
deadken posted:
i got a reader & heidegger explained: from phenomenon to thing by graham harman. dont know how good it is but the other secondary texts they had were all critical readings and i think i ought to get an understanding of the basics of his philosophy first

graham harman is fucking reprehensible intellect, star of the "speculative realist blogosphere." ugh.

otoh IIRC infinite cockjammer met him once and said he was a really nice guy.

blinkandwheeze posted:
i'm a critic of harman because once on his blog he posted a picture of a dinosaur with a lazer gun with the text "this is pretty funny". no it isn't graham harman.


tpaine posted:
did you guys know that tom is in a ska bathroom humor parody band (he calls the genre "skatological") called Soil-it Green, which covers well-known songs in which one or more words in the title rhyme with something involving the process of digestion and defecation? but what may seem derivative of weird al yankovic and other humorous cover bands is actually surprisingly personal in many ways for tom. take their 2008 single, "Quit Playing Games with My Fart", which could have been a cheap retelling of the Backstreet Boys lyrics, only about a lover's flatus. Instead, it's a heartfelt person missive to Tom's doctor, whom he felt wasn't giving his myriad problems enough attention. Jesus Christ

we made a thread in PHIZ some time ago called "Quit Playing Games With my Fart." Also "Don't you tell my Fart, my Achy-Breaky Fart," "My Fart Will Go On," and "Every Fart you Take." all the threads were gassed and we were all either probated or banned for the offense...


deadken posted:
francis wheen has this book How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World in which as well as discussing various new age nonsense he also singles out deleuze as an exemplar of pomo nonsense, a point he supports with extracts from a thousand plateaus that he claims dont make any sense, and im just like 'if you just quoted bits from the middle of a scientific paper with no contextual information to a lay audience it wouldnt make any sense either, damn.' the myth of theoretical inscrutability is really weird, everyone expects advanced mathematics to not be instantly comprehensible but for some reason philosophy has to be written at a primary school level otherwise its worthless

the luce irigaray stuff is genuinely stupid tho

Life's a Gas
Fart a Long, Get it On!

littlegreenpills posted:
the luce irigaray stuff is genuinely stupid tho

i dunno d&g talk extensively about the problems royal science has with flows and turbulence so its not like hers is a concept without some philosophical pedigree. and even if some of her assertions about science arent necessarily correct its an important reconsideration of the supposed objectivity of certain structures



objective neutrality is p much always an implicitly male neutrality. this still holds true basically everywhere i think

germanjoey posted:

deadken posted:
i got a reader & heidegger explained: from phenomenon to thing by graham harman. dont know how good it is but the other secondary texts they had were all critical readings and i think i ought to get an understanding of the basics of his philosophy first

graham harman is fucking reprehensible intellect, star of the "speculative realist blogosphere." ugh.

ugh if id known he had a blog i would never have stolen his book. gross,


deadken posted:

littlegreenpills posted:
the luce irigaray stuff is genuinely stupid tho

i dunno d&g talk extensively about the problems royal science has with flows and turbulence so its not like hers is a concept without some philosophical pedigree. and even if some of her assertions about science arent necessarily correct its an important reconsideration of the supposed objectivity of certain structures

ugh are you fucking kidding me

yeah for as much as im skeptical of scientific "objectivity" as defined within liberal western discourse, the tact luce irigaray takes is pretty dumb
[account deactivated]
While we're on the topic of science look at this shit

Professor Neville Nicholls, cliamte researcher at Monash, 2008


General increases in rainfall intensity (McInnes et al., 2002; Whetton et al., 2002; Walsh et al., 2001; Abbs, 2004; Abbs et al., 2006) but with considerable spatial variation…

Up to 20% more droughts over most of Australia by 2030 (Mpelesoka et al., submitted). Projected changes in the Palmer Drought Severity Index for the SRES A2 scenario indicate an increase over much of eastern Australia between 2000 and 2046.



