a sales tax is a sort of revenue tax

Cycloneboy posted:

Goethestein posted:

Hello Mr. President ('s PR. Person)
why do you advocate feminist social engineering (the CIA funded Gloria Steinem and she worked for the CIA funded Independent Research Service - In her own words, reported in the New York Times and other places)
I know this is mostly a STATE issue but it is greatly facilitated at the federal level, so why aren't you protecting men and making male institutions when we are clearly the the victims of hypoagency here:
50% of marriages now end in a no fault divorce, rate is spiking higher
92% of woman receive custody of children, visitation rights favor the female party
Paternity fraud is 17.5% in the overall population, reaching 30-33% in the lower class bracket
Men are 8-10 times more likely to kill themselves than women.
Female cancer research has a 15:1 ratio for $ spent. Why do women receive 15 dollars for every 1 dollar a man gets?
Why don't you spend more to protect men when they die younger (75.6) vs woman (80.8)
Why are 93-97% (over multiple studies and census) of work places deaths MALE?
10.3% of males and 8.3% of females dropped out of high school, why Mr. President is this happening in a feminine centric space.
Why do only poor men go to war on the front lines Mr. President?
In 2016/2017, women are projected to earn 64.2% of Associate's degrees, 59.9% of Bachelor's degrees, 62.9% of Master's degrees, and 55.5% of Doctorates, why Mr. president is there still affirmative action?
Why Mr. president is domestic violence painted as a male initiated problem when it is sex-symmetrical? Why can women hit a man, but the man cannot retaliate when he gets injured?
Why are female false rape accusations never tried, why don't women go to jail for ruining someones life with an admittedly false claim?
Why do women receive more social security than men, but pay less into the system than men?
Why do you give incentive to FEMALE privilege, Mr. President?
Why are 70% of all the homeless male, Mr. President?
Why are 93% of prisoners male, Mr. President?
Why is over 1% of the population in jail? Higher than even the Chinese prison demographics.
What are you doing to combat fatherelessness and the statistics that come with it?:
Children from a fatherless home are 100% more likely to go to jail Children from a fatherless home are 63% of all youth suicides Children from a fatherless home are 85% of all children who exhibit behavioral disorders Children from a fatherless home are 71% of high school drop outs Children from a fatherless home are 70% of juvenile detentions Children from a fatherless home are 90% of all homeless and runaway children etc etc
What are you doing for Men's Rights Mr.President?

my only regret is that it is all so terribly true

keep fighting the good fight, my portly friend