you screwed up asking swampman those questions dude, he simply does not have the answers
Very carefully.
syriza faces the same thing pasok did when it was elected to government as a militant social democratic party. in the macro sense, not much has changed, as in the options they face are the exact same as they were immediately after the election. syriza leadership is either choosing to go through the motions of a negotiated settlement in an effort to soothe its internal right-wing faction, the right wing opposition, and foreign capital before playing Russia and the EU off each other, assuming they dont go balls out and adopt the KKE's market reform plan
syriza faces the same thing pasok did when it was first elected as a militant social democratic party, and the same thing it has since the election, at least in the macro sense. the leadership is either choosing to go through the motions of a negotiated settlement in an effort to soothe its internal right-wing faction, the right wing opposition, and foreign capital before playing Russia and the EU off each other or they will capitulate (assuming they dont go balls out and adopt the KKE's market reform plan)

Gibbonstrength posted:

those feckless Greeks getting what they deserve?

this is true, for them not using their electoral democracy to vote the KKE into power

they did vote KKE to power. KKE joined a coalition with the conservatives before. however this historic compromise did not lead to socialism i guess.
to be fair that KKE was basically proto-SYRIZA, but, i am not fair.

getfiscal posted:

they did vote KKE to power. KKE joined a coalition with the conservatives before. however this historic compromise did not lead to socialism i guess.


the leader of the SPD said something like 'german workers shouldn't have to pay out just because some other country elected a half-communist regime'. just shut up until you're asked to vote war credits again.
german workers lmao. first worldism is a hell of a drug
Can't spell nsdap without sdp
"So given those realities, what is Europe’s prevailing economic theory? “Dysfunctional neo-mercantilism,” Lapavitsas replies without hesitation. “The real problem with the eurozone is Germany—Germany is the delinquent country. There’s no two ways about it. It follows an utterly dysfunctional economic policy, which is basically to keep nominal real wages down with a view to gaining competitive advantage and thereby accumulate external surpluses, which is understood to be the source of wealth in Germany — this is why it is neomercantilism. The domestic economy is not doing well at all: a quick glance of the figures will tell you that.”

“But,” he continues, “they’re big exporters and the big banks are doing OK. Germany succeeds in accumulating these surpluses and therefore it has become the biggest lender in Europe, and as a result it has more power in Europe than at any other time since Hitler ruled the continent for a short period.”

I ask Lapavitsas whether, in light of his own provocative assessment of the situation, Syriza’s anti-austerity manifesto was unrealistic. “You’ve got to understand the power of Europeansim,” he replies. “It’s not very powerful in Britain, but it is on the continent, especially in the peripheral smaller, southern countries.”

And what is Europeanism? “It’s a mixture of things; it’s an ideology emanating from the core of the eurozone based on the idea of a Europe as a good thing in itself, which embodies all that is good about humanity. This is a powerful myth cultivated over two decades that has gained great traction amongst the left and you’ll find a very strong dose of it in large parts of Syriza. Europe is almost like a transcendental entity for these people. So it’s difficult for a lot of people in Syriza to believe that Europe is not like that. It’s very hard to give up on an idea."


With all due caveats, I really do wish Lapavitsas the best, at the end of the day.
I'm giving a presentation on this today. should clear everything up.
They're being forced to sneaky-cut pensions and run a government budget surplus so things will just get worse, resulting in a KKE-led revolution and a pandemic of Eurosocialismus.
actually this is happening later since nobody showed up. lol. it was a perfect storm, all the regulars were out of town or at the death grips show (smdh 17th type of liberalism) or packig for the trip everyone is taking tomorrow.
i feel like this is appropriate since the greek crisis keeps getting delayed.
i couldnt go and im bummed
i couldnt go and im bummed
destroy Whiteness and destroy "Europe" .okay bye. Bye
I feel like the southern and eastern europeans who are desperate to get into "Europe" are like the weak kid who the bullies get to do degrading stuff so he can "join the gang". Like all these austerity measures, they're looking at the cool bully kids the IMF and the Germans and saying hey, is this right, is this what you want? Same goes for the Ukrainian govt, did we bomb enough schools, are we in the gang now?

Crow posted:

destroy Whiteness and destroy "Europe" .okay bye. Bye

says a white guy

destroy pinkness

NoFreeWill posted:

Crow posted:

destroy Whiteness and destroy "Europe" .okay bye. Bye

says a white guy

i think, h e was referring to white as an identity in opposition to people of colour (ie a font of racism and a justification of imperialism), rather than white people in themselves, but what do i know, someone help me diap up

hey crow. china is a bit imperialist. come@me

Panopticon posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

Crow posted:

destroy Whiteness and destroy "Europe" .okay bye. Bye

says a white guy

i think, h e was referring to white as an identity in opposition to people of colour (ie a font of racism and a justification of imperialism), rather than white people in themselves, but what do i know, someone help me diap up

these are the same thing


Urbandale posted:

these are the same thing

whiteness and diaping up?


littlegreenpills posted:

china is a bit imperialist

u motherfcker

China is imperialist in the way that imperialism doesn't mean anything, but not in a concrete way tied to marxist theory. also, I'm slav. you are white, however, and it would be extremely funny to me if you killed yourself. I've made my peace with God.
im dave chappelle's white guy stereotype irl

Crow posted:

China is imperialist in the way that imperialism doesn't mean anything, but not in a concrete way tied to marxist theory. also, I'm slav. you are white, however, and it would be extremely funny to me if you killed yourself. I've made my peace with God.

so slavs aren't white now. lol


Urbandale posted:

.custom283582{color:#5C182A !important; background-color:#DADCF5 !important; }Panopticon posted:.custom283576{}NoFreeWill posted:.custom283444{color:#000000 !important; background-color:#E3E3E3 !important; }Crow posted:destroy Whiteness and destroy "Europe" .okay bye. Byesays a white guyi think, h e was referring to white as an identity in opposition to people of colour (ie a font of racism and a justification of imperialism), rather than white people in themselves, but what do i know, someone help me diap up

these are the same thing

whites will always rule, until we go extinct

you've got all the posting superstars on the ropes man, keep posting
tsipras is calling a referendum on the deal, with a grexit option, and tsipras will campaign for a no vote i guess. they are holding the vote july 5th, which seems unfeasible to me but yeah.
slavs were never white fucking lol

Urbandale posted:

slavs were never white fucking lol

i'm not white?

no offense but we're both settlers so

Urbandale posted:

no offense but we're both settlers so

i'm planning on leaving when i get enough money.


earlier today i told a KKE supporter:

"I think it's possible that the drift to the right will be complemented by a left pivot that will confuse people. The published deals they are circulating are barbaric but there are a lot of left gestures Tsipras could do that the Syriza middle could campaign on."

which i guess this is part of the left pivot. they want a snap referendum to avoid a fear campaign from the EU, and so they can't starve them in two weeks. i have some very basic problems with it i guess but we'll see how it goes. one main problem is that everyone gets a say, so if the working class says no then it gets imposed on them by the bourgeoisie. there's also the issue that the quality of grexit probably matters more than grexit itself, it's a precondition like nationalizing the banks. there are a lot of countries with large social ownership of financial institutions (even present-day germany) which are not socialist in any real sense.

Urbandale posted:

slavs were never white fucking lol

umm thanks for your opinion but we're going to have to consult your Strong man first... (fuckin russians it must be winter over there..)