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roseweird posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

what amphetamines are actually around or whatever? like obviously don't do meth, so what is there? dexedrine? ritalin/all those drugs? or just straight speed taht's clean/good?

ritalin is methylphenidate, basically meth

dexedrine is something else, i don't know, related but different

adderall IR is amphetamine salts, take the pill, your body breaks it down into amphetamine and it's in your bloodstream within 15-30 minutes. don't take it with anything acidic, which inhibits its absorption. XR is some long release stuff, i don't know

vyvanse is a prodrug that slowly breaks down into amphetamine in the body. it's supposed to replace amphetamine salts i guess, supposedly it can't be crushed and insufflated

no methylphenidate is much more like cocaine. desoxyn is the meth one

dexedrine is much better than adderall also. adderall is racemic, so it makes you feel much more like crap than dexedrine which is enantiopure dexamphetamine
i find methylphenidate Owns but most people dont vOv

NoFreeWill posted:

i'm on wellbutrin I was really reluctant to take drugs but it has been real helpful. they started me on a really low dose 200 mg and taht was too much (hallucinations at one point) so i am on pretty much the lowest possible 100mg. it's not chemically similar at all to amphetemines i just meant in the sense that it gives you energy or whatever. and i'm lazy sso maybe i should be on ritalin or someth

I was on welbutrin for like 10+ years and I know what you mean. It can really help with focus and drive, or at least it did with me.


jools posted:

dexedrine is much better than adderall also.

I've got dexedrine, it's kewl

[account deactivated]
and may i also add, as someone who has been diagnosed with ADD, that ADD isn't actually a thing at all:

'oooh you can't sit still in class, it must be a disorder'. I can't for the life of me see how being bored by boring shit is a disorder rather than the natural state of things.
[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

and may i also add, as someone who has been diagnosed with ADD, that ADD isn't actually a thing at all:

'oooh you can't sit still in class, it must be a disorder'. I can't for the life of me see how being bored by boring shit is a disorder rather than the natural state of things.

idk, i think its probably a thing for some people, quite often i get a counterintuitive response to stimulants in that they send me to sleep

we built this city on rock and BwO

discipline posted:

we have almost nothing to do with the course of history in any way we can control. we should stop looking for the weak spot to lean on and just do what we're best at while being honest decent people who are good and polite to others. do what we can reasonably do in whatever capacity we can. revolution is like the weather, it happens when certain conditions align themselves and then nothing can stop it. it might start with one person but they never know it. life is literally outside the realm of our control so instead of contorting ourselves into all sorts of uncomfortable positions because we read a few books and "understand" more than we think the everyman does why don't we just take a deep breath and make a life for ourselves, minimizing the damage we do while maximizing whatever goodness resides in us and improving our community whenever you can.

I'm probably not going to be living in foco conditions or even pursuing any kind of activist lifestyle. I'll probably work in analysis or planning, maybe write or teach somehow. I'm okay with just being a cog as long as I can pay my student loans and afford to have a family. I hope to donate a lot of money to causes I believe in and buy some art. I want to cultivate a good home life and raise good children. I'm buying into confucianism or something because I believe that when interpersonal communication is at the bottom of a sewer there is really no hope for anything at the macro level anymore. at least nothing I can do, really. so I think I'm just going to try and live as intentionally and as ethically as I can while keeping my mind open to opportunities and take risks when I can to do good things in the service of others.

so how do you handle the stuff you read + impending adulthood and responsibility? what bits of peace do you try and slide into your life to keep the room a little brighter? do you have plans for the future to become the ultimate human being? share your thoughts itt.

i took some of my friends vyvanse and had a euphoric feeling all day, like i was mildly rolling or something. good shit, it made me want to go con a doctor into giving me speed for the first time ever
[account deactivated]
here in the "u"KKK i had to get a referral from my gp and then have a 5-hour assessment with two psychiatrists, but it was free i guess
diagnoses are famously the only way to get the American government to participate in social spending anymore
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

we have almost nothing to do with the course of history in any way we can control. we should stop looking for the weak spot to lean on and just do what we're best at while being honest decent people who are good and polite to others. do what we can reasonably do in whatever capacity we can. revolution is like the weather, it happens when certain conditions align themselves and then nothing can stop it. it might start with one person but they never know it. life is literally outside the realm of our control so instead of contorting ourselves into all sorts of uncomfortable positions because we read a few books and "understand" more than we think the everyman does why don't we just take a deep breath and make a life for ourselves, minimizing the damage we do while maximizing whatever goodness resides in us and improving our community whenever you can.

I'm probably not going to be living in foco conditions or even pursuing any kind of activist lifestyle. I'll probably work in analysis or planning, maybe write or teach somehow. I'm okay with just being a cog as long as I can pay my student loans and afford to have a family. I hope to donate a lot of money to causes I believe in and buy some art. I want to cultivate a good home life and raise good children. I'm buying into confucianism or something because I believe that when interpersonal communication is at the bottom of a sewer there is really no hope for anything at the macro level anymore. at least nothing I can do, really. so I think I'm just going to try and live as intentionally and as ethically as I can while keeping my mind open to opportunities and take risks when I can to do good things in the service of others.

so how do you handle the stuff you read + impending adulthood and responsibility? what bits of peace do you try and slide into your life to keep the room a little brighter? do you have plans for the future to become the ultimate human being? share your thoughts itt.

wow how did this post not get called out in 2011? this fourm was soft back then, we need more IWCs. Sorry to say but you are getting karma now for your bourgeois decadent attitude.


how are you handling adulthood?

bad lol


roseweird posted:

there are a lot of good arguments against taking drugs but that is not one of them, your reality is not more or less filtered after than before taking drugs. obviously all reality is filtered, in fact your idea that there exists an unfiltered human reality is the origin of psychiatric medicine: "we can medically adjust deviant human realities to the normal human reality"

all humans are different, all realities are different, humanity needs all of them in order to understand postmodernity. please do not filter YOUR reality, everyone

[account deactivated]

jools posted:

dexedrine is much better than adderall also. adderall is racemic, so it makes you feel much more like crap than dexedrine which is enantiopure dexamphetamine

dexedrine is incredibly hard to get compared to adderall, but a much wiser alternative is vyvanse / lisdexamfetamine, which is now fairly overprescribed, has a much longer duration and lighter symptoms than adderall, and is a little less habit forming because your body can only metabolize it at a certain rate

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

uhm what if it needs the filtered ones too though

im typing the word 'yikes' over and over while saying it out loud


roseweird posted:

ritalin is methylphenidate, basically meth


[account deactivated]
cool more drug 'facts" just what teh INTERNET NEEDS

Meursault posted:

rip zicam cough max spray u flew too close to the sun

i have a prescription for methylphenidate but i really don't like it that much, esp when im trying to write, i get words out quicker but i find it harder to make mental connections and think "creatively" or whatever... i get some methiopropamine online tho and its pretty good, take small oral doses for functional purposes or just snort up a whole bag recreationally
all drugs are dumb except lsd
*snorts whole bag recreationally, stares deeply into the mirror*

the internet is an enormous mirror + the thing about mirrors is they replicate the world exactly but in reverse
the thing about mirrors is they're really fucking good for doing drugs off of

Meursault posted:

reppinest post

i usually do drugs off books. generally cyclonopedia b/c it has a nice glossy black cover, also b/c its cyclonopedia
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