asking for a friend.
[account deactivated]
Mom... Dad... I want to become an Australian citizen!
cite family friends who had 5 years of getting a bachelors of Biology blow up in their face. Bring up statistics on student debt and the rising cost of college. Look them in the eye and say 'I am an adult, and I honestly don't believe college will benefit my life.' get a job.
present them with a viable alternative. they're probably worried that you'll become an even bigger fuck up

point out that none of the classical philosophers and politicians had U.S. college degrees
in your suicide note, b1tch!
Kramer joins CrossFit and becomes insufferable. Elaine agrees to write George's OkCupid profile for him. Bania tells a terrible rape joke on TV and then blames Jerry.
juts keep telling them you can always go to college later but need some more time to find yourself. keep telling them that til you're 40 and everyone has accepted you're never going to go to college
go to college and take out a shitload of student loans while becoming fluent in a foreign language then flee the country upon graduation. note that this will only work if you get into STEM, there's no country on earth chomping at the bit for more gender studies professors
you could illegally immigrate to mexico i guess
[account deactivated]

wasted posted:

Mom... Dad... I want to become an Australian citizen!

This... but unironically...


Scrree posted:

get a job.

ermm,.. *goes to pull on collar but isnt wearig a shirt*

By B.J. Murphy

I look to the near future and see so much potential. I study and learn open-mindedly, willing to hear out other opinions so long they're reasonable and to the point. Modern science and technology have become the very tools to which anyone seeking to push positive fundamental change in the world needed. I grasped onto socialism, for it was the socialists throughout history who were there, on the frontlines, fighting for positive social and economic change. They strengthened our unions, fought for women's voting and working rights, stood up against racist politicians, cops, and the Ku Klux Klan without fear, and made sure no working man or woman went home hungry.

Where positive change occurred in the world, it was the socialists who made it happen. Organizing and fighting for the FUTURE, not the past. They stood against the dogmatic, reactionary ideologies of homo economicus, Luddism, Malthusianism, nihilism, and right-wing conservatism. We saw the Industrial Revolution as a means of uplifting the working wo/man. Not a new technology set out to destroy him or her. We understood that technology was a double-edged sword and for it to be used in our favor we had to wield it, not oppose it, ourselves.

Today, in the second decade of the 21st century - the technological era which is making every sci-fi dream and thought a reality - I stand proudly as a Transhumanist Socialist. I stand to carry forward what my fellow socialists did in the past. When Engels denounced Thomas Malthus for wanting to destroy developing countries' poor populations, declaring Malthus wrong and that science will lead the way for the poor and create new resources for a growing planet. Lenin did the same with the rising neo-Malthusian movement. It was the socialists who fought for every new scientific advancement and technological improvement and declared them the right of the people to attain. Hell, we had scientists on our side, fighting for socialism! Einstein was a socialist and has declassified FBI files showing just how much he shook the U.S. govt to its core!

And yet, as a Transhumanist Socialist, each day I feel as if the socialist movement is losing its rebellious core, its materialist outlook, and scientific endeavor, more and more, becoming the very creatures they sworn to oppose. It's no longer about uplifting the poor from poverty, or the worker having better wages to acquire all the great things modern science and technology can provide, or destroying the absurd ideologies of "increased population=less resources" and "technology under capitalism will always be bad, so let's oppose it!" No. Many socialists today have resorted to simplicity. They oppose technologies outright and unconditionally, claiming they're not anti-science, just anti-corporations. All while, of course, completely ignoring the science and simply opposing the corporation without any critical thought as to why other than it simply being a corporation.

They look at scientists fighting for age longevity and somehow picture them as evil scientists, hiding in dark laboratories, cackling ominously as they tinker with the building blocks of life. They oppose them and their beneficial science to the poor and instead denounce them under grounds that they're somehow sending our planet to the slaughter with longer ages and increased populations (ignoring of course fertility rates). They see scientists with technological enhancements being attacked by Luddite thugs working in fast food chains, and they side with the thugs over the scientists, because, 'hey, they're poor working class people and the scientist isn't, so I'm going to be a simplistic moron and ignore the science altogether.'

Each day I grow more weary of modern so-called socialists. They've become enemies to me in many ways. Really, they've declared me their enemy! I can no longer recognize so many socialists today as being the socialists who I studied and looked up to, who inspired me and made me all the more determined that positive change can occur so long I continue fighting for it. Technology has been declared modern day Frankenstein's monster, and scientists as Frankenstein himself. Science is being ignored and replaced for idealistic emotions. And Transhumanism.....well it's an exponentially growing movement surrounded by an ocean of diverse ideologies with a common goal to see Transhumanism halted and destroyed. Instead convincing themselves that maybe, just maybe, Luddite terrorists like Ted Kaczynski was right when he said technology was destroying "nature's perfections" of the past.

I'm not ready to concede that socialism is a dying ideology of the past, failing miserably as it tries to keep up. I want to believe that socialism still has that spark which made it great for so many years and willing to drive forward positive social change coupled with modern science and technology. I still wish to consider myself a Transhumanist Socialist. But I'm growing tired of the bullshit. Sooner or later, if these so-called socialists (not all, but many) cannot come to grips with reality and take on the torch passed onto them by the great socialists before us, then one of the two will have to go. Transhumanism or socialism. My sight and aim is to the future, not the past. Sooner or later, modern day "socialists" will have one less "comrade" and one more enemy.

I do not fight for a flag, or color, or past ideal. I fight for the future, for the working class and poor, using science and technology as my tools...as my weapons...in getting the job done. If that enrages you, then so be it.
ask them to pay for it?
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I no college
whenevr their parents mention college, vomit and pisss yourselvs at the same time. really drives the point home, i mho
move to another country, become fluent in another language, starve and die.

Lykourgos posted:

present them with a viable alternative. they're probably worried that you'll become an even bigger fuck up

I agree with this. Its good not to go to college and they can't make you go. But the reality is you can go to college and do positive and non-repulsive things during that time if you're focused and willing to work. It would not be very Marxist-Leninist of your friend to use Marxism-Leninism as an excuse to keep playing video games for as long as possible.

just suck it up and go to college in the cheapest way possible. its the best place to find drugs and sex and it helps you lose all motivation to do anything productive, thereby making you a better rHizzonE poster
College is a waste of money but it's probably your friends' parents' money and i f they want to spend it on college that's their decision
say college is too expensive and there's no point going unless you have a clear career path that you are set on pursuing which a college degree will enable. if you want to soften the blow say you'll reconsider when you're older and have a better idea what you want to do with your life.
tell them with a little skit with your friends.
also tell them youre converting to islam
wander off to the alaska wilderness in a quest of self-discovery.
By "self-immolate" he means set fire to yourself. You have to explain these things... the OP didnt go to college
you should probaly go to collage
i would third the thing about having a more or less clearly defined alternative before writing it off. just cause you know it's all bullshit anyway doesn't mean you dont have to do any of it, in a pragmatic sense you know, like, dialectics are neat but you can't eat them. basically OP have you considered a career in the U.S. armed forces?
Get a damn job.
go to college
go the fuck to college
if you want to face unemployment, go to college. if you want to face much worse unemployment, don't go to college.
If you're facing unemployment try having a job, instead.
i tried having a job without getting one first but it was p. hard
get a job and go to college. eat healthy, ride a bike. smile at people, and punch capitalists.