THE past two years have been Australia’s wettest two-year period since at least 1900…

Climate scientists have reasons to suspect that warmer ocean temperatures can lead to increased rainfall, and the strong ocean warming we have seen around Australia has indeed been matched by a trend to more rainfall across the country. Annual rainfall, averaged across Australia, has gradually increased by about 25 per cent since the start of the 20th century ... So it looks like global warming may be leading to a wetting trend across Australia, perhaps enhancing the heavy rains typically associated with La Nina events.

I can't bring this up with people without them saying that i'm trolling them for climate change denialism.....but the scientists keep getting it wrong!

why doesnt lungfish post anymore. i miss that guy

oplease come back my ifrend
baby finland, is that you???


Impper posted:
baby finland, is that you???

[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

Impper posted:
baby finland, is that you???

i saw that guy doing adhan on youtube lol

i habitually wear a baseball cap so ima adopt that as indigenous takiya

[account deactivated]
*dons baseball cap w/ ~bismillah~ embroidered on brim*

shennong posted:

*dons baseball cap w/ ~bismillah~ embroidered on brim*

check out what q's rocking here:


shennong posted:
*dons baseball cap w/ ~big smelly~ embroidered on brim*


tpaine posted:
my name is "Goffney" Lark Tibble Sharkington IV, Marquis of Dobblingshire, Estate of His Eminence Nigel Bracknell, Honorable Descendant of Marcus Twillerby, Lord of Flacker-Weckersham and I am a Muslim.


[account deactivated]
i'm watching this chinese movie about the communist party called The Great Revival it's pretty awesome

this period of history is one of my favorites because everybody is pretty much a good guy and its a good lesson in the dirty doggedness of politics
he lives with me in my basement in sunny victorville california now

babyfinland posted:

shennong posted:

*dons baseball cap w/ ~bismillah~ embroidered on brim*

check out what q's rocking here:


tpaine posted:
my cap says "LIL FUG NUGGY" on it, best east coast rapper easily


babyfinland posted:
i'm watching this chinese movie about the communist party called The Great Revival it's pretty awesome

this period of history is one of my favorites because everybody is pretty much a good guy and its a good lesson in the dirty doggedness of politics

damn im bout to hit this up on netflix in a bit

[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:
i'm watching this chinese movie about the communist party called The Great Revival it's pretty awesome

this period of history is one of my favorites because everybody is pretty much a good guy and its a good lesson in the dirty doggedness of politics

This movie is one of most terrible movies I've ever seen. By fragmentary story line, distorted historical facts, you can not learn what happened in China in early 1900s, and also can not know why the Communist Party was founded in China at that time. But this is not the point. The point is faking how great the Communist Party is. And it's regarded as a gift to celebrate the 90 anniversary of CCP.

So it's not a drama, not a comedy, and of course not a documentary. Maybe you can see it as a show, full of Chinese stars. But it's not worth 2 hours time

The Communist Party of China has existed for over 90 years, and has dominated China more than 60 years which is a great tragedy for our Chinese people. We loathe it very much, and we will eventually destroy it!!!


cleanhands posted:

babyfinland posted:
i'm watching this chinese movie about the communist party called The Great Revival it's pretty awesome

this period of history is one of my favorites because everybody is pretty much a good guy and its a good lesson in the dirty doggedness of politics

This movie is one of most terrible movies I've ever seen. By fragmentary story line, distorted historical facts, you can not learn what happened in China in early 1900s, and also can not know why the Communist Party was founded in China at that time. But this is not the point. The point is faking how great the Communist Party is. And it's regarded as a gift to celebrate the 90 anniversary of CCP.

So it's not a drama, not a comedy, and of course not a documentary. Maybe you can see it as a show, full of Chinese stars. But it's not worth 2 hours time

The Communist Party of China has existed for over 90 years, and has dominated China more than 60 years which is a great tragedy for our Chinese people. We loathe it very much, and we will eventually destroy it!!!
