the end of an era...
I live in a aADSS. AN ASS

ArisVelouchiotis posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:


"Hipster moms", though, that would be, women who can afford a baby and to maintain a personal brand of anachronism @ the same time, those women are real and bushwick full of them.
Yo hipster momma so ironically stupid she got fired from M&Ms quality control for throwing away all the sigmas
[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

I live in a aADSS. AN ASS

the only people i've met since i came to brooklyn that have had anything to say about "hipsters" have been complete jackasses myself included

tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is


Jacobin is retarded, the least leftists could do nowadays is bomb random people and throw petrol bombs in acts of aimless insurrectionist violence. The fact that American leftism is synonymous with bohemianism is a testament to its irrelevance.

mustang19 posted:

Jacobin is retarded, the least leftists could do nowadays is bomb random people and throw petrol bombs in acts of aimless insurrectionist violence. The fact that American leftism is synonymous with bohemianism is a testament to its irrelevance.

very much like your posting

"hipster" is the closest thing to an actual slur against white people and for that reason the word owns
Americans so over hipsters

Just 16% of Americans have a favorable opinion of hipsters, a new PPP poll on the much-discussed subculture shows. 42% have an unfavorable opinion of hipsters, and 43% aren’t sure. Democrats (18% favorable, 34% unfav) are twice as likely as Republicans (9% fav, 48% unfav) to have a favorable opinion. Voters age 18-29 have a favorable opinion of them (43% fav-29% unfav), but very few voters over age 65 do (6% fav -37% unfav).

Just 10% of voters say they consider themselves to be hipsters – and almost all of those are younger voters. Half of all voters aged 18-29 consider themselves hipsters; every other age group is 5% or less.

14% of voters say they’d be more likely to vote for a hipster for political office – mostly independent voters. 12% of Democrats and 27% of independent voters say they’d be more likely to vote for a hipster, but just 2% of Republicans agreed. 98% of Republicans say they’d be less likely to vote for a hipster.

We asked voters whether they thought hipsters made a positive cultural contribution to society or whether they just “soullessly appropriate cultural tropes from the past for their own ironic amusement.” 23% of voters said they made positive cultural contributions while nearly half – 46% – went with soulless cultural appropriation. Independents at 31% were most likely to say hipsters make a positive cultural contribution, while Republicans were least likely (15%) with Democrats in the middle (23%).

27% of voters said they thought hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being so annoying, while 73% did not think so.

About one in five voters (21%) said they thought Pabst Blue Ribbon, commonly associated with hipsters, was a good beer. Democrats (29%) were more likely than Republicans (23%) to think so, while independents (11%) were least likely.

tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is

wow, why dont u just drop the n-bomb already


tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is


whyd my video not show up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl3AXgyzYgs

acephalousuniverse posted:

whyd my video not show up

because you touch yourself at night

holy crap lois!!!!!


acephalousuniverse posted:

tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is


wow lf really did assassinate somebody...
i agree, let's play this useless rapper

acephalousuniverse posted:

tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is


henry cow crew even played at communist rallies lol

marxism game so strong


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i agree, let's play this useless rapper

rhizzule #1: prog rock gets a bad rap


SariBari posted:

stegosaurus posted:

but they totally disprove the shit ass argument he makes later on, its so obvious he doesn't know what they were.

gooo onnnnn? i wanna learn from prof stego not the univ of wikipedia online

http://nakedkeynesianism.blogspot.com/2012/03/capital-debates-brief-introduction.html this is where I learned about the capital debates. basically capital as a produced means of production does not need to be "renumerated according to its scarcity" sraffa and the classical, especially marx, were correct.

renumerated, lol. remunerated. apologies.
jimi tenor and nicole willis take on the hipster hater haters

slumlord posted:

"hipster" is the closest thing to an actual slur against white people and for that reason the word owns

Yeah, white people... 'Nuff said, Am I right? XD

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prohairesis posted:

acephalousuniverse posted:

tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is


henry cow crew even played at communist rallies lol

marxism game so strong

do people actually listen to this


tpaine posted:

prog rock gets a bad rap by retards who don't know what it is

Hell yeah. I think Yes has a song about how those "nice guy"/MRA/PUA douches should all fuck themselves.

i would pick bad rap any day over prog rock
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jools posted:

i would pick bad rap any day over prog rock

i watched the filth and the fury the other day and i can see why it was such an exciting thing as a backlash to bloated self-indulgent Rock.

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

"these songs are too long and complex. let's make shitty short songs an--whoa, people who can't pay attention for more than 1:30 love this! let's make more!"

exactly, the democratisation of musical participation, a mantle later taken up by rap

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