
Tonight, champion of the homeless and committed person Jill Stein was arrested on the steps of Hofstra University, draped in the American flag, a martyr for the cause of social democracy repressed by the forces of the Washington consensus. When we listen to Obama and Romney debate over who has allowed more despoiling of the public commons or whose small business tax cut is bigger, when we see that the media has become a vehicle for goosey banter about the funniest bloopers and moments of interpersonal drama, can there be any doubt that an alternative to the two-party system is needed? Let's take a look at the Green Party's plan for a Green New Deal(NOte: This plan references something called The New Deal, which is when Franklin Roosevelt was present and he spent a lot of public money saving the economy.)

Summary of the Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a four part program for moving America quickly out of crisis into a secure, sustainable future. Inspired by the New Deal programs that helped us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Green New Deal will provide similar relief and create an economy that makes our communities sustainable, healthy and just.



Our country cannot truly move forward until the roots of inequality are pulled up, and the seeds of a new, healthier economy are planted. Thus, the Green New Deal begins with an Economic Bill of Rights that ensures all citizens:

1. The right to employment through a Full Employment Program that will create 25 million jobs by implementing a nationally funded, but locally controlled direct employment initiative replacing unemployment offices with local employment offices offering public sector jobs which are "stored" in job banks in order to take up any slack in private sector employment.

Local communities will use a process of broad stakeholder input and democratic decisionmaking to fairly implement these programs.
Pay-to-play prohibitions will ensure that campaign contributions or lobbying favors do not impact decision-making.
We will end unemployment in America once and for all by guaranteeing a job at a living wage for every American willing and able to work.

*BC Footnote: Everyone should have a job.

2. Worker's rights including the right to a living wage, to a safe workplace, to fair trade, and to organize a union at work without fear of firing or reprisal.

*BC Footnote: Unions are good.

3. The right to quality health care which will be achieved through a single-payer Medicare-for-All program.

*BC Footnote: Singlepayer is my favorite kind of health care.

4. The right to a tuition-free, quality, federally funded, local controlled public education system from pre-school through college. We will also forgive student loan debt from the current era of unaffordable college education.

*BC Footnote: Education iniquity is a major promblem.

5. The right to decent affordable housing, including an immediate halt to all foreclosures and evictions. We will:

create a federal bank with local branches to take over homes with distressed mortgages and either restructure the mortgages to affordable levels, or if the occupants cannot afford a mortgage, rent homes to the occupants;
expand rental and home ownership assistance;
create ample public housing; and,
offer capital grants to non-profit developers of affordable housing until all people can obtain decent housing at no more than 25% of their income.

*BC Note: All this sounds pretty important, and most importantly, good.

6. The right to accessible and affordable utilities – heat, electricity, phone, internet, and public transportation – through democratically run, publicly owned utilities that operate at cost, not for profit.

*BC Note: If we can get electricity and heating to every person, it will be a huge boon to the cause of humanity. Also, information will flow more freely. Like Jeffrey goldman sachs says, it will increase the level of human capital.

7. The right to fair taxation that's distributed in proportion to ability to pay. In addition, corporate tax subsidies will be made transparent by detailing them in public budgets where they can be scrutinized, not hidden as tax breaks.

*BC Note: Fair is fair!


The second priority of the Green New Deal is a Green Transition Program that will convert the old, gray economy into a new, sustainable economy that is environmentally sound, economically viable and socially responsible. We will:

1. Invest in green business by providing grants and low-interest loans to grow green businesses and cooperatives, with an emphasis on small, locally-based companies that keep the wealth created by local labor circulating in the community rather than being drained off to enrich absentee investors.

2. Prioritize green research by redirecting research funds from fossil fuels and other dead-end industries toward research in wind, solar and geothermal. We will invest in research in sustainable, nontoxic materials, closed-loop cycles that eliminate waste and pollution, as well as organic agriculture, permaculture, and sustainable forestry.

*BC Note: Permaculture? Holy shit!!!!

3. Provide green jobs by enacting the Full Employment Program which will directly provide 16 million jobs in sustainable energy and energy efficiency retrofitting, mass transit and "complete streets" that promote safe bike and pedestrian traffic, regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture, and clean manufacturing.


The takeover of our economy by big banks and well-connected financiers has destabilized both our democracy and our economy. It's time to take Wall Street out of the driver's seat and to free the truly productive segments of working America to make this economy work for all of us. Real Financial Reform will:

1. Relieve the debt overhang holding back the economy by reducing homeowner and student debt burdens.

2. Democratize monetary policy to bring about public control of the money supply and credit creation. This means we'll nationalize the private bank-dominated Federal Reserve Banks and place them under a Monetary Authority within the Treasury Department.

3. Break up the oversized banks that are "too big to fail."

4. End taxpayer-funded bailouts for banks, insurers, and other financial companies. We'll use the FDIC resolution process for failed banks to reopen them as public banks where possible after failed loans and underlying assets are auctioned off.

