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Edited by drwhat ()




Goku missile crisis


Crow posted:

Goku missile crisis
-dyl spinks-

when i first saw this i was pretty shocked lol because i was like "you can make fun of bill hicks???"

http://thenewinquiry.com/blogs/marginal-utility/theory-cults/ Lol
Seeming to smirk at his own obfuscations, appearing to letting you in on the joke, Lacan winds into theoretical elaborations with the intention in mind to undermine, not to complete, the whole idea of theoretical knowledge. Oh Noes Lol
So true. There's a witless amateurism encouraged by Theory. It makes students learn the catechism of antiquated ideas on sociology, psychology, philosophy etc by people long dead (like Lacan), instead of engaging with modern ideas.

The shrieks of horror you get in reaction to statements like this only ensures Theory's self-imposed irrelevancy.

And though there are plenty of narcissists in every discipline, at least most students of quantum chromodynamics or neuropharmacology or cognitive linguistics can explain to you the bare basics of what they do, and what it adds to our understanding. And even if they're such a poor communicator that they can't, someone else can.

If anyone, anywhere, ever, has been able to explain the bare basics of what non-trivial, original, well substantiated ideas Irigaray or Derrida or Lacan bring to the table, I'm not aware of them.

But then, this stuff is not 'supposed' to be understood

shermanstick posted:

[account deactivated]
i heard a lil somethin

Bump. Post the good posts itt
I heard "Ole Slantface" by Jerry Clower the other day and it was pretty funny.

ggw posted:

