
Meursault posted:
Whoever that dickhole mod whp singled ME out for supposed islamaphobia whhen stuff like this is going on is a real coward lier piece of shit


Shut up bitch

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:
thats a yes.

messed up but true

Fucked up but halaal.
[account deactivated]
Do you think Hitler drank beer... Hitler is my indirect moral barometer on most things

Meursault posted:
Do you think Hitler drank beer... Hitler is my indirect moral barometer on most things

he liked putsching beer halls so yeah i guess

Imagine if your gf was muslim.... ouch
I dated a Muslim girl once and she used to wait till her parents were out of the house so i could come over and bring bacon and cook it for her. she used to call me up and tell me "my mum and dad are gone let's have a bacon party". eentually they told her they didn't really mind her eating bacon tbh. so she dumped me and started dating a white guy. owned, parents

littlegreenpills posted:
I dated a Muslim girl once and she used to wait till her parents were out of the house so i could come over and bring bacon and cook it for her. she used to call me up and tell me "my mum and dad are gone let's have a bacon party". eentually they told her they didn't really mind her eating bacon tbh. so she dumped me and started dating a white guy. owned, parents



littlegreenpills posted:
I dated a Muslim girl once and she used to wait till her parents were out of the house so i could come over and bring bacon and cook it for her. she used to call me up and tell me "my mum and dad are gone let's have a bacon party". eentually they told her they didn't really mind her eating bacon tbh. so she dumped me and started dating a white guy. owned, parents

I carbon dated a muslim girl, it was Aisha and she was 1612 years old, not 9 like islamophobes like to say.


littlegreenpills posted:
I dated a Muslim girl once and she used to wait till her parents were out of the house so i could come over and bring bacon and cook it for her. she used to call me up and tell me "my mum and dad are gone let's have a bacon party". eentually they told her they didn't really mind her eating bacon tbh. so she dumped me and started dating a white guy. owned, parents

one woman's search for rebellion

That paragraph makes me hungry for a big juicy bacon burger

littlegreenpills posted:
I dated a Muslim girl once and she used to wait till her parents were out of the house so i could come over and bring bacon and cook it for her. she used to call me up and tell me "my mum and dad are gone let's have a bacon party". eentually they told her they didn't really mind her eating bacon tbh. so she dumped me and started dating a white guy. owned, parents

Hate to break it to you bro but that was no muslim... You were dating a Goon my friend.

bacon: for the win, or for the epic win? sign up for my next webinar to find out
[account deactivated]
without bacon, how can you even build a serviceable meat ship? or even a respectable turtle burger? sometimes i wonder if muslims even care about shaping their barbecued food.
I live in the Bay Area CA which is like a bubble where people are pretty much as awesome as I've ever seen. Not to say that we're perfect, but you can surround yourself with as many well-meaning, intelligent people as you want in these parts.

That being said we are very contemptuous of the rest of America. I pretty much view anything from the Central Valley eastward (98% of America) as a place that I don't care to go or hear about, and that rule has treated me very well my whole life. We have everything here, from extremely liberal population areas to famous ski and hiking areas to some of the very best ocean scenery anywhere. Within 3 hours we can travel to do any kind of activity we wish, including Yosemite, Tahoe and Big Sur, Big Basin etc. and we are basically the technological hub of the United States. That ensures plenty of tech-minded people to talk to (and insane amounts of tech jobs for the taking), and it also ensures that our Craigslist is the best place to find high-end electronics and office chairs than anywhere else. Oh, you wanted a 1600p, 30 inch computer monitor for $600? No problem, it's the Bay Area.

It sucks that we get lumped in with the larger America, but what can you do? Life is outstanding in the Bay Area. Smart people come here in order to be smart with other smart, well-adjusted people. Or at least, we do that more consistently than anywhere else I've ever seen or heard of in the USA.

I think perhaps this thread is running the risk of overestimating men or at least young adults, though I can only offer my own experience. I am a twenty three year old man(child) virgin so should be fairly representative of your typical repressed and angry dude. I probably tug one out on average once a day, and have done since I was 13-14. I know for sure the longest time I have gone without doing so was two weeks while in Japan in constant proximity to close friends. I only got access to the internet when I was 18. I have jerked it in some really quite inappropriate places, including the anglican high-school library and a church of the salvation army. That gives you an idea of the strength of the motivation sometimes. I just really want to have orgasms, as often as possible. Have I been programmed that way? Or am I deprogramming (more likely)? I don't believe there is much anyone can do about this situation. I certainly don't feel entitled to sex. I am neither resigned to celibacy, nor incapable of normal functioning and healthy human relationships with men or women. It just doesn't run my life, though I think about sex a lot of the time, regardless of what women wear or how they react, or even if they are present at all. I don't objectify women. No-one expresses sexual interest in me, and I don't express sexual interest in them. I could count the number of times I have spoken to a female in a suggestive context on one hand, let alone propositioned one or had any serious sexualised contact with one. I am not a sex pest by any stretch of the imagination, and find the ever-present overly pushy or imposing attitudes and behaviours by some men towards women just as distasteful and agree with most of what has been posted in this thread.

Do orgasms fulfil my need for deeply loving and caring relationships? Hell no. I don't think sex ever will or even could. To me it's on the same level as expecting getting drunk to have that effect. That is to expect entirely too much. I think people need to divorce themselves from this idea of sex being the ultimate objective and sole purpose for existence. There are many more important things to consider, even as causes to some of the issues in this thread. It is incredibly hard to do, no-one is immune to marketing, not even those who recognise marketing for what it is. You may say you are immune, but I guarantee you you are not. No-one really knows exactly who they are, and what they are capable of, and anyone who says they do is fooling themselves. Men are not born into this world with any more idea how to deal with their inner feelings than women. What they are born into the world with is the biological urge to ejaculate every 24 hours on average from the ages 13 to whenever. You can express that or repress it, whatever. You are right that sexual frustration can lead to disappointment, loneliness and in particular insecurity. All I can say is that in my experience they are not inclusive. However what we as a society seem prudishly incapable of reliably providing to young men is an expansive discussion on the issue from experience - people who have been there, lived a life as a horny young man and maybe some strategies on how to deal with it.



girdles_gone_wild posted:

this girl owns, lmao.


babyfinland posted:
it haunts me that i probably turned like a hundred little kids into obnoxious trots via lf

ayyeee yooo, are u da dude wit dat weird cat paintin avatar from lf??? Yo i remember years ago me n my buds readin ur posts n us sayin dat we guess dat not all white people r bad u know? Yo how u doin after all these years, ur da shit


vinyl posted:

babyfinland posted:
it haunts me that i probably turned like a hundred little kids into obnoxious trots via lf

ayyeee yooo, are u da dude wit dat weird cat paintin avatar from lf??? Yo i remember years ago me n my buds readin ur posts n us sayin dat we guess dat not all white people r bad u know? Yo how u doin after all these years, ur da shit

He was hangin round a wendy's dumpster fishin for fried leavings & they came out an bleached the dumpsters to destroy the food & he became the whitest man. RIP, to those who white


girdles_gone_wild posted:

stealing thid for ~*my novel*~


vinyl posted:

babyfinland posted:
it haunts me that i probably turned like a hundred little kids into obnoxious trots via lf

ayyeee yooo, are u da dude wit dat weird cat paintin avatar from lf??? Yo i remember years ago me n my buds readin ur posts n us sayin dat we guess dat not all white people r bad u know? Yo how u doin after all these years, ur da shit

im well, still white, still da shit

still M.O.B., still middle finga to tha police