Someone said everyone should be given mod powers in the coup against me thread and I agree. So how about everyone at the Rhizzone post in this thread and then I'll make you all thread monitors which means you can infinitely probate other posters you hate. But they can do it back to you. If everyone posts here and we all don't permaban each other then COMMUNISM WORKS!

babyhueypnewton was probated until (June 18, 2013 06:22:27) for this post!

my god pure ideology

dipshit420 was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:23:49) for this post!

posting itt even tho I'm not a person itf

CharlesFomsky was probated until (June 18, 2013 06:49:22) for this post!

[account deactivated]
Anarchy now!

Red_Canadian was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:10) for this post!

didnt tpaine or someone say that tfr should do something like this where anyone can ban anyone else b/c an armed society is a polite society

deadken was probated until (June 20, 2013 23:27:25) for this post!

really you should have to make a dazibao before probating anyone

deadken was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:16) for this post!

[account deactivated]
checking in

EmanuelaBrolandi was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:24:02) for this post!


slothrap was probated until (June 18, 2013 04:46:50) for this post!

This is too radical, you will regret this.

Change, except in something evil, is extremely dangerous.

Lykourgos was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:22:24) for this post!


burritostan was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:28) for this post!


deadken posted:

didnt tpaine or someone say that tfr should do something like this where anyone can ban anyone else b/c an armed society is a polite society

that was me

iFederico was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:32) for this post!


littlegreenpills was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:22:59) for this post!

all mods, all masters

TG was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:38) for this post!


Lykourgos posted:

This is too radical, you will regret this.

Change, except in something evil, is extremely dangerous.

if he's against it i'm for it

slumlord was probated until (June 20, 2013 09:37:41) for this post!

i'm just going to wait like three months until everyone forgets about this and ruthlessly purge all of you

deadken was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:22:47) for this post!

I hope that the next mod will see my vision of a truly terroristic democracy to its completion. Socialism is complete, said Stalin, wiping a tear from his eye.

babyhueypnewton was probated until (June 20, 2013 08:22:40) for this post!

Genie, for my third wish...I wish to become a GENIE MYSELF

Barbarossa was probated until (June 20, 2013 23:05:52) for this post!