you mean the same systematic exploitation of labor that forms the basis for the political beliefs of nearly every rhizzone poster? hmph
haha it really is amazing
Go to anywhere with a recent middle eastern immigration and you'll find young men who say shit to women, wether they're alone or with men. It was a big problem in australia, lebanese men would hassle women and couples and there were a lot of slashings too. But it stopped happening as much after cronulla, which goes to show you that sometimes it's important to have a race riot

Crow posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Crow posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Crow posted:
just organize the immigrant women to go around beating / shaming these guys. Win
who is going to organize those women?

The Party

The Party being imposed on muslim areas to "help" them? oh dear this is like central Asia all over again

yes, the party helped them, and 80% of people polled in kazakhstan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan during the mid 90s thought quality of life has declined since independence. also, that was a national question, and this is an internal question.

I think you guys are arguing in opposite directions. Aleksey is saying the central asian republics were much better off under the ussr than they are now, like most of the ussr. Tom is saying that this colonized population was better off before the colonization. Which is a consistent thing. Aleksey is sayingcolonization under the USSR was a much more benign thing than under capitalist countries. tom is saying it's always bad no matter what changed after USSR fell apart. Love and space


Myfanwy posted:

Tom is saying that this colonized population was better off before the colonization.

Well i dunno what their lots in life were before the russian colonization of the 19th century Lol. "Peace and fucking" - Nathan barley

they werent considered russian citizens and the previous khanates and emirates were basically left intact. the military government was basically concerned with the russian settlers in northern kazakhstan and the eastern caspian coast and making sure the indigenous population didnt cause any problems for them. it wasnt until the industrialization of the soviet union that colonial relations intensified into superexploitation
$$$uperexploitation by the union of $$$oviet $$$ocialist Republikkks
transnational feminism without a multinational communist project is racist and a sin
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woman is the faggot of the world

discipline posted:

it's ok to shame any man for harassing women on the street no matter what the race and religion and national involved is

Guido Raus! Keep America Irish

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it seems 2 me that u should see it as a compliment......
if integration and/or multiculturalism were easy everyone would be doing it, that shit takes time and effort (i'd imagine)

discipline posted:

intersectionality, unlike what most freaks on the internet will tell you, is actually very helpful to understanding these sorts of situations:

a french person has national privilege over an algerian person
a white person has race privilege over a person of color
a rich person has class privilege over a poor person
a man has sex and usually gender privilege over a woman

now prioritize them

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discipline posted:

I will crack open your ribcage like a king crab leg and festoon my bedchamber with your guts

now thats what im tolkein about


thirdplace posted:

if integration and/or multiculturalism were easy everyone would be doing it, that shit takes time and effort (i'd imagine)

Multiculturalism (n.) - "The idea that all cultures deserve equal respect, except Western culture which is uniquely bad."

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discipline posted:

I can't take street harassment anymore. it's the first question I ask when inquiring about any country I will go to visit. I literally yell at strangers in the street for denigrating women in public and I can no longer control myself. I'm wild and crazy, hog wild, real hooliganism

check out Queen Leopold over here

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usually when I'm walking down the street and people start complimenting me on my sexual attractiveness I'm flattered. but alas, the world doesn't work that way for racist, feminist homophobes.
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