[account deactivated]
thats pretty cool
rights talk
Bahrain is backed by Saudi Arabia.

They could rape and eat a thousand babies on live television and the U.S. would still support them without question as long as the Saudis are happy enough to provide cheap oil.

We're further told that State is keeping the exact items in the sale secret, but is claiming they are for Bahrain's "external defense" and therefore couldn't be used against protesters.

Those weapons are likely going to be used against Iran. The U.S. is currently setting up a regional war between Sunnis and Shiites which will of course totally not be the fault of the superpower propping up the terrorist producing dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, flooding the region full of weapons and murdering Sunnis while shepherding Shiites into power in Iraq (while murdering them too).

The U.S. would rather have that region tear itself apart like Iraq rather than have them unite against their real common enemy: the United States.

Also, I can't wait to see that Iran was never producing a nuclear weapon and everyone being shocked again. Seeing the people of democratic countries rewrite history and lie like they're living in a totalitarian dictatorship is always fun.

can you stop posting about the middle east please
internationalist can you make a north korea/world war iii scenario effort thread please

babyfinland posted:
can you stop posting about the middle east please


i would wholeheartedly support the raping and eating of a thousand babies on live television as a pure expression of performance art on a scale never before seen. goons. GBS. STAIRPUSHER 9000 hahahhahah LOWTAX