
I could read Marx but I'm a tiny baby and I'd just eat the pages

You know, I would probably have more trolls in my arsenal if I could quote more passages from Marx in my arguments.

Give me a list of books to read. I've read the manifesto, that's all.

yes you could totally OWN that dude about the book he wrote that you didn't read
Capital you dumbass
Is that it? Okay.
you can ask him here mustang http://ask.fm/mccaine
What the fuck? Okay, I'll give it a go.
[account deactivated]
heinz mustard 19

mustang19alt2 posted:

What the fuck? Okay, I'll give it a go.

dont be too autistic or overbearing or he'll just think you're a weird crank & not answer you seriously


prohairesis posted:

mustang19alt2 posted:

What the fuck? Okay, I'll give it a go.

dont be too autistic or overbearing or he'll just think you're a weird crank & not answer you seriously

if you are lucky he'll send you a photo of his genitalia.


dont be too autistic or overbearing or he'll just think you're a weird crank & not answer you seriously

I'll try to be civil, sometimes I can't restrain the overbearing though. Thanks for the social skills recap. I sent him a message.

i already told you to read capital you dummy, go, read it in full, it will take you a while, come back in a week, DON'T POST UNTIL THEN or no one will believe you have read and digested capital. no more mustang posts until 24 June 2013 2:45 PM EST, while you are busy reading Capital. do it mustang. it's a Capital idea

I'm not going to make no more posts but I'll stop accusing you of having no idea what you're talking about until then.

[account deactivated]

ou never said that to me you just said 'oh you're not a straw-stalinist so i'm not talking to you'. stop posting

I didn't say I accused you of saying anything. All I said was I wouldn't accuse you of saying things.

ed: I thought the Mark Snow thing was some kind of joke. Forgive my autism, it appears that would be his email.

Edited by mustang19alt2 ()

[account deactivated]
wtf is ask.fm. everybody is a celebrity in their own world now, i feel old
Wheres baby tom of finland posting i was reminded of the harry knowles review of blade 2 and i want to post it @ him
[account deactivated]

Many Afghan women fear the rights they have enjoyed for the past decade could be reversed once foreign forces leave the country.

Foreign troops will officially hand over the last of all combat roles to the Afghan forces on Tuesday.

Al Jazeera's Jane Ferguson reports from Kabul.

Al Jazeera == CIA tool

mustang19alt2 == a bad poster

mustang19alt2 posted:

What's McCaine's email? It can't be "firstname dot lastname at brunel.ac.uk."

What's his first name? He doesn't post it anywhere.



mustang19alt2 posted:

What's McCaine's email? It can't be "firstname dot lastname at brunel.ac.uk."



stegosaurus posted:

Annualized growth rates:

Industrial soda: 5%
Street soda: 8%
Road soda: 9%
Beer: 4%
Jazz ciggarettes: 6%
0.0%: 0%

The big "debate" with McCaine is probably over. He responded with a Robert Allen paper. The problem with Allen is that he assumes (or is that my assumption of his assumption? I guess so) capitalism and communism are polar opposites and the Tsar wasn't already pushing up the share of heavy industry in total capital throughout the imperial period.

He still makes good points about "social stability" and falling fertility rates from Stalinist policies, but starving zillions isn't the ideal way to get there. Just my 2c.

you desperately want people to pay attention to you, but the sad truth is behind the trolling and mental illness you don't know much of anything at all. I'm sure among your peers you're the "smart" one because you have wikipedia level knowledge of various events, but you simply don't know anything beyond that. You know nothing about econoics, and I say that as someone who knows a fraction of what McCain knows. Have some humility you child.

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()

wwhy wrold war one is piss? why world war 1 is pisss #italiano
how is reovltuion formed

how is revoltuion formed. how provisional governemnt take power
By ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1914~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Russian steel production equaled that of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~France~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Austria-Hungary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


mustang19alt2 posted:

but starving zillions isn't the ideal way to get there. Just my 2c.

huh, TIL

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

starving septillions is the only way, actually, imho

mustang19alt2 posted:

What's McCaine's email? It can't be "firstname dot lastname at brunel.ac.uk."

What's his first name? He doesn't post it anywhere.

senator_mccain@mccain.senate.gov is the one he actually uses

Mccain lost the 2008 election due to his excessive posting the groverhouse thread on wddp.org

how is reovltuion formed

how is revoltuion formed. how provisional governemnt take power

Because of World War I, ie, the success of accelerationism.

ed: Some more updates.

Although economic growth didn't completely translate into per capita growth because of population increase, fertility and infant mortality were already falling by the 1900s.In fact, fertility fell much faster before 1917 than after 1928.

As Boris Mironov's analysis in "The Standard of Living and Revolutions in Imperial Russia, 1700-1917" of disposable income and physical stature shows, living standards improved steadily. Additionally, Russian income inequality was middling by the standards of the 1900s, and less severe than inequality has become today in such countries as China, the United States, and Russia itself. Education was also rapidly improving. Germany’s GDP expanded eight times faster than its high male literacy rates between 1870 and 1900, whereas Russia’s level grew seven times faster than its GDP during the same period. There was no perpetual crisis of falling living standards leading to the revolution. Instead, Mironov concludes that the 1917 revolution occurred because of a combination of war exhaustion and a coup by the new, socialist elites to replace the old, Tsarist elites.

Edited by mustang19alt2 ()