can't vote, won't vote, don't vote
WTf is this shit iwc. Tpaine. http://imgur.com/gallery/gkjJ6
well fosters my macguffin, she's a beaut
[account deactivated]
IForgotMyDamnPassword 670 points : 20 hours ago reply
i am not voting, thanks
voting to cancel out richuncle's non-vote

Edited by dipshit420 ()


karphead posted:

voting to cancel out richuncle's non-vote

you should vote twice to really piss 'em off

i just posted the op on facebook and everyone stood up and clapped
i just read the op on facebook and got the clap
ended up not voting
i went to vote today and then voted for romney.
i'd vote for romney but california will go to obama anyway
Just a reminder to all you west coast voters, it's not too late to not vote!
[account deactivated]
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[account deactivated]
God bless God
happiness, feh. we have Duty. change change change, get your neurons right
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

what's really harrowing and sort of triggering tonight is that it's been 8 whole years since I was sobbing and drunk on 12 cans of pbr, sobbing until I was sick to my stomach and then stuck in bed for days. shortly after hunter s. thompson killed himself and then my friend killed himself and then I went on sabbatical from higher education to roam another 4 years in an america that re-elected george w. bush. eight years ago I began to lose hope. now I literally can't be arsed to even keep up with the coverage. I just lay here feeling really awful and full of despair. and tomorrow I'm going to work and that is really a cherry on top of this experience. god bless america

the fact that some people are going to dangle some chads shouldn't get you down, it has no bearing on the direction of society

[account deactivated]
weed's legal now, voting can accomplish things
i voted solely to vote for a tax increase to benefit schools and to vote against sheriff fucking joe. it didnt pass and he won in a landslide. fuck arizona.

more specifically fuck all the old white people who retire here and fuck everything up preventing us being cool like new mexico
was planning to vote on local measures (WA), didn't get around to it, the majority of them passed anyway (liberals), weed is legal(er)

TG posted:

weed's legal now, voting can accomplish things

actually obama's dea is waging the largest war against marijuana in history

legalize it and confiscate it for revenue
I think weed should totally be legal, but smoking it should not.

discipline posted:

the last place I felt anything close to socially-bound happiness was at occupy. and that's gone. obama killed it. he let them pepper spray teens and old ladies in the eyeballs.

at my office we eat lunch together everyday, want a recommendation?