Congratulations to Sam Kriss on making Slavoj Zizek look like a moron in the Inthese Times newspaper.

getfiscal posted:

Congratulations to Sam Kriss on making Slavoj Zizek look like a moron in the Inthese Times newspaper.


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i cant wait to watch the FYAD documentary in 35 years
i want to hear someone compare fyad and the skull and bones on cable TV
This article is horrible. I can't believe we had a Zizek phase in our Lf youths

discipline posted:

wow to have my personal brand promoted... in zizek's most racist article of 2015.... can't hardly believe it......

[account deactivated]
Sam Kriss is having lots of sex. He's putting his penis in women's fuck holes and feeling their pussy slime.

And that pisses me off!!
otoh now we have this pull quote: slavoj zizek on sam kriss' writing: "is simply ridiculous, theoretical nonsense. "

babyhueypnewton posted:

This article is horrible. I can't believe we had a Zizek phase in our Lf youths

my zizek phase never ended. i watch perverts guide every day and agree with everything. i hate gypsum and all forms of pumice

[account deactivated]

conec posted:

i want 2 be popular like sam kriss

time 4 u to read some intro to lacan books and then write an article 'bout lady gaga's vagina then

[account deactivated]
We are really proud of you Sam! Your writing is good and that old barfy gent is dumber than spit!
As in many Zizek pieces, the trick employed here is to multiply the number of apparently mutually exclusive targets and scape-goats (Muslims and Catholics,Putin and Merkel, Hispanics and American whites) so that various audiences can nod along as he slips in his advocacy for replacing the present morass of the EU with an "Enlightened" volkish politics.
Look who else he namedropped

zizek posted:

In Spike Lee’s film on Malcolm X there is a wonderful detail: After Malcolm X gives a talk at a college, a white student girl approaches him and asks him what she can do to help the black struggle. He answers: “Nothing.” The point of this answer is ..

mr.x posted:

it makes me think about that little co-ed I told you about, the one who flew from her New England college down to New York and came up to me in the Nation of Islam's restaurant in Harlem, and I told her that there was "nothing" she could do. I regret that I told her that. I wish that now I knew her name, or where I could telephone her, or write to her, and tell her what I tell white people now when they present themselves as being sincere, and ask me, one way or another, the same thing that she asked.

"Schonerer was the strongest and most thoroughly consistent anti-Semite that Austria produced. He was equally and correspondingly the bitterest enemy of every principle of integration by which the multi-national empire could be held together: the enemy of liberalism, of socialism, of Catholicism, and of imperial authority....

Nationalism provided the positive center of Schroner's faith; but since nationalism might have been satisfied without total disintegatio n, he needed a negative element to give coherence to his system. Anti-Semitism was that element, enabling him to be simultaneously anti-socialist, anti-capitalist,anti-Catholic, anti-liberal, and anti-Hapsburg.'

From Fin-De-Siecle Vienna by Carl Schorske

The more things change....




To just quote from the Kirsch piece:

"In Žižek's telling, that relationship is sickeningly familiar. Invoking Freud's Moses and Monotheism, Žižek asserts that Judaism harbors a "'stubborn attachment' ... to the unacknowledged violent founding gesture that haunts the public legal order as its spectral supplement." Thanks to this Jewish stubbornness, he continues, "the Jews did not give up the ghost; they survived all their ordeals precisely because they refused to give up the ghost." This vision of Judaism as an undead religion, surviving zombie-like long past the date of its "natural" death, is taken over from Hegel, who writes in the Phenomenology of Mind about the "fatal unholy void" of this "most reprobate and abandoned" religion. This philosophical anti-Judaism, which appears in many modern thinkers, including Kant, is a descendant of the Christian anti-Judaism that created the figure of the Wandering Jew, who also "refused to give up the ghost."

It makes sense, then, that Žižek should finally cast his anti-Judaism in explicitly theological terms. Why is it that so many of the chief foes of totalitarianism in the second half of the twentieth century were Jews—Arendt, Berlin, Levinas? One might think it is because the Jews were the greatest victims of Nazi totalitarianism, and so had the greatest stake in ensuring that its evil was recognized. But Žižek has another explanation: the Jews are stubbornly rejecting the universal love that expresses itself in revolutionary terror, just as they rejected the love of Christ. "No wonder," he writes in the introduction to In Defense of Lost Causes, "that those who demand fidelity to the name 'Jews' are also those who warn us against the 'totalitarian' dangers of any radical emancipatory movement. Their politics consists in accepting the fundamental finitude and limitation of our situation, and the Jewish Law is the ultimate mark of this finitude, which is why, for them, all attempts to overcome Law and tend towards alle mbracing Love (from Christianity through the French Jacobins to Stalinism) must end up in totalitarian terror."


