goodbye, daddyholes
obv what the left really needs is its own UBL figure, a dilletantish rich boy who brought daddy's credit card with him.
I'm a professional basketball player and i love baloney

KilledInADuel posted:

goodbye, daddyholes


"Heh. QUoting Lenin? Won't fly on the 'zzone" --KilledInADuel

daddyholes posted:

"Heh. QUoting Lenin? Won't fly on the 'zzone" --KilledInADuel

just a little joke abt saying the t-word on the internet and getting disappeared. you know, with the current events and all? just trying to keep it a little light, heh.

i think revolutionary terror is a separate issue tbh
[account deactivated]
the left needs catchy defiant chants like 'E-E-EDL'
Yeah, I mean obviously the general population dislikes violence, there's nothing wrong with that, and after a revolution as long as they continuing disliking violence then they are somewhat helpful to the population. I'm just theorizing about the fact that there's a large part of the population that is neither revolutionary, nor reactionary, because they are so passive. Obviously inertia needs to be overcome, but I'm starting to think that is accomplished by failed revolutions. All of the successful large scale movements that changed things seem to have followed many unsuccessful ones, that got violent and were violently repressed. They might even be necessary for the eventual success of a revolution, as even a pyrrhic victory can inspire future revolutions. We need to overcome the liberal agenda, the manufactured dissent idea that non-violence can accomplish major change. How else are you going to do that but with violence?

getfiscal posted:

jools posted:

i dont want to lead shit. lol owned everyone

some have greatness thrust upon them.

and some, within them *places hand on knee*


Red_Canadian posted:

Yeah, I mean obviously the general population dislikes violence, there's nothing wrong with that, and after a revolution as long as they continuing disliking violence then they are somewhat helpful to the population. I'm just theorizing about the fact that there's a large part of the population that is neither revolutionary, nor reactionary, because they are so passive. Obviously inertia needs to be overcome, but I'm starting to think that is accomplished by failed revolutions. All of the successful large scale movements that changed things seem to have followed many unsuccessful ones, that got violent and were violently repressed. They might even be necessary for the eventual success of a revolution, as even a pyrrhic victory can inspire future revolutions. We need to overcome the liberal agenda, the manufactured dissent idea that non-violence can accomplish major change. How else are you going to do that but with violence?

this is part of it, but honestly i suspect even successful revolutions (with maybe the exception of china, due to the massively extended process they went through before final power seizure) have like, at most 30% support at their beginning

this subject is like 50% of Lenin's writings across his life
rosa luxemberg said that you don't try to build a majority and then have a revolution, you have a revolution to build a majority.

getfiscal posted:

rosa luxemberg said that you don't try to build a majority and then have a revolution, you have a revolution to build a majority.

daddyholes posted:

this subject is like 50% of Lenin's writings across his life

someone else had some opinions about that too

"it is not for us to go guns blazing to defend the Bolsheviks and comrade Lenin: they have not yet been flummoxed by anybody."
That's not the SS Minnow, is it?

getfiscal posted:

rosa luxemberg said that you don't try to build a majority and then have a revolution, you have a revolution to build a majority.

I see how this worked in a place like china, where the communists were able to build base areas and administer large amounts of the countryside in something resembling peacetime but it clearly failed in germany right.


stegosaurus posted:

but it clearly failed in germany right.

i don't actually know much about the german revolution. i was looking at books about it yesterday.

well uh I don't know much about it either but it was defeated. that's all I meant.

stegosaurus posted:

well uh I don't know much about it either but it was defeated. that's all I meant.

i know i just meant i want to understand why it was defeated other than REVISIONISM (which is like ORIGINAL SIN)


swirlsofhistory posted:

That's not the SS Minnow, is it?

yes and no. it's the motor yacht granma which was later loaned to the US and used in hollywood tv productions including Gilligans Island

Yeah, Castro's movement was pretty damn small, especially after they got ambushed coming off the boat. Less than 20 people, I think. Obviously there was other people supporting them and all that, and the atmosphere was supportive at the time, but isn't that the case with all these movements.
I've read a bit about the German revolution, it failed because the unions cut a deal with the government, demobilized all their workers, and the people left were destroyed by army veterans coming home since the truce was declared. Hell, basically was the reason for it. But then you could argue that was a continuation of the German's Peasants War, and was followed by the Red Army Faction.
the RAF sucked though. RZ was better
the RZ and the RAF were explicitly created to be the coke and pepsi of urban guerillas, but secretly directed by the same central committee
"Police denied they had acted unlawfully but said they would investigate the allegations."http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22946736


Well, clearly that's the main problem with protesting. You attempting to make people give up power, without having any power yourself. A large mass of people yelling and standing in a public place has no physical impact on anyone, and physical impact is what has changed history....through our entire history. Asking the most powerful people to stop treating us so badly isn't likely to work...they profit off treating people badly, and until that stops, they won't.
I've heard talks of black blocs having demonstrations in different areas than the main demonstration, so there's no talk of them disrupting or damaging the message of those that want to act peaceably. Which could have some value, what do you think? most police would probably be at the other demonstration. However, it doesn't let them use the tactical use of Mao's "revolutionaries should be the fish in the sea of the people" to get away from police retribution.

