asking for a friend
i really hope so
he was good in the beginning, but went too far
hitler was good before he went mainstream, now he just seems trite
Pimps Dont Commit Suicide

Superabound posted:

Pimps Dont Commit Suicide

Well I guess hitler was pretty good. But do I like hitler? 6 years ago I liked hitler. 2 years ago I could annoy the right people with hitler. Now hitler's like an old album by a band I like. Is it still good? You bet. Do I want to hear it? Not on your life. I'm robert evans.
little kids like hitler
shaving the moustache helps, but you have to be ready when the phone rings and they need a hitler. you have to live with it. pick up milk and a pack of smokes with the hitler moustache and your sweatpants. the facial hair that killed six million jews and your dollar general flip flops when you're cleaning the car out at the magic wash. you can't show up at a shoot with a pasted-on moustache. christ. you'd never get another callback in the 213 area code. so here you are trying to pay for goddamn takeout and some 16 year old korean kid is giving your spare uniform the hairy eyeball over your shoulder while you count out enough for a tip and not for the first time sympathize with the guy for blowing his brains out rather than deal with this shit.
oh my god. Front page that shit. Lols a minut
he was kind of a Dope Rhymesayer Who Most Definitely Catch Wreck On Tha Mic, Son™, but his little lunatic fringe hindu/gnostic fanclubs that revere him as an incarnation of vishnu and think he 2pac'd his death outdo him by a long shot.
post a SA fornt page artricl and watch the votes rolllll inn
you do wachu gotta do to get those upvotes... it's a cut no cut world
They just found a former SS commander hiding out in the hipster area of Minneapolis.
guess it's time to take my hi-point to minnesota