i figured as much but i didnt know they actually said it

from when they "endorsed" the fsa:

"This is not a real opposition in Syria. This opposition is just the other face of the same coin," a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army said.

"It is just a silly plot to mislead the international community to think there is a negotiation in place. They cannot be successful in finding an end to the civil war."
i still am curious where people think the Communists should go here, into the arms of Israel/France/U.S. or what
imo they should combat sectarianism on the pro-govt side
i mean im unclear *how much* sectarianism there is on the pro-govt side, but there is of course a risk of it, and that seems an obviously useful thing they can do
the principal contradiction in contemporary society is white first world maoists who support assad vs. white first world maoists who oppose assad.

*the lion assad
Why don't they try and protect all sects on an individual basis, fighting all comers and taking advantage of the ridiculous amounts of weapons no doubt flooding into the country. Instability on the government's part should be a rallying point for revolution, especially for communists and governments. An ideologically correct red army could garner international support for it's protection of all the downtrodden, and organize labour in the refugee camps socially. Why do they always have to take sides with people they disagree with? That just justifies communists are bad and support bad people liberalism. Communism is an ideal, why can't we strive for it idealistically? We're all going to die, would it be so bad to die for something better, as opposed to living and making compromises?
he's not a lion he's a stupid arab who looks like the muppet bert

Red_Canadian posted:

Why don't they try and protect all sects on an individual basis, fighting all comers and taking advantage of the ridiculous amounts of weapons no doubt flooding into the country. Instability on the government's part should be a rallying point for revolution, especially for communists and governments. An ideologically correct red army could garner international support for it's protection of all the downtrodden, and organize labour in the refugee camps socially. Why do they always have to take sides with people they disagree with? That just justifies communists are bad and support bad people liberalism. Communism is an ideal, why can't we strive for it idealistically? We're all going to die, would it be so bad to die for something better, as opposed to living and making compromises?


The Lion Assad

morsi and assad imo
rubber duckystine youre the one
that makes anti-zionism so much fun
hahah theyre even dressed like shabab in that picture
why you downvote that one w asted
i'm a Zionist and/or you ran out of joke momentum
fair enough
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

what i guess i am asking getfiscal is as your twelve-hour Trot gimmick persona what do you think the proper activities of the Syrian Communists should be at this hour

i dunno, how would i know? my guess though: class struggle? like focusing on the organization of the working class as an independent actor that will fight capitalism from both the assad government and its opponents? as in, a real activist communist party rather than just a few factions integrated into the baathist state.

imo he's more a Fozzy Bear


tpaine posted:

i can't really describe how hard i laughed the first time i saw the bert and ernie vid. it just completely blindsides you. i had tears streaming down my face and it just kept going and i started to actually worry about my health

thats not even the full song.


tpaine posted:

i can't really describe how hard i laughed the first time i saw the bert and ernie vid. it just completely blindsides you. i had tears streaming down my face and it just kept going and i started to actually worry about my health

have you seen the other tracks on that album

I was going to post that Drwhat. But I don't think I know how to embed. But nice, anyways.