
Which is pretty funny because he included Reagan - of course he would have to to remain a viable candidate.

“We’ve done everything wrong since 1987 or 1988. We spend too much, we tax too much, we borrow too much, we regulate too much, we undermine personal liberty too much, and then we print too much money.”

Are we all going with 1776 here or do people have differing opinions? Keep in mind this is 'do EVERYTHING wrong,' so there can be some leeway. If I had to be like pragmatic politician-speaking I'd probably say Ford just because he's the last (and only President in the 20th century, I think) who didn't invade somebody or do some fucked up interventionist shit. I will buy avatar 4 person who makes best argument.

Edited by DRUXXX ()

george bush didnt murder civilians with death squads seemingly at random for short-lived hikes in popularity so ima go with him
nixon was da best prez, this already been established
actually who was the guy who caught pneumonia during his inauguration and died shortly after. it was him. he was the best

deadken posted:
actually who was the guy who caught pneumonia during his inauguration and died shortly after. it was him. he was the best

your mom

FDR was down with so p hard to top
i thought about it and read some wikipedia and i decided i'm OK with everything p to and including the vietnam war, actually, but the country really went downhill after that
ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul RON PAUL

DRUXXX posted:
i thought about it and read some wikipedia and i decided i'm OK with everything p to and including the vietnam war, actually, but the country really went downhill after that

thats about when the CIA got co-opted by neo-conservative zionsits

Probably up to and including obam,a
well i was born in '87 so its me im the cause for our probs
the best thing is that in '87 there was a massive financial crash in america that required huge intervention to stop from creating a depression, premised on huge amounts of bad debt in poorly regulated financial institutions. plus ca change.
i think krugbeard said that the amount of bad debt in texas alone during the savings and loan scandals was so large that it is proportional to like a peripheral european union country defaulting today. one of greenspan's first jobs at the fed was finessing the response to it.

DRUXXX posted:
Are we all going with 1776 here or do people have differing opinions?

i usually think 3500-3200 BC

can we just crown zizek our totalitarian philosopher-king already? i would love to work in one of his labor camps, have lacanian group sessions six hours a day, deal with purposefully kafkaesque bureaucracy, it sounds like paradise
im going to write an update to harrison bergeron where everyone is surgically altered to speak with a lisp and forced to take pills that increase mucus production and contain speed
hey, vonnegut is, liek, sooo yesterday. but srsly:

more like 1860

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
chile is basically north america by most standards of measure

yeah maybe in upside down land!

a mare, oh. o mule oh. a burrito.
sawwy, un burrito.
con chile.

swampman posted:

DRUXXX posted:
Are we all going with 1776 here or do people have differing opinions?

i usually think 3500-3200 BC

125 mya

Al-Andalus noticeably absent from graph

DRUXXX posted:
Al-Andalus noticeably absent from graph

i bet the 4chan atheist author of that has a rather eurocentic view of history

Ford was involved with the whole Suharto thing

Groulxsmith posted:

read a book

Lmao http://www.vice.com/read/ron-paul-is-a-racist-leprechaun
there are some pretty funny responses to that on mobute's twitter

Groulxsmith posted:
there are some pretty funny responses to that on mobute's twitter

oh shit i didnt even notice who wrote it, noice

[account deactivated]
the struggling, oppressed Paulestinian masses
Hawaiian Monkey Fuck

gyrofry posted:
FDR was down with so p hard to top

fdr was a giant piece of shit that reversed all of hoovers diligent hard work attempting to destroy capitalism. we were real close to overthrowing liberalism and having a conservative revolution but that fucker had to mess it all up. fuck that guy


Groulxsmith posted:

[account deactivated]