5. Regulate all financial derivatives and require them to be traded on open exchanges.

6. Restore the Glass-Steagall separation of depository commercial banks from speculative investment banks.

7. Establish a 90% tax on bonuses for bailed out bankers.

*BC Note: Ok i glossed over most of that shit but this is sounding pretty solid now

8. Support the formation of federal, state, and municipal public-owned banks that function as non-profit utilities.

*BC Note: Profit is like dogshit

Under the Green New Deal we will start building a financial system that is open, honest, stable, and serves the real economy rather than the phony economy of high finance.


We won't get these vital reforms without a fourth and final set of reforms to give us a real, functioning democracy. Just as we are replacing the old economy with a new one, we need a new politics to restore the promise of American democracy. The New Green Deal will:

1. Revoke corporate personhood by amending our Constitution to make clear that corporations are not persons and money is not speech. Those rights belong to living, breathing human beings - not to business entities controlled by the wealthy.

*BC Note: I looked it up and it turns out corporations actually are not people.

2. Protect our right to vote by supporting Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s proposed "Right to Vote Amendment," to clarify to the Supreme Court that yes, we do have a constitutional right to vote.

3. Enact the Voter Bill of Rights that will:

guarantee us a voter-marked paper ballot for all voting;
require that all votes are counted before election results are released;
replace partisan oversight of elections with non-partisan election commissions;
celebrate our democratic aspirations by making Election Day a national holiday;
bring simplified, safe same-day voter registration to the nation so that no qualified voter is barred from the polls;
do away with so-called "winner take all" elections in which the "winner" does not have the support of most of the voters, and replace that system with instant runoff voting and proportional representation, systems most advanced countries now use to good effect;
replace big money control of election campaigns with full public financing and free and equal access to the airwaves;
guarantee equal access to the ballot and to the debates to all qualified candidates;
abolish the Electoral College and implement direct election of the President;
restore the vote to ex-offenders who've paid their debt to society; *Lol and,
enact Statehood for the District of Columbia so that those Americans have representation in Congress and full rights to self rule like the rest of us.

4. Protect local democracy and democratic rights by commissioning a thorough review of federal preemption law and its impact on the practice of local democracy in the United States. This review will put at its center the "democracy question" – that is, what level of government is most open to democratic participation and most suited to protecting democratic rights.

*Sounds important!

5. Create a Corporation for Economic Democracy, a new federal corporation (like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting) to provide publicity, training, education, and direct financing for cooperative development and for democratic reforms to make government agencies, private associations, and business enterprises more participatory.

*BC Note: Remember all those funny ass sesame street jokes that were coming out after the last debate? i live for that shit

6. Strengthen media democracy by expanding federal support for locally-owned broadcast media and local print media.

7. Protect our personal liberty and freedoms by:

repealing the Patriot Act and those parts of the National Defense Authorization Act that violate our civil liberties;
prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI from conspiring with local police forces to suppress our freedoms of assembly and of speech; and,
ending the war on immigrants – including the cruel, so-called "secure communities" program.

8. Rein in the military-industrial complex by

reducing military spending by 50% and closing U.S. military bases around the world;
restoring the National Guard as the centerpiece of our system of national defense; and,
creating a new round of nuclear disarmament initiatives.

*BC Notes: Personally i disagree with these policys, as they will leave america more vulnerable to foreign terrorist attacks.

Let us not rest until we have pulled our nation back from the brink, and until we have secured the peaceful, just, green future we all deserve.


Jill Stein's Green New Deal was released on the night of January 25, 2012, with a video address entitled "A People's State of the Union: A Green New Deal for America." The Green New Deal is the central platform of the Stein/Honkala ticket. You can learn more about it by reading or viewing the various documents and videos below.

(Disclaimer: An alternative Green Party sect exists, under the stewardship of benevolent friend leader @TheRealRoseanne, and deserves your due consideration if you are dissatisfied with Jill Stein's restrained critique of capitalism. http://www.roseanneforpresident2012.org/ )

i emailed the jill stein campaign a long time ago asking them to put their economic model on their website. like, okay, you think you can create 25 million jobs, fine, just put the math on your website. how much the stimulus will be, how it will flow through, how it will affect debt levels. it's loony tune economics people.
liberals more obsessed with lifestylism than with the ownership of the means of production by labour
green party folks are such weirdos, if you're going to join a party that's looked upon with scorn and viewed as insane by everyone else in the country why would you just choose tepid social democracy rather than full communism
Well i see your point about the debt levels and how much stimulus there needs to be but i want to point out that the economics are actually just a social concstruct.

Goethestein posted:

liberals more obsessed with lifestylism than with the ownership of the means of production by labour

but you're a liberal?

I actually went to a green party meeting once and they were the delusional bunch of losers i ve ever seen. There was one fat guy in greasy stained grey sweat pants and and sweat shirg with a ratty grey beard. Every once in a while he d start giggling akwardly and particles of filth would shake loose from the beard and tumble over his expansive belly onto the floor. Its honestly the only time just looking at something has made me physically ill.