Lastly, I've had a thought which is probably totally crazy. I can obviously see the value in wearing a mask in preventing a single protest from destroying your life, but it makes it too easy for the police and media to get people against you. Do you think there would be any value in doing interviews, acting violently towards property, without a mask, so that people can emphasize with you more, your backstory could humanize you and make your protest more valuable as you risk more?
That's actually somewhat of a helpful addition, Dorner did have some sympathy, because people could look him up and see what a kind person he was, pictures of him with dogs or what-have-you. Obviously though it didn't end up being material help, but I think in terms of possibly motivating future revolutionaries, he arguably did more than kicking in a store window with a mask on.

stegosaurus posted:

I see how this worked in a place like china, where the communists were able to build base areas and administer large amounts of the countryside in something resembling peacetime but it clearly failed in germany right.

well the dual declaration of Republics (& popularity of the Social Democrats) along with return of either very freshly radicalized and embittered reactionary soldiers + the chaos of the fall of the Kaiser + very quick action afterwards by the Sparticists & sprinkle in some Rosa-Luxembourg-Thought and maybe a dash of """"adventurism"""" to me explains the crushing of the Spartacus Union revolt.. it was Too Much, Too Rapidly (and, in some respects you could say trying to mimic the Bolsheviks in the period from February to October regardless of Rosa's theoretical differences)

but then the opposite was true for the later KPD / RFB in that, owing to the defeat of too quick an action by their predecessors, they were far too cautionary and did not utilize their organization with enough force at certain key points to force the hand of the SPD/Z

Trot says this trepidation is result of : STALIN STALIN STALIN DOGMA Incorrect Formulation of Popular United Front Blah Blah~~~ but I think that Russian advisers and COMINTERN plans had far less to do with the conditions and thoughts of the German communists than a lot of academics seem to credit them with, + mis-identification and over-reliance of possibility of some sort of "SPD-KPD" front to split SPD workers More Better (WHICH WAS POSSIBLE I SWEAR!!! - trot)

e: sort of mimics the "well are we the CPUSA and DSA who will pick off '''''Democratic Party Workers''''' through entryism or work with the DP or are we The True Ultra Vanguard who, through the correctness of our True Party Line and Great Socialistic Policies will show the Worker the way of Truth out of the Darkness of the Reformists as the Crisis Advances" sort of messy shit that goes on now

Edited by prikryl ()

maybe... maybe the truth is somewher ein the middle.
disguise all political violence as random unrelated criminal activity imo. just like the government does
also there's the case of the London street killing. The guy wasn't wearing a mask and did an impromptu interview there on the spot/amid the violence.

i get what you're saying though. Building a human, relatable identity certainly seems better than being the unknown, anonymous "other" wreaking havoc. An act carried out with a mask is definitely easily manipulated by the media gate keepers. But then of course, not masking you are definitely risking more.

anonymity/surprise/mystery probably helps your cause militarily, but as for building public awareness/support you'd probably want to be as transparent as possible, including leaving off the mask.
yes, but the maskless faces of the movement arent supposed to be the ones perpetrating the violence. ideally, the PR front of the movement is going to be people who dont "do" much of anything, other than the PR. "doing things" politically creates a history that can be used against you. theres no way to stay "clean" while being both active and effective. thats why politicians are the idle class, by necessity. people dont vote for those with great accomplishments, they vote for the people who have managed to keep all their skeletons far back enough in the closet to keep from having "gaffes" and "scandals" and "October Surprises". its a race to see who can be the most boring and inoffensive while still toeing the party line and inflaming passions

the perfect leader of any movement is in fact a completely fictionalized ideal of a man who is already dead. see: Jesus Christ, JFK, Ronald Reagan
the whole chris dorner thing was really cool because like half the country openly supported him

clanzy posted:

the whole chris dorner thing was really cool because like half the country openly supported him

for a couple of months it had singlehandedly restored my faith in humanity. i remember going online one day and seeing just dozens and dozens of kids all over twitter and every news article just gushing support for him. an entire generation joyously celebrating copdeath. i almost shed a tear at how beautiful it was


Superabound posted:

yes, but the maskless faces of the movement arent supposed to be the ones perpetrating the violence. ideally, the PR front of the movement is going to be people who dont "do" much of anything, other than the PR

ira/sinn fein


daddyholes posted:

youll know when its working b/c killing public officials will make you more popular instead of less


its pretty clear that if you have to hide your face because youre worried about your reputation (rather than worried about your family) then youve already fuckin failed

daddyholes posted:

daddyholes posted:

youll know when its working b/c killing public officials will make you more popular instead of less


not sure if Dorner worked
or I live in some kind of ideological echo chamber