RedMaistre posted:

But Žižek has another explanation: the Jews are stubbornly rejecting the universal love that expresses itself in revolutionary terror, just as they rejected the love of Christ.

but jews were overrepresented in the bolshevik party

just, just look at hitler, my god, what he wrote about the jews, you know, they are not human, they are rats, and so on and so on, but the crazy thing is, you know, i agree with him!

Urbandale posted:

RedMaistre posted:

But Žižek has another explanation: the Jews are stubbornly rejecting the universal love that expresses itself in revolutionary terror, just as they rejected the love of Christ.

but jews were overrepresented in the bolshevik party

1.Zizek would probably counter that by saying probably say they, and other Jews who have participated actively in socialist and democratic movements, are not "really" jews in any relevant sense, and thus don't count. Perhaps using similar logic to one he employs when he says priests who speak out against sexual abuse are not "really"Christian priests because they don't identify with the alleged obscene essence of their community:

"Identifying oneself with this secret side is key for the very identity of a Christian priest: If a priest seriously (not just rhetorically) denounces these scandals he thereby excludes himself from the ecclesiastic community."

(he almost certainly expects the reader to extrapolate the same argument to Muslims who reject takfirism)

2. If we assume that Zizek is in fact, a right-Hegelian nationalist masquerading as a "Stalinist", we can presume he would partly locate the alleged failures of the USSR, both its violence and its (to him) prosaic humanism, with its "Jewish" concern with ethics and guilt:

"Against the utopia of mechanized collectivization, the high Stalinism of 30s stood for the return of ethics at its most violent, as an extreme measure to counteract the threat that traditional moral categories would be rendered meaningless, where unacceptable behavior would be perceived as involving the subjects guilt, but as a malfunctioning..."

From In Defense of Lost Causes

"Under Fascism, even in Nazi Germany, it was possible to survive, to maintain the appearance of a ‘normal’ everyday life, if one did not involve oneself in any oppositional political activity (and, of course, if one were not Jewish). Under Stalin in the late 1930s, on the other hand, nobody was safe: anyone could be unexpectedly denounced, arrested and shot as a traitor. The irrationality of Nazism was ‘condensed’ in anti-semitism – in its belief in the Jewish plot – while the irrationality of Stalinism pervaded the entire social body. For that reason, Nazi police investigators looked for proofs and traces of active opposition to the regime, whereas Stalin’s investigators were happy to fabricate evidence, invent plots etc."

From "The Two Totalitarianisms"

(Note the backhanded compliment to Fascist rationality and legality)

Remember also the he thinks the main problem with the Nazis was that they were "not violent enough." Hitler was still under the thrall of capitalism, the other face of the Jew, thus his revolution failed. They were were distracted by their one-sided reaction to the Bolshevik threat:

"Nazism was not radical enough, it did not dare to disturb the basic structure of the modern capitalist social space (which is why it had to invent and focus on destroying an external enemy, Jews). This is why one should oppose the fascination with Hitler according to which Hitler was, of course, a bad guy, responsible for the death of millions—but he definitely had balls, he pursued with iron will what he wanted. … This point is not only ethically repulsive, but simply wrong: no, Hitler did not ‘have the balls’ to really change things; he did not really act, all his actions were fundamentally reactions, i.e., he acted so that nothing would really change, he stages a big spectacle of Revolution so that the capitalist order could survive"

And it should be remembered that being governed by reactions, by ressentiment, as opposed to being active creators, has long been an alleged quality of the Judaic in secularized anti-Semitic discourse (of which Nietzsche has been the most notable codifier).

Edited by RedMaistre ()

we're through the looking glass....

its not worth really thinknig about or reading zizek or sam kriss tbh they're both bad but even bad goods are useful cops?





aerdil posted:

otoh now we have this pull quote: slavoj zizek on sam kriss' writing: "is simply ridiculous, theoretical nonsense. "


ilmdge posted:


getfiscal posted:

we're through the looking glass....

well it's already been established that zizek is fond of plagiarizing white supremacists.

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tpaine has shown me how to express my inner feelings about this situation
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Marx’s notion of Communist society is itself the inherent capitalist fantasy

-The Fragile Absolute, p19

What a pleasure having Zizek as a member of the 'left' is

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From Verso to Recto
Look at that big ol' can of air freshener on top of the toilet tank, I wonder what Zizek eats...
if the dead kennedy really wants to compete with the 'ziz he needs some good catchphrases. i suggest "ahaaaaaa!!" or maybe "knowing me, sam kriss, knowing you (whoever he's talking to)"