?
Transgender/third-gender people and post-gender expressions have existed throughout human history, in most if not all cultures no matter how removed from the rest they are, even if they weren't and aren't truly liberated and occupied mostly rigidly limited social roles, though so did and do homosexuals in most cultures, notably the bacha bazi dancing-boys in Central Asia. Sorry for challenging your masculist conceptions of science and human history.



swirlsofhistory posted:


transgender people in many non-Western cultures worldwide occupy healthy social roles and participate in wider society like anyone else, see e.g. hijras in South Asia, two-spirit people among First Nations, the fa'afafine in Samoa, and the Bugis people in Indonesia who have 5 genders.

Yeah, let's use the beliefs of pre Iron Age peoples to gauge the correctness of our human sciences. Five genders, jesus christ.

Those are all modern peoples, bro

Has the word gender been redefined in a way that I'm not familiar with? The only sense you're giving to third gender people (what about the others?) is descriptions of different gender roles, or eunuchs, or prostitution, or something that we already know how to describe without inventing 'new genders'. This is a kind of science on the cheap where supposed knowledge about humanity is conjured out of a hidden semantic shift.

swirlsofhistory posted:

Has the word gender been redefined in a way that I'm not familiar with? The only sense you're giving to third gender people (what about the others?) is descriptions of different gender roles, or eunuchs, or prostitution, or something that we already know how to describe without inventing 'new genders'. This is a kind of science on the cheap where supposed knowledge about humanity is conjured out of a hidden semantic shift.

We don't disagree. I feel you're talking about the Bugis, you should read up on them to understand why anthropologists also consider them 5 genders. Also the bachat bazi mention was in reference to backward roles of homosexuality historically, not transsexuals. We can equate these different experiences in third gender where the common source clearly isn't one being an eunuch or niche prostitute, but something cross-cultural (which has been analyzed scientifically for decades).

One world one love.


one love mang


Goethestein posted:

even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

Most transgenderism is probably the result of harmless birth defects just like most homosexuality, which is why it is present cross-culturally and not a modern Western mental illness like eating disorders. Like homosexuals in most of the first world today, transgender people in many non-Western cultures worldwide occupy healthy social roles and participate in wider society like anyone else, see e.g. hijras in South Asia, two-spirit people among First Nations, the fa'afafine in Samoa, and the Bugis people in Indonesia who have 5 genders.

It's true that they aren't the same as female women or male men as contemporary political transgederism will have it, but I still think that's a valid political attitude to insert transgender people as valid in a Western context and shed light in their dire statistics of prostitution, suicide, mental illness and such, especially among black trans women. I assure that homosexuals had terrible standards too back then.

I believe in you to rethink your position, Goatstein.


Where does Jamie Leigh Curtis fit into this?



swirlsofhistory posted:

Has the word gender been redefined in a way that I'm not familiar with? The only sense you're giving to third gender people (what about the others?) is descriptions of different gender roles, or eunuchs, or prostitution, or something that we already know how to describe without inventing 'new genders'. This is a kind of science on the cheap where supposed knowledge about humanity is conjured out of a hidden semantic shift.

We don't disagree. I feel you're talking about the Bugis, you should read up on them to understand why anthropologists also consider them 5 genders. Also the bachat bazi mention was in reference to backward roles of homosexuality historically, not transsexuals. We can equate these different experiences in third gender where the common source clearly isn't one being an eunuch or niche prostitute, but something cross-cultural (which has been analyzed scientifically for decades).

One world one love.


Good for the anthropologists

[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

it might help if you tried seeing it as a mental illness that can be treated through hormonal therapy and elective surgery


MadMedico posted:

Where does Jamie Leigh Curtis fit into this?

110% woman (CB trigger warning)



which is why it is present cross-culturally and not a modern Western mental illness like eating disorders.

lol go and tell a ukrainian peasant in the 30s that eating disorders are a "modern western illness"

you're lucky i was busy this weekend, anti-communism is not acceptable. check ur privilige

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()

[account deactivated]


Goethestein posted:

even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

Most transgenderism is probably the result of harmless birth defects just like most homosexuality, which is why it is present cross-culturally and not a modern Western mental illness like eating disorders. Like homosexuals in most of the first world today, transgender people in many non-Western cultures worldwide occupy healthy social roles and participate in wider society like anyone else, see e.g. hijras in South Asia, two-spirit people among First Nations, the fa'afafine in Samoa, and the Bugis people in Indonesia who have 5 genders.

It's true that they aren't the same as female women or male men as contemporary political transgederism will have it, but I still think that's a valid political attitude to insert transgender people as valid in a Western context and shed light in their dire statistics of prostitution, suicide, mental illness and such, especially among black trans women. I assure that homosexuals had terrible standards too back then.

I believe in you to rethink your position, Goatstein.


this is such a fun argument, and its used by the left in just about every instance. do you know about the blooga blooga people of ancient Antarctica? no? well, neither do i but i read a thing once where they prove that eating food is socially constructed

Edited by Goethestein ()


Superabound posted:

Goethestein posted:

even after years on the internet i still have difficulty believing that people think that transgendered people are not mentally ill and actually just as much women as those possessing the physical and social characteristics of women, like it's all a gangstalking conspiracy against me, call me a bigot i guess

it might help if you tried seeing it as a mental illness that can be treated through hormonal therapy and elective surgery

you forgot that it also has to be treated by acceptance of the absurd self-destructive delusions by everyone the patient will ever see or interact with lest the patient overhear a shitty comment in a bar and spend the entire night crying in the shower


Superabound posted:

MadMedico posted:

Where does Jamie Leigh Curtis fit into this?

110% woman (CB trigger warning)

free cointelbro
i miss those underpants on ladeys that have the sides that go halfway up their torso

Goethestein posted:

i miss those underpants on ladeys that have the sides that go halfway up their torso

i too miss all hitherto existing pre-1994 society

True Lies was perhaps the last great American action movie. Barring of course, Slavoj Žižek's The Matrices: A Play in Three Acts

Superabound posted:

MadMedico posted:

Where does Jamie Leigh Curtis fit into this?

110% woman (CB trigger warning)

Ive dealt with this before - nothing sadder than an old queen regretting not taking hormones when she was young, now in her 40's a balding man reduced to posting on Laura's Playground and going to drag balls
[account deactivated]