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

liberals more obsessed with lifestylism than with the ownership of the means of production by labour

but you're a liberal?

im a socialist actually

a libertarian socialist like norman chompster
that job bank shit made me lol
forget about the math for the green party's economic program, I want the math for proletarian dictatorship, on my desk, yesterday. *kicks feet up on desk* *isnt wearing any pants*

stegosaurus posted:

that job bank shit made me lol

i wouldn't mind as much if they just explained in detail how it would work given that basically no economist would support it. none. even people who argue for a job guarantee say it would have to be below the minimum wage, not a living wage.

Money is a "measurement" for who gets what and nothing more. Over the past 10 years 4.5 trillion muffins were "measured" out for the biggest banks, so to speak of a "job bank," that determines useful jobs/training programs and gives moneys to people in exchange for their labor is pure central planning.

getfiscal posted:

stegosaurus posted:

that job bank shit made me lol

i wouldn't mind as much if they just explained in detail how it would work given that basically no economist would support it. none. even people who argue for a job guarantee say it would have to be below the minimum wage, not a living wage.

I was thinking about how it's supposed to be elastic, like, the private sector drops off so the government steps in, but then the economy picks up and people get jobs at the supermarket again? what are people doing in these job bank jobs anyway

attention: do not vote for roseanne. she blocked me on twitter. vote for psl or write-in "adolf hitler"
Good, “green politics” is the most insidious form of neoliberalism and disguised class warfare around.
i wish i was on twitter o i could troll irl celebrities
“No but you see making energy expensive for poor people while throwing government money at green industries run by MIT grads in silicon valley is socially progressive because….”
open another twitter account and get roseanne to post here ive got questions about that series finale
I guess they’re kind of irrelevant in America but they have actual power over here and literally celebrate working class people losing their jobs.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Good, “green politics” is the most insidious form of neoliberalism and disguised class warfare around.

global warming was promoted by the thatcher gov to attack the miners union

and that's a fact!

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I guess they’re kind of irrelevant in America but they have actual power over here and literally celebrate working class people losing their jobs.

my friend's german green party friend wants a worldwide green party dictatorship and when he went to a baseball game he said all the different races standing up for the national anthem didnt make sense "because they dont belong together"

Edited by Crow ()


Crow posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I guess they’re kind of irrelevant in America but they have actual power over here and literally celebrate working class people losing their jobs.

my friend's german green party friend wants a green party dictatorship in germany and when he went to a baseball game he said all the different races standing up for the national anthem didnt make sense "because they dont belong together"

I as oging to post this anyway but then I had to because of this post http://trashtree.org/sakai.html

The German Green Party has a Radical Youth Wing, Coincidence??

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Good, “green politics” is the most insidious form of neoliberalism and disguised class warfare around.

evo morales agrees

From reading Ecology in the 20th Century I didn't get the impression that Bramwell was a closet Nazi. She's a British libertarian who basically dislikes Germans and blames the welfare state for ruining the countryside with roads and holidaying plebs.

swirlsofhistory posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Good, “green politics” is the most insidious form of neoliberalism and disguised class warfare around.

global warming was promoted by the thatcher gov to attack the miners union

Most definitely, climate change propaganda works on a number of levels.

- As a club to hit over the head of developing countries to prevent them reaching the prosperity of first world nations.

- To promote nepotistic, unproductive industries that are a “friendly” version of the MIC. You want a pointless way to chew up surplus capital and jobs for the boys, but tanks and bombs are disliked by some sections of the electorate? Sink it into solar panels, geothermal or other uneconomical fruitcake schemes.

- A moral scold against the poor, a new way to criticize and legislate moral behaviour. Sexuality, weight, energy consumption etc.

- All the obvious benefits of greenwash marketing etc. etc.

the math for proletarian dictatorship:

{the amount of stuff we can make / (the amount of stuff people reasonably need - transitional fudge factor)} * national population = budget for Canadian wheat imports
tbf gas was the main thing promoted by thatcher to break the miners

swirlsofhistory posted:

From reading Ecology in the 20th Century I didn't get the impression that Bramwell was a closet Nazi. She's a British libertarian who basically dislikes Germans and blames the welfare state for ruining the countryside with roads and holidaying plebs.

well she comes off as more than a closet nazi in the book where she apparently defends someone who stood to the right of hitler on race issues.


swirlsofhistory posted:

From reading Ecology in the 20th Century I didn't get the impression that Bramwell was a closet Nazi. She's a British libertarian



stegosaurus posted:

Crow posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I guess they’re kind of irrelevant in America but they have actual power over here and literally celebrate working class people losing their jobs.

my friend's german green party friend wants a green party dictatorship in germany and when he went to a baseball game he said all the different races standing up for the national anthem didnt make sense "because they dont belong together"

I as oging to post this anyway but then I had to because of this post http://trashtree.org/sakai.html

this is really fantastic btw, i think,

if youre not voting for this guy i dont know what to say really