food addiction is one of the few you can maintain while having a reasonably functional life
does the fat mayor of canada wear like a top hat and a velvet smoking jacket and talk in a really high pitched voice with elongated vowels. cuz thats how i imagine him.
mayor of canada. lol. what a country. canada definitely doesn't exist hth

tpaine posted:




tpaine posted:


Im gonna post post post til my daddy takes the keyboard away ~

Fat. Gay. Mayor of Canada. Any questions?

littlegreenpills posted:

food addiction is one of the few you can maintain while having a reasonably functional life

maybe with the half-assed effort you put into your addictions

i have a job to hold down and a giant invalid womanchild to look after. i cant wander around at 3am looking for heroin
I have to imagine heroin would be hard to work into most jobs but you could do method and coke forever. also never stop drinking
drinking is generally a career-booster

littlegreenpills posted:

i have a job to hold down and a giant invalid womanchild to look after. i cant wander around at 3am looking for heroin

oh i meant that my food addiction wrecked my life because i went ham

hEY getfiscal how do you think this will affect the elections or whatever the fuck

i've always been afraid to go to one of those shows because basically i believe that people get really, really drunk and scream the whole time at the stage, and they just yell catchphrases at the audience and collect their money
i just do heroin at parties, i'm basically a social heroin user
that's cool. the social, not the heroin
yeah, i like to go outside, meet people, maybe go to the bar or a dinner party
that's cool. me too
whats with the avatar? honey-boo boo is a good person, an honorable working class mother who doesn't conform to the neurotic and schizophrenic norms of society. i don't appreciate you denigrating her. i draw a line in the sand at honey-boo boo.
basically, i live for dinner parties and the deipnosophy involved

AmericanNazbro posted:

whats with the avatar? honey-boo boo is a good person, an honorable working class mother who doesn't conform to the neurotic and schizophrenic norms of society. i don't appreciate you denigrating her. i draw a line in the sand at honey-boo boo.

what'd you say about my mama?


getfiscal posted:

i've always been afraid to go to one of those shows because basically i believe that people get really, really drunk and scream the whole time at the stage, and they just yell catchphrases at the audience and collect their money

toronto's greatest municipal drama comes down to people yelling at each other over a five cent charge on plastic shopping bags. now god or someone has intervened and they're getting banned outright next year lmbo
lol read this quote from marc garneau: "As well, while we must be wary of politicians who cry “Dutch Disease” for partisan gain, we must pay heed to the economic imbalances that can ensue. How do other resource-rich countries avoid the so-called resource curse?"
