
girdles_gone_wild posted:

Doug posted:

girls are silly

doug are you cycloneboy's little brother or what?


doug rules

deadken posted:

babyfinland posted:

deadken posted:

this girl wants to write her essay for her religious studies class on me and my christianity. we're going to take acid together and im not going to try to have sex with her. im not.

i cringed irl when i read this

why do you think that.

i wrote out all the cringe worthy thigns in your sentence but it was basically just the sentence with the articles and other necessary grammar substracted

babyfinland: cringes because of girls and christianity and acid and not having sex? iono
i cut off my balls and penis because i was sad

deadken posted:

babyfinland: cringes because of girls and christianity and acid and not having sex? iono

anything to do with spirituality in a californian context is pretty cringeworthy

its cute when he does that because you can tell he's trying really hard to be some kind of ethical Authority when in fact he's a nerd who converted to islam
[account deactivated]
i think cycloneteen isnt really so much asexual as he is someone with zero experience in dealing with nonrelated members of the opposite sex.
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

its cute when he does that because you can tell he's trying really hard to be some kind of ethical Authority when in fact he's a nerd who converted to islam

couldnt have said it better myself

i love life

Goethestein posted:

i think cycloneteen isnt really so much asexual as he is someone with zero experience in dealing with nonrelated members of the opposite sex.

"ask me about sister fucking"

i am formally giving cycloneboy my blessings to engage in all the incest he wants. dont hold back
take him back
[account deactivated]
Fucking doug.

discipline posted:

Doug, take him back from where? What are you talking about? Calm down,Dougb

he's offering free cycloneman. don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


discipline posted:

Doug, take him back from where? What are you talking about? Calm down,Dougb

hes on my home forum and continually trolling me about things like integer factorization and

I can see the drugereport headline right now: animetar 'deep poster gets trolled about 'integer factorization'

Jerthebear posted:

where do i get chinese food

vietnam. weird huh


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

I can see the drugereport headline right now: animetar 'deep poster gets trolled about 'integer factorization'

i dont think anime poster 'soviet space dog' is a dipper fwiw

Q: I thought jizz moppers didn't exist anymore. Isn't it illegal to beat off in public places now?

If the police raid your video store and they find a bunch of guys all beating each other off, it can get your store closed down in a minute. But quiet jerkers in one-person booths are a different story. In places like New York it's harder to get away with it, but in Kansas City it's easier. The place I work at is on the edge of a trailer park, and we have a regular clientele with a minimum of the passing-through trade you'd get in a city.

Q: How much do you make?

Minimum wage, I'm afraid. You'd think it would be $80 an hour, but it's all about supply and demand. If I quit right now I don't know what I'd do and I'd probably be replaced in a minute.

Q: Can you tell what a guy's load will be like just by looking at him? You know, yellowish or more whitish, ropy or watery…

Thankfully, a lot of guys tend to wipe up their own cum with the towels provided. Usually the worst part of the job is emptying the trashcan full of jizzed-up fucking tissues in every single booth. They all get crusted together and form these 3-D sculptures out of jizz rag. I always wear rubber gloves and carry bleach so I don't have to worry about AIDS or anything like that. We also have a lot of Magic Trees and pine disinfectant to cover up the smell of cum.

Q: That works?

Sort of. You can still always kind of detect the cum smell. I leave the cleaning operations until the end of the day and hope that most of the people who use the booths will clean up after themselves.

Q: What's the worst thing you've seen on the job?

Once these two gay dudes were in a booth together, and I guess one of them had gotten his tooth so far up the other guy's urethra that his dick started to bleed on the dude's face. Cocks bleed a lot if they get a chance. Both of them started freaking out because of the blood and everything, all "Oh, my God, call an ambulance!" One of them was falling out of the booth with his pants around his ankles and the other one was wiping the blood off his face with his nasty rain jacket. That was fucked up. That was only my second week of working there.
[account deactivated]